Struggling with citations? We got you covered!
Struggling with citations? We got you covered!
Who said, “Romance is dead?”
There are no red flags to be found at ULethbridge Library’s Bring Your Own Book Club.
Join the BYOB Club and feel the love as we discuss romance novels!
In your next research project, will you need to analyze a fair amount of qualitative data (e.g., interviews, focus groups, open-ended survey questions)?
In your next research project, will you need to analyze a fair amount of qualitative data (e.g., interviews, focus groups, open-ended survey questions)?
Come and join us for our Project Sandbox Craft n' Chill cross stitching event!
Simulacra and Supertalls in China: Innovation, ostentation & regulation by Ian MacLachlan & Yue Gong (Wuhan University)