Recent Students Headlines

Recent Students Headlines

  • December 15, 2010 | Students
    University of Lethbridge Faculty of Management professor Dr. M. Gordon (Gord) Hunter was recently designated a Fellow of the Society of Management Accountants of Canada (FCMA). The FCMA, presented to Hunter and five...
  • December 15, 2010 | Students
    The Faculty of Management recently announced the establishment of a new minor in Supply Chain Management (SCM) to serve a fast-growing group of people whose enhanced skills will be critical to purchasing and moving...
  • December 8, 2010 | Students
    Members of the University of Lethbridge Calgary Campus recently capped off a very positive 15-year relationship with SAIT Polytechnic by establishing a new transfer scholarship. The scholarship program is for graduates...
  • November 25, 2010 | Students
    Students from General Stewart Elementary show support for their classmate, Alexander Gill, by participating in their own John Gill Memorial Run
  • November 25, 2010 | Students
    Sandeep Mishra is excited about the possibility that his research could play a vital role in developing policy
  • November 24, 2010 | Students
    The recent Team Lethbridge junket to Edmonton served as an excellent opportunity for the U of L to work with its community partners as they advanced the needs and goals of southern Alberta
  • November 24, 2010 | Students
    A major new and unprecedented survey of teenage aboriginals across the country has found that the vast majority are dreaming big when it comes to their futures. Yet, despite their hopes and aspirations, large numbers...
  • November 23, 2010 | Students
    It is a rare opportunity for a graduate student and her supervisor to be able to exhibit their artwork, arrived at collaboratively, in the same exhibition in a nationally respected art gallery. Mandy Espezel, one of the...
  • November 23, 2010 | Students
    By AMANDA BERG A revelation of teenage truths, sexual stirrings and adolescent angst experienced throughout history to present day, Frank Wedekind's wonderfully twisted tale, Spring Awakening, has it all. Set in...
  • November 23, 2010 | Students
    There is no denying that the physical distance between Lethbridge and Edmonton is great, and from a government relations perspective, it presents a constant barrier. This is true not only for the University of...
