The search for a new chancellor is on and the University of Lethbridge is engaging the public at large to participate in the process.

ULethbridge Chancellor Taatsiikiipoyii (Talks in the Middle) Charles Weaselhead’s term is ending after being appointed the institution’s first Indigenous chancellor in 2019. His successor will be chosen in the coming months following a public search and nomination process — after which the ULethbridge Senate will short-list candidates and eventually choose the institution’s 15th chancellor.
While a volunteer position, the chancellor’s role is integral to the University of Lethbridge and its mission as the chancellor represents the public interest in the University. As Chair of the University Senate, the chancellor is an ex officio member of the Board of Governors and serves as a key ambassador for the University locally, provincially and beyond. In addition, the chancellor presides over all degree-confirming ceremonies and confers all degrees, as well as represents the University at ceremonial occasions.
“We have been very fortunate over the history of ULethbridge to have an outstanding group of chancellors,” says Dr. Mike Mahon, president and vice-chancellor. “We saw over Charlie’s term, his engagement with the community and his dedication to advancing the University’s strategic vision. He was key in championing several Indigenous initiatives and strengthening the University’s commitment to and connection with the Blackfoot Nation. He was and will continue to be an outstanding ambassador for the institution.”
Past chancellors include L.S. Turcotte (the University’s first) (LLD ’72), Van E. Christou (LLD ’84), Ingrid Speaker (LLD ’01), Robert Hironaka (LLD ’02), James Horsman (LLD ’04), Richard Davidson (LLD ’12) and Janice Varzari (BN ’90, MEd ’02, LLD ’21), among others. Each has brought unique talents to the role, and all have helped forward ULethbridge in communities close and abroad.
“It’s been said that education is the new buffalo that sustains and empowers our young Indigenous learners. I am a firm believer that knowledge provides the tool to make sound decisions to further careers and provide support to underserved communities,” says Weaselhead. “The past four years have been very rewarding, and I will leave this role with a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. It has been the highest honour to serve as the first Indigenous chancellor in the University’s history.”
Nominees for chancellor must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents, possess a strong interest in university-community affairs and education, and have adequate time to apply to the considerable duties involved. This is a volunteer position with no remuneration.
Official nomination forms, requiring the names and addresses of three nominators, the signed consent of the nominee and any supporting documentation, will be received in the Senate Office until November 30, 2022. The successful candidate will take office March 16, 2023.
For nomination forms and further information, please contact The Chancellor Search Committee, care of The Senate Office (403-329-2482) or via e-mail at Details are also available by visiting the Chancellor Search web page.