Student Honours
Dean's Honour List
Every Fall and Spring, students with outstanding academic performance are recognized on the Dean’s Honour List. This is a significant accomplishment, which places students among the very best at the University of Lethbridge. There are two ways to qualify for the Dean’s Honour List:
- Students completing four or more graded courses in one term must achieve a GPA of 3.75 or higher on these courses; or,
- Students completing three or fewer courses in one term must achieve a GPA of 3.75 or higher on these courses AND must have a cumulative University of Lethbridge GPA of 3.75 or higher AND must have completed a minimum of four graded courses at the University, including the current term.
Last Name | First Name | Program |
Abdi | Ridwan | BHS Public Health |
Adah | Margaret | Bachelor of Nursing |
Agbayani | Maria | BHS Public Health |
Akunne | Chigozie | Bachelor of Nursing AD |
Anderson | Adrianna | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
Arevalo | Mich | Bachelor of Nursing AD |
Armstrong | Megan | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
Arteaga Perez | Dianne | BHS/BA Addictions/Psychology |
Ayilara | Olayinka | BHS Public Health |
Babe | Jessica | BHS Addictions Counselling |
Bailes | Caitlyn | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
Barrington | Rebecca | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
Bell | Grace | Bachelor of Nursing |
Berthiaume | Jayme | BHS Addictions Counselling |
Bezaire | Maeve | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
Bilton | Caitlin | PD BHSc Public Health |
Boles | Raeanne | Bachelor of Nursing AD |
Boroumand | Parisa | BHS Public Health |
Bradshaw | Emily | Bachelor of Nursing |
Briones | Andrei | Bachelor of Nursing |
Bryk | Jessica | BHS Public Health |
Cheng | Michelle | BHS Public Health |
Chukwudi | Adaobi | Bachelor of Nursing AD |
Costa-Kulbaba | Emilee | BHS Addictions Counselling |
Cowie | Shalise | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
Coyne | Erin | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
Davidowitz | Anna | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
Day | Jessica | PD BHSc Public Health |
Deitzer | Lucy | PD BHSc Public Health |
Demedeiros | Athena | BHS Addictions Counselling |
Douglas | Kayleen | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
Duran | Mary Ann | Bachelor of Nursing |
Dutrisac | Michelle | PD BHSc Public Health |
Eckert | Kimmy | BHS Aboriginal Health |
Eng | Tracy | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
Engler | Ashley | BHS Addictions Counselling |
Evans | Bryn | Bachelor of Nursing |
Feldmann | Danielle | PD BHSc Public Health |
Fernandez | Kat | PD BHSc Public Health |
Fisher | Leanne | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
Fraser | Alexander | BHS Public Health |
Gaumont | Brette | Bachelor of Nursing |
Gibson | Rowan | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
Giles | Emily | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
Gilmour | Desiree | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
Godin | Claire | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
Going | Alissa | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
Gordon | Shannah | Bachelor of Nursing |
Gregory | Edward | PD BHSc Public Health |
Harms | Mackenzie | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
Harris | Harley | Bachelor of Nursing |
Harrison | Angela | BHS Addictions Counselling |
Holberton | Kourtney | Bachelor of Nursing |
Hornbeck | Caitlin | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
Huisman | Jaiden | Bachelor of Nursing |
Inche | lisa | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
Islam | Afifa | BHS Public Health |
