Inuit Cultural Education Centres Grant Program


This program supports Inuit individuals and communities in expressing, preserving, developing and promoting their cultural heritage.

The program also helps Inuit share their cultural heritage with other Canadians, promoting cross-cultural awareness between Inuit and non-Inuit communities.

A maximum amount of $5,000 per recipient is available for eligible expenditures within a fiscal year.

Who can apply? 

  • Inuit individuals ordinarily resident in: 
    • Nunatsiavut (Labrador)
    • Nunavik (Quebec)
    • Nunavut
    • Inuvialuit Settlement Region in the Northwest Territories
  • Community-based Inuit cultural education centres

Inuit cultural education centres can also apply for the First Nations and Inuit Cultural Education Centres Program.


The deadline to submit proposals is May 6, 2022.


Applicants must submit detailed proposals clearly stating how the proposed project will meet program objectives.

Indigenous Services Canada (ISC)'s regional staff review and approve proposals.

Please follow the instructions in the Inuit Cultural Education Centres Grant Program: National Program Guidelines 2022 to 2023.

Only electronic forms are accepted. If you have access to ISC’s Services Portal you can get the electronic form by opening a session on the portal. If you do not have access to the portal, contact your ISC regional office to get access to the portal.

All proposals will be assessed by these criteria.

To find out more, contact ISC by email at education-education@sac-isc.gc.caor by telephone at 1-800-567-9604 and ask to speak to an education officer.

Related links


Contact Name: 
Emma Dering
Grant Amount: 
Grant Location: 
External Deadline: 
Friday, May 6, 2022
Internal Deadline: 
Monday, May 2, 2022
Grant Type: 
Grant Area: 
Social Science
Grant Eligibility: 