Krissie Vu's life has been filled with travel and learning opportunities in different countries all over the world. Throughout her journey, she's crossed more than a few bridges in her life - bridges in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, England, Switzerland, the United States, and, most recently, Edmonton. While all of these bridges could be found on a map, there is one she crossed that was only metaphorical - the bridge that took her from one career path to another…
Her adventure began in her birthplace of Vietnam with her family, who, for 25 years, worked in the hotel and restaurant business. Initially wanting to take her career in the same direction as her parents, it was no wonder Krissie began pursuing a career in hotel management. Krissie earned an advanced diploma in Hotel and Resort Management in Switzerland, where she also received a Certificate of Excellence for the Best Academic Performance and highest academic average.

She completed one more term in the United States at Northwood University to attain her bachelor of business administration degree, and after a couple of years working in the hospitality industry, came to Canada to pursue a career in accounting. She wanted to put her education to good use in the hospitality industry, but could no longer deny her true passion and interest.
"I switched to accounting because I wanted to expose myself to a profession that could offer me limitless opportunities to learn and travel. A career in accounting will not only give me the chance to learn new things and meet new clients on a daily basis, but it will also help me continually grow as a professional throughout my career. It was exactly what I was looking for in a career - being able to learn with professionals while I, myself, grow as a professional."
In order to make that career change, Krissie enrolled in the CA Bridging program at the University of Lethbridge in 2011. This program is offered at the U of L's campuses in Edmonton, Calgary and Lethbridge. CA Bridging enables its students to complete all the business and accounting courses needed for admission into the CA School of Business (CASB). CA Bridging is designed to enable the typical student to complete this program within 12 to 24 months while continuing to work full-time. Students only take the courses they need. Courses are offered during evenings and weekends in Calgary, Edmonton and during the daytime in Lethbridge, and are taught by experienced accounting professionals.
For students who have a non-business degree, CA Bridging enables you to obtain the necessary business and accounting prerequisite courses for admission into CASB.
"For those who decide to take a turn in their career path, the CA Bridging Program gives you access to the technical foundation you need, fills in the missing pieces of accounting knowledge you've missed, and gradually turns you onto the right track towards a CA designation."
Krissie knew she made the right decision by enrolling in the CA Bridging Program.
"It's all I needed when I wanted to make the switch in my career. Pursuing the CA designation is a big decision, and the CA Bridging Program shows you the right door to step through. If pursuing a CA designation is a journey, then the CA Bridging Program is simply a starter kit that you always find yourself reaching back to along the way."
Krissie is still on the path towards her CA designation, so she understands the amount of work and dedication it takes to become a CA.
"I've always seen confidence, pride, competency and professionalism from all the CAs I've met. I know they've been through a long journey to be where they are, and I respect and admire them for that. I would like to become one of them - one of the well-respected, competent, professionals."
Some journeys require maps to help guide us along the way. For Krissie and her career change, no map was needed to help her decide which direction to go to reach her final destination. The CA Bridging program was the best fit for her, as it was flexible, concise, and accommodating to her life. It was the obvious choice for her, and she didn't need a map to know that.
This article first appeared in the Fall 2012 issue of Capitalize magazine. Check out the CA Bridging program by clicking here.