Itzeck | Johanna | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
Iwashita | Joe | Bachelor of Nursing |
Jakovljevic | Jaime | Bachelor of Nursing |
Jensen | Brooke | Bachelor of Nursing |
Johnston | Destyni | BHS Addictions Counselling |
Joseph | Haley | BHS/BA Addictions/Psychology |
Klassen | Amara | Bachelor of Nursing |
Knight | Colby | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
Kola-Ojo | Sarah | BHS Public Health |
Konynenbelt | Emilee | PD BHSc Public Health |
Kozak | Faith | Bachelor of Nursing |
Kuziw | Samantha | Bachelor of Nursing |
Lebsack | Ashley | Bachelor of Nursing |
Loke | Anthony | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
Machielse | Kelly | PD BHSc Public Health |
Mack | Corra | BHS/BA Addictions/Psychology |
Maley | Breanna | BHS Addictions Counselling |
Maret | Melissa | Bachelor of Nursing |
Maroney | Hailey | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
Martens | Paige | Bachelor of Nursing |
Mathieson | Emily | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
McChesney | Molly | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
Mehedi | Saada | PD BHSc Public Health |
Miller | Ashley | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
Miller | Senta | PD BHSc Public Health |
Morrison | Megan | Bachelor of Nursing |
Morton | Lauren | Bachelor of Nursing |
Murray | Mackenzie | PD BHSc Public Health |
Nair | Parvathi | PD BHSc Public Health |
Nelson | Abby | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
Neufeld | Camryn | BHS Addictions Counselling |
Newman | Megan | PD BHSc Public Health |
Ntsiako | Kenneth | BHS Public Health |
Nwokolo | Anita | PD BHSc Public Health |
Obika | Obiageli | Bachelor of Nursing AD |
O'Brien | Lindsay | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
Obrutu | Kome | BHS Public Health |
Ogunbor | Jennifer | PD BHSc Public Health |
Olinek | Paige | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
Olutayo | Mofifoluwa | PD BHSc Public Health |
Orel | Elizabeth | Bachelor of Nursing AD |
Pascual | Jaliana | Bachelor of Nursing |
Peever | Azariah | Bachelor of Nursing |
Peter | Victoria | Bachelor of Nursing |
Plata | Mark | PD BHSc Public Health |
Pradhan | Bhawana | BHS/BMgt Public Hlth/Econ |
Prins | Cortney | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
Ramos | Trinity Ley | Bachelor of Nursing |
Rathgeber | Aurora | BHS/BA Addictions/Psychology |
Robinson | Seamus | Bachelor of Nursing |
Runte | Kasia | BHS Aboriginal Health |
Rush | Amanda | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
Schaffer | Dakota | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
Schell | Taylor | Bachelor of Nursing |
Schlenker | Melissa | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
Seely | Elena | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
Shim | Tae | PD BHSc Public Health |
Shodeinde | Deborah | Bachelor of Nursing AD |
Snedden | Katelynn | PD BHSc Public Health |
Sommerfeldt | Mackenzie | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
Soremekun | Halima | BHS Public Health |
Spotted Bull | Chris | Bachelor of Nursing |
Suntjens | Camryn | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
Tarcon | Meghan | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
Taylor | Kelsey | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
Thielen | Lauren | Bachelor of Nursing |
Thomaschewski | Kira | Bachelor of Nursing |
Thompson | Sarah | Bachelor of Nursing AD |
Thompson | Tamara | PD BHSc Public Health |
Tobler | Mandy | BHS Aboriginal Health |
Turnbull | Stacy | PD BHSc Public Health |
Uketui | Augustine | Bachelor of Nursing AD |
Vanden Brink | Rochelle | Bachelor of Nursing |
Veis | Amy | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
