Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation (CanLyme) Venture Grants

The Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation Venture Grants program supports research on Lyme and associated tick-borne diseases. The Foundation’s goal is to increase knowledge and understanding of borreliosis in Canada, and to support high quality research that informs Canadian public health policy. Our primary focus is research that has potential application to human illness. Researchers from Canadian universities are particularly encouraged to apply. Non-citizens of Canada are eligible to receive grant support from this program, but the research has to be carried out at a Canadian Institution.

Funds may be used to pay for direct costs of research, such as student stipends, lab consumables and minor equipment. Overhead or indirect costs are not eligible for Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation funds. Successful applicants are required to submit annual reports for the duration of the funding, and are requested to submit a digital photo related to the research for posting on the Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation website. Financial support by the Foundation should be acknowledged in resulting publications.


Agency Name: 
Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation
Contact Name: 
Keiko McFarland (
Grant Amount: 
$10,000, renewable for up to two years
Grant Location: 
Grant Type: 
Grant Area: 
Grant Eligibility: 