PRIHS 8 Competition Opens

The Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Health System (PRIHS) Program was launched out of a shared commitment to develop research and innovation activities that contribute to health system sustainability in Alberta.

PRIHS is designed to align the expertise of researchers to create new knowledge with the evidence needs of health providers. The program provides opportunities for researchers and clinicians to implement promising solutions that address priority health system challenges in collaboration with Strategic Clinical Networks (SCNs) and Integrated Provincial Programs. By fostering innovation through collaboration, PRIHS accelerates health research and innovation outcomes into areas of strategic priority and need, with the potential to scale and spread to other patient populations and/or areas in the health system.

PRIHS offers leaders in our health system the opportunity to leverage digital and data-enabled technologies to further transform models of care, leading to improving patient outcomes, healthcare quality, value to the system and overall value for the people of Alberta.

Funding Details

Alberta Innovates and AHS are investing up to $5 million in the PRIHS 8 Program:

  • No maximum budget is set for each proposal;
  • The Project term is up to three years (2024 – 27);
  • Proposals with project terms less than 3 years are welcome to apply.

Application organization details

For a proposal to be considered for funding, applications must:

  • Align with the objectives of the Program;
  • Be represented by a Primary Lead (Applicant Representative) who holds an academic or research appointment at an Alberta-based Post-Secondary Institution; and
  • Be in good financial standing with Alberta Innovates and its subsidiaries InnoTech Alberta and C-Fer Technologies
  • Include one co-lead (Co-Applicant Representative) from the SCN or Integrated Provincial Program Leadership Team;
  • Address a priority as outlined in the Transformational Roadmap of an SCN or Integrated Provincial Program;
  • Consist of one or more evidence-based digital health solution(s) that can be formulated into an implementation study leading to the development of an innovative care model;
  • Be supported by strong evidence of measurable impact (improve or maintain) patient health (i.e., clinical effectiveness) that results in a system benefit (generated from pilot testing in Alberta (preferable) or another health care setting);
  • Have the potential to deliver significant, measurable impact to health system performance;
  • Include key project milestones based on metrics and deliverables, stepped with critical “go/no go” decision points;
  • Demonstrate a significant positive impact on the utilization of health resources within the timeframe of a PRIHS grant i.e., tests a solution that can likely generate cost savings and/or help avoid future costs; and
  • Submit to other criteria that Alberta Innovates may develop from time to time.

For further details, including application deadlines, please consult the PRIHS 8 webpage.

Information Webinars

  • University of Alberta Information Webinar: Tuesday, April 11, 2023, 1- 3 p.m MST - Register Here
  • University of Calgary Information Webinar: Wednesday, April 12, 2023 - 1- 3 p.m MST - Register Here
Contact Name
Esther Ekpe Adewuyi
Grant Location
External Deadline
Internal Deadline
Grant Type
Grant Area
Grant Eligibility