Vis | Timothy | Bachelor of Nursing |
Wang | Yunuo | BHS Public Health |
Welk | Lexi | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
Wilton | Terry | PD BHSc Public Health |
Wyllie-Butler | Angelina | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
Yagos | Nic | Bachelor of Nursing |
Yakiwchuk | Megan | Bachelor of Nursing |
Yousef | Ladan | PD BHSc Public Health |
Zwart | Emma | Bach of Therapeutic Recreation |
First Name | Last Name | Program |
Olu | Adeleke | Bachelor of Nursing |
Regan | Armstrong | Bachelor of Nursing |
Khrystene | Ayson | Bachelor of Nursing |
Grace | Bell | Bachelor of Nursing |
Japji | Bhangu | Bachelor of Nursing |
Ben | Boehme | Bachelor of Nursing |
Shiana | Bradley | Bachelor of Nursing |
Ben | Brinkman | Bachelor of Nursing |
Andrei | Briones | Bachelor of Nursing |
Madeline | Bruce | Bachelor of Nursing |
Mandi | Bulechowsky | Bachelor of Nursing |
Spencer | Bullock | Bachelor of Nursing |
Cassidy | Chamberlin | Bachelor of Nursing |
Antonette | Clata | Bachelor of Nursing |
Courtney | Deemter | Bachelor of Nursing |
Christopher | Deniega | Bachelor of Nursing |
Denby | Ettenhofer | Bachelor of Nursing |
Bryn | Evans | Bachelor of Nursing |
Kayley | Farrell | Bachelor of Nursing |
Charles | Ganiban | Bachelor of Nursing |
Brette | Gaumont | Bachelor of Nursing |
Alena | Giudice | Bachelor of Nursing |
Katie | Gregus | Bachelor of Nursing |
Faith | Gryde | Bachelor of Nursing |
Harley | Harris | Bachelor of Nursing |
Taryn | Haubrich | Bachelor of Nursing |
Graycie | HeavyShield | Bachelor of Nursing |
Elizabeth | Hill | Bachelor of Nursing |
Ashley | Huck | Bachelor of Nursing |
Jaiden | Huisman | Bachelor of Nursing |
Aloysius | Iguegbe | Bachelor of Nursing |
Jaime | Jakovljevic | Bachelor of Nursing |
Kaitlyn | Kirby | Bachelor of Nursing |
Colleen | Klassen | Bachelor of Nursing |
Katrina | Kocsis | Bachelor of Nursing |
Taylor | Kohls | Bachelor of Nursing |
Samantha | Kuziw | Bachelor of Nursing |
Ashley | Lebsack | Bachelor of Nursing |
Tori | Lehbauer | Bachelor of Nursing |
Mikayla | Lord | Bachelor of Nursing |
Graeme | McIntosh | Bachelor of Nursing |
Graci | Mohr | Bachelor of Nursing |
Lauren | Morton | Bachelor of Nursing |
Kanisha | Patel | Bachelor of Nursing |
Cheyanne | Peters | Bachelor of Nursing |
Eliza | Poettcker | Bachelor of Nursing |
Ely | Ramos | Bachelor of Nursing |
Haylee | Reed | Bachelor of Nursing |
Holly | Rice | Bachelor of Nursing |
Abi | Rideout | Bachelor of Nursing |
Charlise | Ring | Bachelor of Nursing |
Seamus | Robinson | Bachelor of Nursing |
Kareena | Sharma | Bachelor of Nursing |
Emily | Stevenson | Bachelor of Nursing |
Kira | Thomaschewski | Bachelor of Nursing |
Samantha | Wilkinson | Bachelor of Nursing |
Stephanie | Wong | Bachelor of Nursing |
Madison | Woodward | Bachelor of Nursing |
Adrianna | Anderson | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Megan | Armstrong | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Ja'net | Barchard-Smith | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Rebecca | Barrington | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Pam | Bennett | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Lindsay | Carlson | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Julie | Chomlak | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Melissa | Companion | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Rhea | Constantino | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Erin | Coyne | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Julia | Dayman | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Kayleen | Douglas | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Taylor | Dugas | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Tracy | Eng | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Elise | Fisher | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Leanne | Fisher | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Pauline | Gebbie | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Rowan | Gibson | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Desiree | Gilmour | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Lyndsey | Greer | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Tara | Hagarty | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Mackenzie | Harms | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Caitlin | Hornbeck | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
lisa | Inche | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Paula | Jacobs | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Surj | Jhaj | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Sarah | Johre | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Hailey | Maroney | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Molly | McChesney | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Megan | McGowan | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Ashley | Miller | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Amy | Mulder | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Taylor | Myshak | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Abby | Nelson | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Lindsay | O'Brien | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Paige | Olinek | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Anna | Or | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Jessica | Predy | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Dakota | Schaffer | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Melissa | Schlenker | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Karin | Serbin | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Christine | Simpson | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Japandeep | Sohal | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Jeremey | Switzer | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Kelsey | Taylor | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Maeve | Verbeek | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Audrey | Wamboldt | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Lexi | Welk | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Leanne | Woolf | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Angelina | Wyllie-Butler | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Rachel | Yuen | Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation |
Kasia | Runte | BHS Aboriginal Health |
Jessica | Babe | BHS Addictions Counselling |
Jayme | Berthiaume | BHS Addictions Counselling |
Graham | Black | BHS Addictions Counselling |
Barry | Boateng | BHS Addictions Counselling |
Emilee | Costa-Kulbaba | BHS Addictions Counselling |
Grace | Disney | BHS Addictions Counselling |
Natalie | Gulka | BHS Addictions Counselling |
Angela | Harrison | BHS Addictions Counselling |
Lukas | Harvey | BHS Addictions Counselling |
Ella | Hofer | BHS Addictions Counselling |
Viktoria | Jones | BHS Addictions Counselling |
Haley | Joseph | BHS Addictions Counselling |
Juanita | Lamptey | BHS Addictions Counselling |
Josiah | Leclerc | BHS Addictions Counselling |
Breanna | Maley | BHS Addictions Counselling |
Samantha | Mykytiuk | BHS Addictions Counselling |
Abiodun | Oni | BHS Addictions Counselling |
Brandon | Paterson | BHS Addictions Counselling |
Karey | Rieder | BHS Addictions Counselling |
Kahl | Stickel | BHS Addictions Counselling |
