Horns Rec News - September
Horns Recreation September Newsletter
What's Happening
September 2 - Pronghorns Men's Soccer Game vs. MacEwan University @ 5pm
September 4 - Pronghorns Men's Soccer Game vs. University of Alberta @2:15pm
September 6 - New Student Orientation
September 8-14 - Intramural Registration
September 17 - Pronghorns Women's Soccer Game vs. UBC Okanagan @12pm
September 17 - Pronghorns Men's Soccer Game vs. Trinity Western University @2:15pm
September 17 - Pronghorns Women's Rugby Game vs. University of Alberta @7pm
September 18 - Pronghorns Women's Soccer Game vs. Thompson Rivers University @12pm
September 18 - Pronghorns Men's Soccer Game vs. University of Northern British Columbia @2:15pm
September 18-19 - Pronghorns Golf Tournament
September 22 - University Career Fair
September 24 - Pronghorns Women's Soccer Game vs. MacEwan University @12pm
September 25 - Pronghorns Women's Soccer Game vs. University of Alberta @12pm
Stay Active!
Physical activity is great for not on the body, but for the brain. Exercise helps improve mental health by reducing anxiety, depression, and helps improve self-esteem and cognitive functions.
Eat a Well-Balanced Diet
Don't forget about properly fueling your mind and body! A well balanced diet can help people feel more alert and think more clearly. While on the other hand, an inadequate diet can lead to fatigue, and impaired decision-making.
Prioritize Sleep
Sleep and mental health have a close relationship. Lack of sleep can affect your mental health while mental health issues can disrupt proper sleep habits. Continuous lack of sleep is likely to impact your mood, impairs memory, and affects learning ability.
Don't Forget About Social Connections
Socializing can stimulate attention and memory, and help to strengthen neural networks. Also, social connections have been proven to lower anxiety and depression. Take breaks to call an old friend or family member, or even better, meet with them face to face!
Take a Break/Relax
Scheduling breaks while studying allows your brain and body to get the recharge it needs. Although it may feel like there isn't enough time to take breaks, it will help your mood, help refill your mental fuel tank, and learning ability in the long run.
Take up a Relaxation Practice
Relaxation practices tend to reduce stress effects on the mind and body. These techniques help cope with everyday stress and have positive effects on your long term mental health. These practices also help create a calmer and clearer mind which helps with positive thinking and concentration.
DISTRESS LINE OF SOUTHWESTERN AB - This mental health service provides a 24/7 telephone support for people who require support, intervention, are experiencing distress, or need information and referral services.
403-327-7905 or 1-888-787-2880
CRISIS INTERVENTION PROGRAM - The Crisis Intervention Program is an 18-hour, seven-days-a-week telephone service that provides crisis intervention and stabilization.
On-Campus Services
COUNSELLING SERVICES - Counselling services are available to registered U of L students. The different services offered include: group counselling, brief personal counselling, wellness workshops, career counselling, and mental health trainings & certifications.
AH153, 403-317-2845, counselling.services@uleth.ca
INDIGENOUS STUDENT SERVICES - The indigenous student services offers a variety of support such as, personal, academic, career and employment counselling.
403-317-2845, w.spearchief@uleth.ca
Community Services
COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICE - Located in the Lethbridge Provincial building, these services include screening, assessment, consultation, and treatment for people and their families that have mental health concerns that affect their everyday lives.
200 5 Avenue S, 403-381-5260
CANADIAN MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION - The Canadian Mental Health Association focuses on protecting and promoting mental wellness, the best possible care, treatment, and rehabilitation of the mentally ill, research into causes, treatments and prevention if mental illnesses, & continuing to advocate for regarding illnesses.
426 6 ST S, 403-329-4775
LETHBRIDGE FAMILY SERVICES - The Lethbridge Family Services provides a variety of services which include: individual, couples, and family counselling, group counselling, educational presentations, training/workshops, personal growth, & individual education.
1098 3 AVE. N, 403-327-5724
Testimonials from the Herd
I have been coming here for years. It's really great to come in and see a smiling face and reconnect with old friends! -Doug S.
Meet our Staff
Kaleigh Harris
Customer Service Staff
If you were reincarnated as an animal, what would it be?
"Reincarnated into a dolphin so I could explore the ocean.""
What is your favourite activity to do in your free time?
"I love to bake in my free time."
What is your favourite form of exercise?
"My favourite form of exercise is spin classes."
Cassie Klaas
If you could be any fictional character, who would you be?
"Any of the students at Hogwarts. The got to see dragons, do magic, and fly around on brooms. Who wouldn't want to experience that?"
What is your favourite activity to do in your free time?
"I love hiking, skiing, watching movies, and baking!"
How would you react if you were transformed into a fish?
"I'd probably scream in whatever "blub blub" noises constitute a fish scream, then see if I can swim faster than my human self."
Lena Archer
Supervisory Lifeguard/Swim Instructor & Advanced Aquatic Instructor
If you could be any fictional character, who would you choose?
"Alice Cullen - Twilight"
What is your favourite activity to do in your free time?
"Read or write!"
If you could be a superhero, what would you want your superpowers to be?
Eric Rattai
Climbing Wall Associate/Camp Group Leader
If you could be a superhero, what would you want your superpower to be?
"Ability to telepathically recognize a solution to any immediate problem and be able to summon that solution (including non-physical solutions such as: recognizing a friend is hiding their pain and summoning the wisdom to best support them."
What is your favourite activity to do in your free time?
"Immerse myself into world of music."
What is your favourite form of exercise?
"Impulsive parkour"