Calgary Campus Tutorials
Free, in-person and virtual tutoring is now available on the Calgary campus for accounting, economics and statistics courses. Drop-in as often as needed to ask questions, clarify course concepts, get guidance on assignments, or work through practice exercises. No appointment necessary.
Join us in person 3:30 - 5:30PM in room S6033A or virtually through TEAMS during these scheduled times:
- ACCT 2100 and 2400 Tuesdays and Wednesdays
- ECON 1010 and 1012 Tuesdays and Thursdays
- STAT 1770 Mondays and Fridays
Tutoring is provided on a first-come first served basis and may be limited to 20 minutes during peak times. You can also post a question anytime and the tutors will respond during their regular shift.
Tutoring will be closed during Reading Week (Feb 17-21) and will end April 4, 2025.