Mike | Tollestrup | BHS Addictions Counselling |
Amber | Vander Woude | BHS Addictions Counselling |
Ryan | Watkins | BHS Addictions Counselling |
Emily | Wiltse | BHS Addictions Counselling |
Ridwan | Abdi | BHS Public Health |
Maria | Agbayani | BHS Public Health |
Taniya | Anthony | BHS Public Health |
Olayinka | Ayilara | BHS Public Health |
Selam | Bahta | BHS Public Health |
Caitlin | Bilton | BHS Public Health |
Navjeet | Brar | BHS Public Health |
Jessica | Bryk | BHS Public Health |
Shaelyn | Butchart | BHS Public Health |
Michelle | Cheng | BHS Public Health |
Beth | Coulter-Andrejcsik | BHS Public Health |
Andie | Curran | BHS Public Health |
Michelle | Dutrisac | BHS Public Health |
Osato | Edokpolo | BHS Public Health |
Shelaine | Fleck | BHS Public Health |
Jason | Funkhouser | BHS Public Health |
Avery | Gouw | BHS Public Health |
Edward | Gregory | BHS Public Health |
Mackenzie | Hamm | BHS Public Health |
Mackenzie | Holm | BHS Public Health |
Chidimma | Ifi | BHS Public Health |
Courtney | Johnson | BHS Public Health |
Megan | Kapiniak | BHS Public Health |
Letitia | Koen | BHS Public Health |
Sarah | Kola-Ojo | BHS Public Health |
Hannah | Lavigne | BHS Public Health |
Melanie | Lewis | BHS Public Health |
Kirsten | Lindley | BHS Public Health |
Saada | Mehedi | BHS Public Health |
Rihana | Middleton | BHS Public Health |
Senta | Miller | BHS Public Health |
Megan | Newman | BHS Public Health |
Kome | Obrutu | BHS Public Health |
Collins | Ochiogu | BHS Public Health |
Mofifoluwa | Olutayo | BHS Public Health |
Harmony | Oriaifo | BHS Public Health |
Brooke | Pelley | BHS Public Health |
Kaylene | Sawicki | BHS Public Health |
Jan | Schaller | BHS Public Health |
Tae | Shim | BHS Public Health |
Halima | Soremekun | BHS Public Health |
Tamara | Thompson | BHS Public Health |
Yunuo | Wang | BHS Public Health |
Jillian | Wood | BHS Public Health |
Monica | Yang | BHS Public Health |
Bhawana | Pradhan | BHS/BMgt Public Hlth/Econ |
Ashley | Pierson | BHS/BMgt Public Hlth/Gen Mgt |
Virginia | Ramsay | BHS/BMgt Public Hlth/Gen Mgt |
Anika | Dirk | BHSc Addictions Counselling |
Mackenzie | Gieg | BHSc Addictions Counselling |
Bachelor of Health Sciences - Aboriginal Health
- Kasia Runte
Bachelor of Health Sciences - Addictions Counselling
- Abigail Aitchison
- Jayme Berthiaume
- Graham Black
- Emilee Costa-Kulbaba
- Mackenzie Gieg
- Natalie Gulka
- Lukas Harvey
- Annalise Holmes
- Jordyn Jackson
- Viktoria Jones
- Haley Joseph
- Cayla MacDiarmid
- Brandon Paterson
- Karey Rieder
- Ayla Smith
- Kahl Stickel
- Mike Tollestrup
- Crystal Tremblay
Bachelor of Health Sciences - Public Health
- Maria Agbayani
- Taniya Anthony
- Olayinka Ayilara
- Siya Boyede
- Jessica Bryk
- Michelle Cheng
- Andie Curran
- Crystal Daradar
- Austin Deck
- Kiana Farrell
- Jason Funkhouser
- Carissa Greer
- Edward Gregory
- Mackenzie Hamm
- Courtney Johnson
- Megan Kapiniak
- Letitia Koen
- Sarah Kola-Ojo
- Hannah Lavigne
- Saada Mehedi
- Rihana Middleton
- Senta Miller
- Tammy Morton
- Parvathi Nair
- Megan Newman
- Kome Obrutu
- Brooke Pelley
- Jessica Pols
- Kaylene Sawicki
- Jan Schaller
- Tae Shim
- Jinaye Shomachuk
- Tyler Trudel
- Monica Yang
Bachelor of Health Sciences – Public Health / Bachelor of Management
- Ashley Pierson
- Bhawana Pradhan
Bachelor of Nursing
- Omar Al Ramahi
- Shyra Arpilleda
- Khrystene Ayson
- Liam Belcourt
- Grace Bell
- Anmol Singh Bhaika
- Shiana Bradley
- Sam Bretzke
- Andrei Briones
- Jodi Broadhead
- Madeline Bruce
- Mandi Bulechowsky
- Spencer Bullock
- Yuki Canivel
- Jasmine Cavilla
- Courtney Deemter
- Christopher Deniega
- Isheeka Dhesi
- Kenadi Drinnan
- Denby Ettenhofer
- Kayley Farrell
- Mady Fell
- Andrew Fox
- Brette Gaumont
- Alena Giudice
