Encouraging Vaccine Confidence in Canada

Encouraging vaccine confidence in Canada PromoScience grants support organizations with strong track records of science and/or health promotion to deliver evidence-based, vaccine-promoting information to key communities and groups and/or to build capacity in the community to promote confidence in vaccines. Jointly administered by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), it is expected that funded activities will mobilize knowledge to improve public understanding of vaccines and help Canadians to make evidence-based decisions, especially among populations that are hesitant about vaccines. Activities supported by these grants should encourage participants to become discerning consumers of natural sciences and engineering, humanities and social sciences, and health information. Through their proposed activities, organizations should aim to build on existing networks, infrastructures and relationships with Canadian and international partners where possible.


If you are a Canadian

  • registered non-profit organization
  • post-secondary institution
  • non-federal museum or science centre

you can apply for this grant. You should have experience in communication related to natural sciences and engineering, humanities and social sciences, and/or health topics.

See Application for Full Eligibility Details

Agency Name
Contact Name
Sola Fasunwon
Grant Amount
Up to $50,000 for 1 year
Grant Location
External Deadline
Internal Deadline
Grant Type
Grant Area
Natural Science
Social Science
Grant Eligibility