Application for Incomplete
Students may apply for an Incomplete in a course only in cases of illness or extenuating circumstances. The student must apply directly to both the INSTRUCTOR and the ACADEMIC ADVISOR.
Download the 'Application for Incomplete' form HERE
The designation of “I” is given only in cases of illness or other extenuating circumstances, beyond the control of the student, which make it impossible to complete the required work by the close of a semester. The “I” designation will be awarded only on application to and with the approval of both the instructor and the Dean by the student; and such application will not be entertained until the last two weeks of classes. The “I” designation may be converted by the instructor to A, B, C, D, F, or P within the deadline specified on this form. If it is not so converted within one year, the “I” is converted to an “F” on the student’s permanent record.
For additional information, please refer to the U of L Calendar or contact your Academic Advisor.