Part murder mystery, part science fiction and part mathematical theory, TheatreXtra's presentation of Possible Worlds by Canadian author, playwright and mathematician, John Mighton, takes audiences on a trip through space and time.
Playing nightly at 8 p.m. in the David Spinks Theatre from Jan. 26-28 (with a 2 p.m. matinee Jan. 28), Possible Worlds is an original story presented in a very unique way.
First-time director and third-year drama major Ryan Reese was attracted to the creative concepts and unusual storytelling found within the play.
"Mighton has a PhD in mathematics from the University of Toronto and the play is what I call math noir. It's based on a mathematical theory and explores that theory. The noir is the mystery!" says Reese. "There's truly something for everyone in this play. The story is very compelling and touches on so many elements."
A man, traveling through space and time, tries to do the right thing for the woman he loves, while two detectives attempt to solve a gruesome murder case.
"There's a lot going on in this play, with parallel narratives and alternate worlds. The cast loves the script as much as I do, and it's been exciting to put what's in my head, on the stage," he says.
Tickets for this suspenseful and thought-provoking drama are on sale at the University Box Office beginning Jan. 9, Monday to Friday 12:30 to 3:30 p.m., or by calling 403-329-2616. Tickets are priced at $11 regular, $7 for students and seniors.