- Katie Gregus
- Harley Harris
- Taryn Haubrich
- Graycie HeavyShield
- Stephanie Hoppins
- Torey Hopwood
- Ashley Huck
- Jaiden Huisman
- Josh Huvenaars
- Jaime Jakovljevic
- Kaitlyn Kirby
- Colleen Klassen
- Ireland Knox
- Katrina Kocsis
- Miranda Kohuch
- Samantha Kuziw
- Ashley Lebsack
- Hannah Mallette
- Natasha McGraw
- Lillia Merkle
- Lauren Morton
- Alexandra Narbonita
- Katherine Nicol
- Madi Nielsen
- Leo Ochieng
- Jaime Paterson
- Cheyanne Peters
- Eliza Poettcker
- Izzy Posein
- Cassidy Pudlowski
- Abi Reurink
- Holly Rice
- Abi Rideout
- Charlise Ring
- Seamus Robinson
- Kareena Sharma
- Laura Slingerland
- Parker-Rae Smith
- Abby Sparkes
- Megan Steenbeek
- Brandy Stephen
- Emily Stevenson
- Jayden Swift
- Kira Thomaschewski
- Kimberlee Vroom
- Stephanie Vu
- Crystal Vuong
- Tyson Watmough
- Samantha Wilkinson
Bachelor of Nursing After Degree
- Khushpreet Kaur .
- Olu Adeleke
- Ailyn Arevalo
- Regan Armstrong
- Nony Azike
- Beata Baltazar
- Japji Bhangu
- Ben Boehme
- Ben Brinkman
- Nicole Celso
- Cassidy Chamberlin
- Alexis De Jesus
- Syeda Fatima
- Charles Ganiban
- Sydney Herrick
- Aloysius Iguegbe
- Marissa La Montagna
- Kennedy Martin
- Zoe McDuffie
- Graeme McIntosh
- Victor Ouko
- Kanisha Patel
- Mansi Patel
- Ely Ramos
- Jonathan Ruiz
- Sonya Scout
- Madisyn Wolstenholme
- Madison Woodward
Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation
- Ja'net Barchard-Smith
- Katie Bardak
- Pam Bennett
- Lindsay Carlson
- Erin Coyne
- Kayleen Douglas
- Taylor Dugas
- Tracy Eng
- Elise Fisher
- Leanne Fisher
- Carleen Galloway
- Rowan Gibson
- Desiree Gilmour
- Karrah Gormsen
- Tara Hagarty
- Mackenzie Harms
- Surj Jhaj
- Sarah Johre
- Kayley McCormack
- Amy Mulder
- Abby Nelson
- Paige Olinek
- Smiley Rana
- Amanda Rush
- Melissa Schlenker
- Christine Simpson
- Emmalee Turner
- Jessica Urroz
- Shantel Vaillancourt
- Maeve Verbeek
- Lexi Welk
- Rebecca Wiens
Bachelor of Health Sciences - Addictions Counselling
- Angelina Adams
- Graham Black
- Amy-Lynn Bond
- Roxi Campbell
- Brenna Coady
- Jessalynn Fries
- Mackenzie Gieg
- Phoebe Harrop
- Viktoria Jones
- Haley Joseph
- Amber Kramer
- Breanna Maley
- Karey Rieder
- Virginia Ridge
- Tanner Shurtz
- Kahl Stickel
- Mikail Tate
- Mike Tollestrup
- Crystal Tremblay
Bachelor of Health Sciences - Public Health
- Chima Adams
- Manahil Ali
- Jessica Bryk
- Lucy Eno-Nta
- Eberechi Mba
- Kome Obrutu
- Temitope Grace Owola
- Brooke Pelley
- Lauren Sinclair
- Jonah Marie Suezo-Ve
- Hania Ahmed
- Chigozie Akunne
- Tochukwu Akunne
- Raeanne Boles
- Andie Curran
- Ronda Enns
- Kayley Fairney
- Lemlem Ghebreyesus
- Caroline Harrison
- Courtney Johnson
- Megan Kapiniak
- Letitia Koen
- Hannah Lavigne
- Saada Mehedi
- Tammy Morton
- Megan Newman
- Karly Ober
- Kofoworola Sanusi
- Jan Schaller
- Priti Sharma
- Tae Shim
- Deborah Shodeinde
- Emily Vos
- Monica Yang
- Ladan Yousef
Bachelor of Health Sciences/Bachelor of Management - Public Health
- Bhawana Pradhan
- Ashley Pierson
- Dallas Neudorf
Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation
- Caitlyn Allbury
- Ja'net Barchard-Smit
- Lindsay Carlson
- Erin Coyne
- Emily Damberger
- Taylor Dugas
- Elise Fisher
- Leanne Fisher
- Madisyn Fitzpatrick
- Garrett Gengler
- Rubina Gill
- Tara Hagarty
- Mallory Hodsdon
- Abi Holm
- Surj Jhaj
- Sarah Johre
- Brooklyn Kardos
- Tannis Kerr
- Kayley McCormack
- Lynette Mercer
- Larissa Mowbrey
- Anna Or
- Rhiannon Perley-Waug
- Anita Rebelo
- Melissa Schlenker
- Jennifer Schwab
- Christine Simpson
- Erica Slevin
- Lyndsay Stevenot
- Emmalee Turner
- Jessica Urroz
- Megan Verbeek
- Alyssa Zamzow
Bachelor of Nursing
- Susan Afun
- Kiva Balog
- kajol Baral
- Hannah Bedard
- Liam Belcourt
- Katie Bell
- Olivia Bieniada
