Informational Videos
The transition to university can be tough, and we aren’t just talking about adjusting to tough classes. During your time here at ULethbridge, you’ll be faced with so many new challenges, and we want to help you navigate them. Our goal is to provide you with the resources you need to take care of yourself, each other, and this place. Review the videos below to educate yourself on a variety of topics.
Housing How-To Videos
Living alongside the breathtaking Coulees has its perks, but it also means sharing the space with a few local critters! Here’s how you can keep them from wandering indoors:
- Keep exterior doors closed when not in use.
- Store food in sealed containers.
- Keep things clean and tidy.
- Dispose of garbage regularly and properly.
Let’s enjoy the beauty of the Coulees while keeping our living spaces critter-free!
Did you order something? Wondering why your delivery says 'delivered' but it’s not available for pickup at Housing Services yet? Don’t worry!
Parcels go through Shipping & Receiving on campus, so it can take at least 24 hours to reach the Housing Services Office.
We’ll send you an email when your parcel is ready—just remember to bring your photo ID when you come to pick it up!
Over the summer of 2024, we upgraded our lock & card system! Say goodbye to fobs and hello to sleek new access cards.
If you encounter any lock troubles, simply count to 30 and try again—our locks just need a brief moment to wake up after a bit of inactivity.
And remember: keep your card on hand, and doors will always open as planned!