Supervising an Applied Studies Course
Roles & Responcibilites
The Applied Studies program is a unique opportunity that allows students to earn course credit for learning gained through paid or volunteer employment related to their field of study in combination with academic deliverables.
- Work Experience Applied Studies courses are completed in conjunction with the Applied Studies Instructor and a Workplace Supervisor.
- Disciplinary Credit Applied Studies courses are completed in conjunction with the Applied Studies Instructor, a Workplace Supervisor, and an Academic Supervisor.
Workplace Supervisor (Employer)
To Begin
- Discuss the position (paid or volunteer) description with the student. Provide opportunities for growth and development during their time.
- Students are required to work a minimum of 120 hours (approx. 10 hours/week) over a 12-week semester (Sept - Dec, Jan - Apr, May - Aug).
- Agree to support an Applied Studies course by reviewing and approving the Work Placement Application. This application will be sent to you via your email to verify, sign, and provide additional safety information.
- Ask the student to help you understand their Learning Objectives for the course.
- Provide your student with ongoing feedback over work term.
- Meet with the Applied Studies instructor and student during a virtual or on-site Monitor Visit (approx. 45 minutes).
- Complete a final performance evaluation at the end of the semester (Dec, Apr, or Aug). This form will be sent to you via your email.
Academic Supervisor (Faculty)
To Begin
- Discuss the student's Applied Studies Disciplinary Credit proposal to determine if you and your research is an appropriate fit to support them.
- If you agree to support the Applied Studies determine the appropriate course level. Consider the scope and depth of the academic deliverable(s) as proposed in the student's Course Proposal Application (2000, 3000, 4000 level).
- Review and approve the student's Course Proposal Application. The application approval request will come to you via email. You will need to provide your Department/Area Chair's information for final approval. The consulting Applied Studies Instructor is responsible for final course approval registration.
- Provide the student with the support required for a successful outcome on the academic deliverable(s).
- Work with student to make any adjustments to the Academic Plan after they have been registered in the course
- Submit a % and a letter grade to the Applied Studies Instructor at the end of the term.
- The Applied Studies Instructor is responsible for submitting the final grade.
Applied Studies Core Components
- Academic Deliverable(s) | 60%: Develop your Academic Plan with Academic Supervisor. Ensure that academic deliverable(s) meet disciplinary standards and are appropriate for the course level (feel free to consult with the Applied Studies Instructor for assistance/support).
- Student Performance Evaluation and Monitor Visit | 20%: Completed by Work Placement Supervisor at the end of the semester and reviewed by the Applied Studies Instructor
- Monthly Reflective Reports | 20%: Assigned and graded by your Applied Studies Instructor
Application Process
- The student initiates the forms online (after a consultation meeting with an Applied Studies Instructor).
- An email for review will be sent to the student’s employer (Work Placement Application) and Academic Supervisor (Course Proposal Application) for review, editing, and approval. Some additional information will be required.
- Department/Area Chair's will need to review, edit, and approve the Course Proposal Application
- Once both applications have been approved, the Applied Studies Instructor will initiate course registration
*The electronic application forms require your prompt attention in order to meet registration deadlines.
Get in Touch
If you have any questions concerning the procedures or requirements of the Applied Studies Program, please feel free to contact an Applied Studies Instructor at or 403-329-2000.