Dr. Elizabeth Cavaliere
Sessional Lecturer - Calgary Campus
Art History, Photography History
Elizabeth teaches Canadian art histories with a focus on photographic and institutional histories. She has writing on tourist views, instructed looking, survey photography, railroad bridges, photographic directories, royals on timberslides, and giant (really giant!) mounds of ice published in Environmental History, Journal of Canadian Studies, Histoire Sociale/Social History, Imaginations: Journal of Cross-Cultural Image Studies, RACAR, and Journal of Canadian Art History. In 2012 Elizabeth was awarded a Lisette Model/Joseph G. Blum Fellowship in the History of Photography to pursue her research at the National Gallery of Canada. In 2015 her dissertation was awarded the Michel de la Chenelière Prize by the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. In 2017 she was a Jarislowsky Foundation Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Gail and Stephen A. Jarislowsky Institute for Studies in Canadian Art. She is a settler-Canadian and granddaughter of Italian immigrants, residing in Toronto/Tkaronto.
Research and Publications
CanadARThistories: Reimagining the Canadian Art Survey. (co-author). Ontario: Toronto, eCampus Ontario, 2022. https://ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub/canadarthistories.
“Claimed, Imagined, Idealized: Survey Photographs from the North American Boundary Commissions of 1858 and 1872.” In Survey Style: Landscape Photography Across the Globe edited by Erin Hyde Nolan (Maine College of Art) and Sophie Junge (University of Zurich), in Photograph, Place, Environment series, Routledge, UK edited by Liz Wells. Forthcoming March 2022.
“Sliding down the Timber Chute – Photographing colonial relationships during the 1901 British royal tour of Canada.” Environmental History, Volume 26, Issue 2 (April 2021): 321-337
“Now and Then: Situating Contemporary Photography of the Canadian West into a Shared Photographic History.” Imaginations: Journal of Cross-Cultural Image Studies. Volume 7, Number 1 (November 2016): http://imaginations.csj.ualberta.ca/?p=8748
“Onward! Canadian Expansionist Outlooks and the Photographs that Serve Them.” RACAR. Volume 41, Number 1 (2016): 76-84
“Canada by Photograph: Instructed looking and tourism of the nineteenth-century Canadian landscape.” Histoire sociale/Social history. Special issue edited by Jack Little, Volume 49, Issue 99 (June 2016): 309-327