
Final PUBlic Professor Series talk of season examines whether reading even matters in today’s world

Dr. Robin Bright (BA '79, BEd '82, MEd '88) has a provocative question — one that belies her standing as an educator and researcher in the University of Lethbridge’s Faculty of Education — Does Reading Even Matter?

The query is, in fact, the title of this month’s PUBlic Professor Series talk, which Bright will deliver on Thursday, March 27, 7 to 9 p.m., at the Sandman Signature Lethbridge Lodge (free event, cash bar, light appetizers, open to everyone).

Dr. Robin Bright says the benefits of reading include enhanced brain health and easing stress and anxiety.

“In today’s increasingly fast-paced environment, we tend to consume and create information and entertainment online,” says Bright. “We use Instagram, TikTok, X, Facebook, YouTube, and many others to read. And when we read on those platforms we tend to skim read, look for headlines, stumble upon content, but we seldom read deeply or critically.”

She explains how she has learned through her research that the act of reading a book is not only much more satisfying than the online experience, but also incredibly beneficial with respect to brain health and development.

“In this talk, I will share my research and statistics about reading, how it develops, how it’s taught and all the benefits that reading brings,” she says. “This includes benefits in areas like achievement in school and beyond, brain health, addressing mental health issues like stress and anxiety, and helping to develop empathy.”

Bright’s passion for how children develop as readers and writers began when she was a modern languages undergraduate student and as a student teacher in the Faculty of Education. These experiences led her to a 10-year teaching career, mostly at the grade-one level, and then to choose a life as a researcher, writer and teacher educator working with preservice teachers, practicing teachers, parents, children and colleagues. She is the author of several books on language and literacy development including, most recently, Sometimes Reading is Hard: Using Decoding, Vocabulary, and Comprehension Strategies to Inspire Fluent, Passionate, Lifelong Readers (2021).

This is the last of the six-talk PUBlic Professor Series lectures which feature thought-provoking discussions on the most relevant topics of the day, bringing together a diverse group of experts and researchers from across the ULethbridge campus and into the community. Every talk is free of charge, but registration is required. For those who cannot attend, the talk will be available on the ULethbridge YouTube channel following the presentation.

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