
High school students to participate in fourth annual Let’s DO Science Day

High school students from across southern Alberta will participate in a variety of science activities at the University of Lethbridge during Let’s DO Science Day on Thursday, April 30. Let’s DO Science Day will be filled with numerous fun, hands-on science activities to expose students to several different streams of science and encourage them to think about potential careers and futures in post-secondary education.

High school students work in a U of L lab at last year's Let's DO Science Day.

By tackling state-of-the-art scientific problems and procedures, students’ scientific knowledge will be challenged. Among other activities, students will have the chance to investigate the anti-oxidant content of green tea and other foods in chemistry, learn how to use light to study objects in outer space, dissect sheep brains in neuroscience and design helmets to protect the brain from collisions in kinesiology.

At the end of the day, students will be awarded prizes for their achievements and active participation before hearing a special presentation from Dr. Bryan E. Kolb, professor of Neuroscience at the University of Lethbridge, former President of the Canadian Society for Brain, Behavior, and Cognitive Science and former President of the Experimental Division of the Canadian Psychological Association. He is currently a member of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research’s program in Child and Brain Development.

Let’s DO Science Day is organized each year by U of L science graduate and undergraduate students who volunteer for the national Let’s Talk Science Outreach program. It is their goal to share their passion for science with high school students, to increase the public accessibility of science and to inspire students to pursue careers in science. Activities for the event have been designed by graduate students and faculty volunteers from several science disciplines. Overall, more than 20 graduate and undergraduate student volunteers, along with faculty members, will assist during the day to make it a fun and inspiring experience for everyone involved.