ALS Canada-Brain Canada Discovery Grants Program 2020
The 2020 Discovery Grants Program encompasses applications previously designated as Project Grants. The purpose of the program is to invest in the best possible projects that are i) novel or innovative research approaches, supported by sound rationale and a feasible experimental plan, but not necessarily preliminary data, ii) focused on identifying causes of, or treatments for ALS and/or related neurological diseases, including primary lateral sclerosis, progressive muscular atrophy, and ALS/FTLD (frontotemporal lobar dementia), or iii) research focused on avenues to maximize function, minimize disability and optimize quality of life through symptom management, and support to families and persons or families living with ALS. Examples include, but are not limited to, management of secretions and cramps, psychological interventions to address mental health issues, nutritional interventions, respiratory care, engineering applications to reduce physical limitations, and programs to address the needs of caregivers.
The Discovery Grants Program is designed to support teams of multiple investigators and especially encourages multidisciplinary teams with individuals from outside the field who can combine their expertise in novel or innovative ways.
Complete applications should be submitted via email to the ALS Canada Research Team (, as a single PDF file by 1:00 pm ET on September 25, 2020. Applicants should request delivery and read receipts. An email acknowledging receipt of the application will be sent. Up to two individuals may be excluded as reviewers.