- Esther Bowden
- Sam Bretzke
- Andrea Byford
- Yuki Canivel
- Quim Castillo
- Taela Cramphorn
- Olivia Deneka
- Isheeka Dhesi
- Ava Donnelly
- Mady Fell
- Justin Fisher
- Andrew Fox
- Maeran Hinch
- Hannah Ilagan
- Ireland Knox
- Miranda Kohuch
- Camille Leblanc
- Grace Liboiron
- Rachel Lindsay
- Halle McCarthy
- Natasha McGraw
- India McIsaac
- Lillia Merkle
- Marah Neufeld
- Jaydn Ney
- Katherine Nicol
- Leo Ochieng
- Alvin Omayio
- Beke Ososami
- Jaime Paterson
- Megan Petrie
- Izzy Posein
- Jordan Quinn
- Makayla Rath
- Abi Reurink
- Brooklyn Rondeau
- Nyla Salter
- Tracy Selk
- Laura Slingerland
- Abby Sparkes
- Megan Steenbeek
- Brandy Stephen
- Sophie Strong
- Jayden Swift
- Laura Taylor
- skylar Thompson
- Arden Twerdoclib
- Stephanie Vu
- Crystal Vuong
- Curtis Wainwright
- Mackenzie Weiss
- Laurel Zieber
Bachelor of Nursing - After Degree
- Emuobosan Adekanmbi
- Temilolu Adesanya
- Oreoluwa Akanbi
- Margaret Ayoola
- Abayomi Boluwade
- April Davis
- Ingrid De Miranda Es
- Louis Ikoghode
- Patra Lui-Ikoghode
- Patricia Odoma
- Sola Ogedengbe
- Arianna Ormrod
- Demi Saliu
- Jill Thomas
- Megan Thurlow
- Zoe Wright
Bachelor of Health Sciences - Addictions Counselling
- Alexis Beaulieu
- Graham Black
- Roxi Campbell
- Brenna Coady
- Anika Dirk
- Mackenzie Gieg
- Ella Hofer
- Jordyn Jackson
- Haley Joseph
- Amber Kramer
- Taryn Kryzanowski
- Trina Parker Parker
- Brandon Paterson
- Virginia Ridge
- Karey Rieder
- Tanner Shurtz
- Kahl Stickel
- Mike Tollestrup
- Amber Vander Woude
Bachelor of Health Sciences - Public Health
- Hania Ahmed
- Chigozie Akunne
- Tochukwu Akunne
- Temitope Ayodele
- Rachel Beddows
- Raeanne Boles
- Siya Boyede
- Jessica Bryk
- Michelle Cheng
- Andie Curran
- Catherine Deans
- Courtney Dynna
- Osato Edokpolo
- Nike Emordi
- Zaynab Enayetullah
- Ronda Enns
- Jan Escuadro
- Kayley Fairney
- Kaleen Francis
- Lucy Gerrand
- Lemlem Ghebreyesus
- Temitope Grace Owolabi
- Carissa Greer
- Caroline Harrison
- Jacob Henriksen
- Aylin Hurtado Rivas
- Courtney Johnson
- Megan Kapiniak
- Amy Kim
- Letitia Koen
- Sarah Kola-Ojo
- Kirsten Lindley
- Jonah Marie Suezo-Verzosa
- Eberechi Mba
- Tammy Morton
- Dawny Na Chiangmai
- Erin Nicholson
- Kome Obrutu
- Isabelle Olson
- Brooke Pelley
- Jessica Pols
- Liam Reykdal
- Kofoworola Sanusi
- Kaylene Sawicki
- Jan Schaller
- Deborah Shodeinde
- Sarah Song
- Lidiya Teklu
- Kate Tucker
- Emily Vos
- Yunuo Wang
- Bella Xu
- Monica Yang
Bachelor of Health Sciences/Bachelor of Management
- Bhawana Pradhan
- Ashley Pierson
Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation
- Caitlyn Allbury
- Ja'net Barchard-Smith
- Mikayla Blais
- Melissa Companion
- Carey Fowler
- Garrett Gengler
- Christine Green
- Mallory Hodsdon
- Surj Jhaj
- Sarah Johre
- Tanner Ling
- Larissa Mowbrey
- Anna Or
- Jessica Patterson
- Rhiannon Perley-Waugh
- Elizabeth Pospolita
- Anita Rebelo
- Erica Slevin
- J'Ana Smith
- Emmalee Turner
- Lexi Welk
- Rebecca Wiens
- Alyssa Zamzow
Bachelor of Nursing
- Margaret Adah
- Emuobosan Adekanmbi
- Olu Adeleke
- Temilolu Adesanya
- Oreoluwa Akanbi
- Andrea Aquino
- Trinity Archer
- Margaret Ayoola
- Daniils Bagelis
- Kiva Balog
- Liam Belcourt
- Shantelle Bennett
- Ben Boehme
- Abayomi Boluwade
- Sam Bretzke
- Ben Brinkman
- Yuki Canivel
- Jasmine Cavilla
- Haley Cervo
- Elisabeth Chatwood
- Bethany Clark
- Ashley Crawshaw
- April Davis
- Ingrid De Miranda Esteves
- Eva DeBaie
- Olivia Deneka
- Ava Donnelly
- Miranda Drollinger
- Jessie Froehlich
- Leah Gates
- Eric Grier
- Molly Hall-Jarratt
- Maeran Hinch
- Tessa Holmes
- Aubrey Horbachewski
- Louis Ikoghode
- Catherine Jorstead
- Deanna Kemble
- Ireland Knox
- Miranda Kohuch
- Marissa La Montagna
- Rachel Lindsay
- Sarah Lindsay
