Geomatics students at the University of Lethbridge are the key benefactors of a substantial investment from TECTERRA today, as the Canadian non-profit supporter of geomatics technology innovation has invested $5.2 million in a Legacy Program for Alberta-based universities.
The University of Lethbridge, University of Calgary, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT), and Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) are recipients of this program. The Legacy Program offers financial aid for geomatics undergraduates, helps geomatics graduates commercialize technologies within their institution, attracts aspiring geomatics enthusiasts, offers co-op and internship opportunities for job placement, and invests in advanced technology to enhance geomatics education.

What it means for ULethbridge is more than $1.3 million from TECTERRA to fund various undergraduate and graduate awards for students engaged in geomatics-related fields along with other supports to grow capacity in this important area of study. University of Lethbridge Board of Governors is also matching a portion of the funds as part of its commitment to student scholarships and bursaries.
“Providing financial support for our future leaders breaks down financial barriers that prevent students from being able to commit to their education full-time,” says Dr. Craig Coburn, professor and Chair of the Department of Geography and Environment. “With this strong financial support at the undergraduate and graduate level, unique programs, such as our undergraduate major in Remote Sensing, will continue to grow by attracting great students. Additionally, the graduate funding contribution is also important as it will allow students to pursue geospatial science and contribute to Alberta's vibrant geospatial community.”
The chosen post-secondaries will be recipients of financial support and expert guidance from TECTERRA, enabling them to actualize their industry-leading geomatics programs. This collaboration will have a substantial impact on moulding the future of the geomatics sector in Alberta and beyond.
“TECTERRA is excited to embark on this new journey of collaboration with Alberta’s universities,” says Monty Carter, Board Chair at TECTERRA. “Our aim is to fuel the geomatics industry’s growth by nurturing the talents of young minds, fostering innovation, and bridging academia with industry. Together, we’ll shape a bright future for geospatial technology in Alberta and Canada.”
Geomatics is a branch of science that deals with the collection, analysis and interpretation of data relating to the Earth’s surface. Geomatics-related fields include remote sensing, image analysis, cartography, resource management, GIS (geographic information system) analysis and consulting, among many others. TECTERRA, established in 2010, is a non-profit organization assisting geomatics technology companies and educators across Alberta. After more than a decade of successful collaboration with technology companies to expedite innovation, TECTERRA is now directing its focus toward academia to foster the next generation of geospatial experts and entrepreneurs.
“For the last decade, TECTERRA has supported growth and promoted innovation and commercialization across Canada’s geospatial technology sectors,” says Dr. Chris Hopkinson, a researcher in the Department of Geography & Environment and the Advanced Resolution Terradynamics Monitoring System Laboratory (ARTeMiS). “It’s great to see these Legacy Program investments to Alberta’s post-secondary institutions, where funds will support and reward innovations by emerging geospatial scholars, leaders and entrepreneurs.”