Campus Life

New University of Lethbridge Strategic Plan commits to academic excellence, research innovation and community engagement

An inclusive and engaging journey that brought together all aspects of its internal and external communities has culminated with the release of the University of Lethbridge’s new Strategic Plan — a shared vision that addresses the changing landscape of post-secondary education provincially, nationally and globally.

Launched Tuesday at community celebrations on each of the University’s Lethbridge and Calgary campuses, the plan defines ULethbridge, its values and commitment, and sets the course for the next 10 years.

“I am extremely proud to unveil our Strategic Plan today, which represents a vision created through a true consultative process,” says Dr. Digvir Jayas, ULethbridge president and vice-chancellor. “The incredible input and engagement we received from students, employees, alumni and external community supporters have made this a plan we are all invested in and one that sets us on a path to great growth and success for years to come.”

Chair of the University’s Board of Directors, Dean Gallimore (BMgt ’84), says the Strategic Plan clearly defines four strategic directions that speak to the heart of the ULethbridge mission, its promise to students, employees, alumni and the communities it serves.

These strategic directions are:  

  • Challenge Boundaries and Inspire Curiosity 
  • Be a Place Where People Aspire to Learn, Work and Contribute 
  • Shape the Future 
  • Engage Communities 

“In the conversations we had throughout this journey — and there were many — several themes consistently emerged that connected all the groups with whom we engaged,” says Gallimore. “These themes underpinned the directions we identify in the Strategic Plan and clearly encapsulated what our communities, both internal and external, believe what we excel at today and what we should aspire to be in the future.”

The values, as enunciated in the Strategic Plan, that inform what the University does and supports the strategic directions include: Relationships, Belonging, Respect, Courage, Quality, Access and Sustainability.

Located on traditional Blackfoot Confederacy territory, ULethbridge’s Blackfoot name is Iniskim, meaning Sacred Buffalo Stone. Our commitment to the relationship between the University and Indigenous Peoples connects everything we do — shaping our past, present and future — and is reflected in the Strategic Plan’s creation, including the metaphorical use of the tipi as a representation of how the plan is constructed, explains Iikaisskini (Low Horn) Dr. Leroy Little Bear (BASc (BA) ’72, DASc ’04), the University’s vice-provost Iniskim Indigenous Relations.

“For the Blackfoot people, the tipi is where the transfer of knowledge takes place. There are four keystone poles that make up the tipi structure with supporting poles that come together in a circular design without hierarchy, intersecting at the top of the tipi, reaching for the sky and stars,” says Little Bear. “Like the tipi’s keystone poles, at Iniskim we have four strategic directions and supporting goals, all intersecting, crossing boundaries and transferring knowledge. Everyone is invited to our tipi. It is home for our students, employees, alumni and friends.”

The focus now shifts to implementing the plan and bringing it to life.

“This plan provides a long-term framework to enhance academic excellence, research innovation and community engagement,” says Jayas. “It sets the University on a path to continued success, one that will create an even better student experience and enrich the University’s substantial contributions to bettering society.”

To view the full plan, visit

Related Comments

Representing undergraduate students as a member of the strategic planning committee, I have seen the vital role that student perspective plays in shaping the University's strategic direction and how our campus community shares a collective vision for putting students at the forefront of this plan. This Strategic Plan provides goals that are important to ensure an inclusive campus that aligns with the diverse needs of our students.”

Maleeka Thomas
Outgoing Students’ Union President
Undergraduate Student

“The development of this plan emphasized the incorporation of diverse student perspectives, ensuring that its core values and initiatives will prioritize student well-being and provide a clear path forward to enhance the quality and diversity of research, teaching and support services at our institution.” 
Jaxon Reiter (BSc 22)
Outgoing Graduate Students’ Association President

Graduate Student

“Participating in the strategic plan committee has been a rewarding experience. I am grateful to collaborate with diverse stakeholders and be an active participant in shaping the future direction of our institution. Through this role, I have gained valuable insights into the strategic planning process and developed stronger connections with colleagues across various departments, fostering a sense of community and shared purpose.” 
Nicole Bach (BSc ’19)
Project Manager, Facilities

As faculty members, we promote on-campus academic excellence and student success, and through our outreach, teaching and research activities, engage the many communities we impact locally and around the globe. By bringing these experiences to bare throughout the strategic planning process, I developed connections with colleagues across various departments, fostering a sense of community and furthering a sense of shared purpose.” 
Dr. Artur Luczak
Professor, Department of Neuroscience

“As an alum, I can see myself in this plan and how I can help shape the future of the University. Engaging in this process further confirmed the important role we as alumni play and how beneficial it is to continue to nurture this relationship. I’m excited about what we can accomplish working together.” 
Cyndi Crane (BMus ’95, MEd ’01)
ULethbridge Alumni Association President

I appreciated the opportunity to be part of the University’s strategic planning process. Economic Develpment Lethbridge has long benefited from the collaborative relationship we have had with the University of Lethbridge. This process was an excellent exercise to provide our input to help set the course for the next decade where we can explore further ways to work together to further improve the economic strength of our city.” 
Trevor Lewington
Chief Executive Officer
Economic Development Lethbridge

Taking Action

Over the coming weeks, the University of Lethbridge will hold a series of events that begin to bring the strategic directions into action. They include the following activities.

Challenge Boundaries and Inspire Curiosity
Launch of the 2025/2026 Season of the PUBlic Professor Series
March 27 | 7 p.m.

Signature Sandman Lethbridge Lodge

Engage Communities
Celebration of Partnership: ULethbridge and the City of Lethbridge
April 1 | 1 p.m.
Agri-Food Hub & Trade Centre

Be a Place Where People Aspire to Learn, Work and Contribute
Labuhn Family Indigenous Impact Prize – Student Event
April 3 | 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

University Centre for the Arts Atrium

Shape the Future
Experiential and Career Education Plan Launch and Celebration
April 9 | 11 a.m.
Markin Hall Atrium
Open House at Career Bridge to follow