Internship in Therapeutic Recreation

We worked closely with the Alberta Therapeutic Recreation Association, employers, supervisors, and practitioners to develop a meaningful experience. Students will benefit from working with experienced supervisors, practitioners, allied health professionals, and researchers who will provide them with a first-rate experience. Such a partnership model fosters a learning culture that supports continuing professional development and lifelong learning for our students.  Below students will find important documents and links to guide them through the placement process.

Frequently Asked Questions - Internship

Placement Process Contacts
  • Internship Coordinator: Networks and connects with potential supervisors and agencies to build capacity for internships, provides guidance on ensuring alignment with NCTRC, provides guidance to students seeking placement. (
  • Internship Specialist: Supports students with pre-internship documentation requirements and internship applications. Works closely with Internship coordinator and agencies. (

  • Academic supervisor: This is your U of L TREC 4550 course instructor and your main contact at the university while completing your internship. Works closely with students and their site supervisor during the internship.

  • Site/Agency supervisor: This is your day-to-day on site CTRS supervisor who provides you with direct supervision.


Meeting 1

Meeting 2

Meeting 3

Resume and Cover Letter Information Video
