How to Apply

Consult with an Applied Studies Instructor and secure the involvement of your Employment Supervisor and Academic Supervisor prior to submitting the forms.  

This application process is for Disciplinary Credit and Cohort Applied Studies courses. Review the forms prior to starting to familiarize yourself with what you need to submit.  

Book Appointment 


Application Deadlines

Submit your Fieldwork Placement and Academic Proposal applications by the following deadlines.  Contact an Applied Studies Instructor if you have any questions about these deadlines.

Fall September 15
Winter January 15
Summer May 15

Application Process

  • The student initiates the forms online (after a consultation meeting with an Applied Studies Instructor).
  • An email for review will be sent to the student’s employer (Work Placement Application) and Academic Supervisor (Course Proposal Application) for review, editing, and approval.  Some additional information will be required.
  • Department/Area Chair's will need to review, edit, and approve the Course Proposal Application
  • Once both applications have been approved, the Applied Studies Instructor will initiate course registration

*The electronic application forms require your prompt attention in order to meet registration deadlines



Work Placement Application (Employer)

Work Placement Application

Secure an employment/volunteer opportunity that will provide 120 hours (ex. 10 hrs/week for 12 weeks) minimum that relates to your field of study. The employer needs to support you in the Applied Studies course and be willing to complete evaluations and participate in a site visit (virtual or in-person).  Share information about Supervising an Applied Study to help explain this support.

You will fill out the application to be approved by your employer and verify the information.  Once both application forms are completed, confirmation and course registration will be sent out.

Unsuccessful applications will need to be resubmitted.

To help with your application, please use this Word document to collect information.

Practice Form

Course Proposal Application (Academic Supervisor)

Course Proposal Application

Secure a University of Lethbridge Professor as your Academic Supervisor for your Disciplinary Credit course.  Discuss the course proposal and the Academic Plan with them before submitting.  The Course Proposal is needed for registration, while the Academic Plan can be submitted in the first six weeks of the course.  Share information about Supervising an Applied Study to help explain how they can support your course.

It is essential to seek out a subject matter expert: someone whose research agenda is related to the general thesis you will explore as part of your academic plan. Work with your Applied Studies Instructor to plan a proposal well in advance of the course registration deadline to develop a request. This will include an academically relevant theory and/or principle that you want to connect to a professional environment.  Good planning and organization are key to a successful request! 

Consult with your Academic Supervisor and Applied Studies Instructor about the Course Proposal before submitting it.  Fill out the application and then a copy will be sent to your Academic Supervisor and the Department/Area Chair for approval.  Confirmations and course registration will be sent out once both application forms are completed.

Unsuccessful applications will need to be resubmitted.

Practice form