- Sam Matar
- Halle McCarthy
- Natasha McGraw
- India McIsaac
- Will Medlicott
- Marguerite Medwid
- DaHye Moon
- William Moore
- Jaydn Ney
- Phuoc Nguyen
- Georgia Nobiling
- Victoria Obiora
- Leo Ochieng
- Patricia Odoma
- Alvin Omayio
- Arianna Ormrod
- Mansi Patel
- Jaime Paterson
- Grace Pohl
- Jaira Ranger
- Demi Saliu
- Nyla Salter
- Ashley Sazalski
- Mackenzie Schalk
- Tracy Selk
- Devon Smith
- Parker-Rae Smith
- Ally Smyth
- Megan Steenbeek
- Kendyl Stephenson
- Makenna Terrill
- Jill Thomas
- Sarah Thompson
- Amanda Thoreson
- Megan Thurlow
- Arden Twerdoclib
- Arden van de Burgt
- Cara Vanderham
- Kassidy Vinet
- Stephanie Vu
- Crystal Vuong
- Cailee Weslowski
- Madisyn Wolstenholme
- Zoe Wright
- Morgan Wylie
- Madison Zalik
- Makenna Zanewich
Bachelor of Health Sciences - Aboriginal Health
Shaelin Westerson
Bachelor of Health Sciences - Addictions Counselling
Sarah Bairaktaris
Alexis Beaulieu
Graham Black
Marena Bleile
Amy-Lynn Bond
Kylie Cardall
Brenna Coady
Davina Dawson
Daniel Ferguson
Erin Gavelin
Kira Gee
Destiney Hunt
Amber Kramer
Fiyin Kupoluyi
Cayla MacDiarmid
Kladi Mwansa
Emilie Neil
Sarah O'Handley
Laura Oviedo Guzman
Trina Parker Parker
Brandon Paterson
Christine Possin
Virginia Ridge
Haydn Selk
Mackenzie Shea
Tanner Shurtz
Ayla Smith
Leah Sommercorn
Kahl Stickel
Mike Tollestrup
Breanne Van Sluys
Amber Vander Woude
Mackinley Williams
Milton Wong
Bachelor of Health Sciences - Public Health
Margaret Adah
Hania Ahmed
Shawna Baarda
Rachel Beddows
Melissa Beer
Sabine Bosemeyer
Siya Boyede
Thomas Brosh
Leah Brown
Ashley Cesar
Michelle Cheng
Sara Cline
Catherine Deans
Courtney Dynna
Nike Emordi
Zaynab Enayetullah
Ronda Enns
Lucy Eno-Nta
Jan Escuadro
Kayley Fairney
Lucy Gerrand
Lemlem Ghebreyesus
Chanelle Grueber
Karly Gunson
Caroline Harrison
Amy Kim
Kirsten Lindley
Eberechi Mba
Megan McCarthy
Saada Mehedi
Rihana Middleton
Parvathi Nair
Erin Nicholson
Kome Obrutu
Mailei Olsen
Brooke Pelley
Ana Rodriguez Melendez
Jan Schaller
Priti Sharma
Noah Sielu
Mariah Simons
Tarun Singh
Sarah Song
Jonah Marie Suezo-Verzosa
Lidiya Teklu
Danielle Temple
Kate Tucker
Kendra Van Cleave
Madisyn Wolstenholme
Bella Xu
Paige Zurbrigg
Bachelor of Nursing
Rachel Amantea
Trinity Archer
Daniils Bagelis
Sukhpreet Buttar
Katelyn Campbell
Khloe Ceballos
Haley Cervo
Bethany Clark
Saff Colbourne
Eva DeBaie
Diana Fehr
Kaylie Fermin
Lydia Ferreira
Amy Fordyce
Jessie Froehlich
Yana Gegelya
Mya Green
Carmen Groten
Robyn Grove
Krista Gulka
Reejana Hammersley
Brooklyn Hill
Aubrey Horbachewski
Kara Illerbrun
Shaziya Jiwa
Ashley Jones
Meg Kempe
Graysen Koch
Aman Kooner
Sarah Lindsay
Cai-lei Matsumoto
Carly McLean
Will Medlicott
Marguerite Medwid
Vanica Misa
Becky Molina
DaHye Moon
Jane Mouly
Phuoc Nguyen
Brady Olson
Marcus Plourde
Kali Reefschlaeger
Savana Rohde
Ashley Sazalski
Mackenzie Schalk
Abigail Scherger
Jerri Schweighardt
Cloe Sloan
Danielle Sloley
Devon Smith
Kendyl Stephenson
Amy Stolz
Sophia Sun
Samyak Thapa
Nicole Thompson
Sarah Thompson
Amanda Thoreson
Kristy Woods
Brittney Wort
Morgan Wylie
Madison Zalik
Makenna Zanewich
Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation
Caitlyn Allbury
Ja'net Barchard-Smith
Pam Bennett
Kailey Bratland
Madisyn Fitzpatrick
Tiffany Fraize
Christine Green
Jessica Hall
Mallory Hodsdon
Shae-Lynn Illingworth
Hanna Jensen
Tannis Kerr
Laura Kissick
Claire Leitch
Tanner Ling
Minerva Mapalo
Larissa Mowbrey
Alana Mullett
Rhiannon Perley-Waugh
Morgan Pippy
Elizabeth Pospolita
Brooke Ringuette
Erica Slevin
Kaitlynn Smart
J'Ana Smith
Meghan Smith
Rebecca Wiens
Liesel Wierenga
Laura Willsher
Alyssa Zamzow
Bachelor of Health Sciences/Bachelor of Management - Public Health
Meghan Drought
Ayesha Mian
Dallas Neudorf
Ashley Pierson
Samantha Tams Betts