DSpace 8

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Recent Submissions

Malevich's post-suprematist painting and the construction of history
(Bryn Mawr College, 2012) Gasper-Hulvat, Marie E.
This dissertation discusses Kazimir Malevich’s post-abstract, post-suprematist figurative work by drawing upon semiotic and post-structuralist theories, addressing questions such as: Why did Malevich return to painting figures after adamantly abandoning them for pure abstraction? How do these figures re-figure or resist abstraction? Why did he paint inexact replicas of his own pre-Suprematist works, and why did he give them dates that were similar, or even prior, to the dates of their prototypes? How did he manage to put on an exhibition of his intellectually challenging, subversive works in 1929, at the first moments of sustained state support for protosocialist realism, at one of the most important museums of Russian art in the Soviet Union, the Tretiakov Gallery in Moscow? How are contemporaneously contested identities of the artist, the Russian peasant, and the Soviet citizen reflected and refracted in the paintings displayed at this exhibition?
The role of psychopathology in parent ratings of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder symptoms and child behavior problems
(University of Toledo, 1998) Radpour-Markert, Laili
Study data was obtained retrospectively from the case files of 66 children referred for behavioral evaluation at an ADHD clinic. MANOVAs were performed between parental self-reported psychopathology and parent-teacher differences on the CBCL. Findings showed that mothers with elevated symptoms on the SCL-90-R (consisting of global distress (GSI), Obsessive-Compulsive, Hostility, Somatization, Paranoid Ideation, and Phobic Anxiety) had significantly different mother-teacher ratings for child internalizing and externalizing behavior problems than their non-distressed counterparts. Findings also showed that fathers with elevated symptoms (consisting of GSI, Anxisty, Interpersonal Sensitivity, Hostility, Psychoticism, Paranoid Ideation, and Depression) had significantly different father-teacher ratings for child internalizing and externalizing behavior problems, than their non-distressed counterparts.
The Grapevine Creek Buffalo Jump Complex: interdisciplinary research on the Crow Reservation, Montana
(Indiana University, 2018) Nathan, Rebecca A.
This work explores the Grapevine Creek Buffalo Jump Complex, a Late Prehistoric cultural landscape on the southern border of the Crow Reservation in south-central Montana, USA. The Grapevine Creek drainage is located at a geographic crossroads, being at a major river crossing as well as being the gateway between the Bighorn Basin and the Missouri Plateau. Prehistoric hunters took advantage of this fact to successfully capitalize on game movement through the drainage. Just as game were drawn to the area, so were different groups of people, as evidenced in the archaeological and ethnohistoric records. This concept of intersectionality is explored in my dissertation by drawing on the subdisciplines of ethnohistory, Indigenous archaeology, geoarchaeology, and zooarchaeology. Grapevine Creek plays a prominent role in the oral traditions and oral histories of the Crow Tribe and as such is a physical place where two forms of truth meet: oral traditions and histories and the archaeological record. Utilizing both, function may be ascribed to the large variety of archaeological features identified at Grapevine Creek. Fieldwork for the project spanned three seasons and was performed by a collaborative crew from several institutions, including Indiana University, University of Arizona, Little Big Horn College, and the Crow Tribal Historic Preservation Office. Standard field methods including pedestrian survey, GPS data collection, and a large subsurface testing regime were used to collect data in the field. The Grapevine Creek buffalo jumping complex is an important addition to our understanding of Prehistoric settlement and subsistence patterns on the high plains. Through the practice of community-based participatory research I explore the challenges and benefits of living and working with an Indigenous community while conducting original research on the cultural history of the region
Gamma functions and Gauss sums for function fields and periods of Drinfeld modules
(Harvard University, 1987) Thakur, Dinesh S., 1961-
We define gamma functions for function fields and interpolate them at all places, refining the construction due to Carlitz and Goss for the rational function field by including the degree part and generalising it. We prove reflection and multiplication formulae for them and relate the special values, for the infinite place, to the periods of appropriate Drinfeld modules.
"Victory is our only road to peace": Texas, wartime morale, and Confederate nationalism, 1860-1865
(University of North Texas, 2008) Lang, Andrew F.
This thesis explores the impact of home front and battlefield morale on Texas's civilian and military population during the Civil War. It addresses the creation, maintenance, and eventual surrender of Confederate nationalism and identity among Texans from five different counties: Colorado, Dallas, Galveston, Harrison and Travis. The war divided Texans into three distinct groups: civilians on the homefront, soldiers serving in theaters outside of the state, and soldiers serving within Texas's borders. Different environments, experiences, and morale affected the manner in which civilians and soldiers identified with the Confederate war effort. This study relies on contemporary letters, diaries, newspaper reports, and government records to evaluate how morale influences national dedication and loyalty to the Confederacy among various segments of Texas's population.