The University of Lethbridge is holding its annual Long Service Awards and Retirement Recognition Ceremony on Wednesday, May 6, beginning at 1 p.m. in the Students' Union Ballrooms. A total of 83 employees who have completed 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 years of service, and 18 retiring employees will be honoured at the event.
All employees are invited to the ceremony and reception to honour the award recipients listed below. The reception will include light refreshments.
Lynn Arnold, Judith Droessler, Eileen Ferguson, Peter Haney, Marilyn Hawryluk, Helen Henderson, Beatriz Housley, Luke Kwong, Ian McKenna, Linda Nicol, Ron Perverseff, Terry Prociuk, Lorraine Schimpf, Hiroshi Shimazaki, Helen Smith, Sara Stanley, Johnel Tailfeathers, Marie Yolland
Long Service Recipients
40 Years
Michael Kubara and Frank VandenHeuvel
35 Years
Lynne Brown, Gary Cunningham, Rose Helmer and Barbara Wolstoncroft
30 Years
Doris Kostiuk and Wendy Vogel
25 Years
Doran Anderson, Deb Bullock, Hank DeRidder, John Federkeil, Carol Gaetz, Ken Nicol, Stewart Rood, Linda Sebastian, Penny Secretan, Jerzy Szpakowski and Guy Vervoort
20 Years
John Bain, Allan Besplug, Craig Bullock, Cynthia Chambers, Helena Danyk, Lisa Doolittle, Marty Gadd, Andrew Hakin, David Kaminski, Luke Kwong, Judy Lavorato, Ian MacLachlan, Edward Malinsky, Duane Rockerbie, Gloria Samuels, Michael Stingl, Carrie Takeyasu, Pat Tanaka, Barb Thomsen, Gitte Villiger, Kathleen Willms, Shelly Wismath and Sajjad Zahir
15 Years
Jim Booth, Teresa Heyburn, Joan Kendall, Rob Kern, Richard Lutwick, Ron Schreiber, Terri Thomas, Nicholas Wade and Judith Whitehead
10 Years
Andrea Amelinckx, John Bronk, Adam Carter, Yllias Chali, Margaret Cook, Robert Cooney, Dennis Fitzpatrick, Fred Greene, Shauna Haag, Geoffrey Hale, Susan Hill, Shahadat Hossain, Charlene Janes, Harold Jansen, Randy Joseph, Edward Jurkowski, Catherine Kingfisher, Laurie Martin, Cathy Newman, Margot O'Donnell, Steve Patitsas, Michele Roberts, Chris Robinson, Debi Sandul, Stephane Simard, A. William Smith, Mike Spiteri, Stuart Thomas, Dawn-Ann Thys, Edwin Wasiak, Cheryl Wheeler and Jim Wills