Lilli Young | MA History (Co-op)
“Take advantage of every opportunity the University offers, whether it is independent studies, research opportunities, co-op, clubs or intermural sports. Four years goes by very quickly so I would recommend participating in as much as you can to make the most of it!”
Favourite Class: The Western World - it got me interested in history!
Favourite Social Activity: Soccer Intramurals
Favourite Study Spot: Bottom floor of the library
My uLethbridge experience:
- Participating in co-op work terms at Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
- Being a member of the University of Lethbridge women’s pronghorn soccer team for three seasons
- Having the opportunity to work as a research assistant to professors in the history and women & gender studies departments
- Completing an honours thesis
- Going on to complete my MA with Dr. Heidi MacDonald in the Department of History