Joyce & Ron Sakamoto Prize for Research & Development in DAA
The Faculty of Fine Arts Department of Music is pleased to announce the annual research award competition in honour of Joyce and Ron Sakamoto. This prize is awarded to a student pursuing a Bachelor of Music in Digital Audio Arts (DAA), or to a team of students working within a collaborative framework and being led by a BMus DAA student. The mandate of the Joyce and Ron Sakamoto Prize is to acknowledge and foster research excellence in Digital Audio Arts at the University of Lethbridge. Recipients of the prize will receive $5000 for research-related expenses.
Successful music business professionals and long-time supporters of the Department of Music at uLethbridge, the Sakamotos have established this award to encourage gifted music students to pursue careers in the digital audio arts. Apply with a course-credit research proposal as an individual or a team of students, and supporting documentation from the research supervisor. Project will encompass a 4-8 month plan with detailed financial and logistical timeframes, including report dates and outcomes. Recipient will be selected by the Digital Audio Arts Steering Committee within the Department of Music, on a basis of demonstrated proficiency in DAA measured by exemplary creative work, overall ability, and/or potential.
Value: $5000 (if awarded to a team, divided equally)
Number: 1
Eligibility: Full-time second or third year BMus student pursuing a major in Digital Audio Arts at the time of application. Must maintain full-time status throughout the project.
Deadline: March 17, 2025 | 11:59 pm MT
Sakamoto Prize Application Form
Prize Conditions
- Research leader (and first author of application) must be a full-time second or third year BMus student pursuing a major in Digital Audio Arts at the time of application and must maintain their full-time status throughout the project.
- Project duration must be from four to eight months beginning in the Fall Term. A commencement in the Summer Term will be considered.
- Project must be supervised by a Music faculty member (or supervisory group) even if the project crosses multiple disciplines. The supervisor must be available for the complete duration of the project.
- Applicants must be prepared to publicly present their work in a final exhibition/production during the school year following the completion of the project. A research report must accompany the final exhibition, outlining research findings, conclusions and future directions. An expense report must also be included.
- Research must be in the field of digital audio art and music technology. Interdisciplinary projects are strongly encouraged.
- The prize selection committee will be looking for project diversity and evidence of experimentation. Originality and uniqueness will be significant evaluation criteria.
- Decisions regarding the award lie with the committee and all decisions are final.
Address applications to: Digital Audio Arts Steering Committee, Joyce and Ron Sakamoto Prize
Submit completed applications to the Music Department Office in W660 or by email to
Award Quick Look
Deadline: Monday, March 17, 2025
Amount: $5000
Student status: Full Time
Type: Internal
More information:
- Music