Indigenous Wellness Initiative

Indigenous Wellness Initiative

The Indigenous Wellness Initiative — Ayaahkimina (encouraging you to try hard) — is a foundation to provide support and resources for, and foster the wellbeing of Indigenous students at the University of Lethbridge. 

As part of Iikaisskini Indigenous Services, this initiative is led by Santanita Oka (BHSc '16), Indigenous Mental Health Outreach Worker.

We can help connect you to Elders/Knowledge Keepers, provide counselling and referrals, share resources and offer support. We also organize many wellness events and cultural events throughout the year. 

If you are in need of support, or would like more information about Indigenous Wellness Initiatives, please email

You can also visit the Notice Board for information about upcoming events.

Siipoimoststa (Night Raider Woman), Santanita Oka (BHSc '16)
Indigenous Mental Health Outreach Worker




In addition to ULethbridge counselling services, and Iikaisskini Indigenous Services supports, the following resources are available:

* ULethbridge employees can access support through the University’s Employee and Family Assistance Program: 1-800-663-1142.

* NIHB AB Region’s telephone, which provides free counselling for all Status Indigenous Peoples: 1-800-232-7301.

* IRS RHSP AB Region’s telephone: 1-888-495-6588. This is a great resource to access mental health support for anyone who has been directly or indirectly impacted by the Indian Residential School system.

* 24-hour Indian Residential Schools Crisis Line: 1-866-925-4419. For former residential school survivors in distress or anyone affected by the residential school system.

* Opokaa’sin Family Resource Network

* Sik-Ooh-Kotoki Friendship Society

Gold coloured feather with the Blackfoot word Ayaahkimina which means "encouraging you to try hard"




"Encouraging you to try hard"