Doors Open -- Dr. Miranda Leibel: Identity in Liberal Education - LBED 2000

Dates: Thursday October 24 or 31
Time: 12 - 1:15 PM
Location: W561


Our class on October 24th is a peer review session for an upcoming assignment, and so there will be no formal instruction. Students are given a minimum checklist of aspects of the assignment that are to be completed before our peer review (but may do more if they choose), and spend most of the class in their groups offering feedback to their colleagues. At the end of class, there is a 15 minute window to submit a self-reflection on the process.

Our class on October 31st is a seminar discussion of our course reading for the semester (Doppelganger by Naomi Klein). For this class, we are reading chapter 11 ("Calm, Conspiracy... Capitalism"). The discussion is largely student-led, but some likely topics include critical thinking & conspiracy theories, mis/dis/information, talking politics in the classroom... 

Register for Thursday October 24

Register for Thursday October 31