Ascent Climbing Centre
Ascent Climbing Centre
Check out the Drop-in Climbing Times. Drop-in Climbing Schedule >
The Ascent Climbing Centre is part of the group of facilities located within the Centre for Sport & Wellness. With 2,000 square feet of modular climbing and a large bouldering cave, the Ascent Climbing Centre offers day passes, beginner lessons, lead and rappelling courses, group bookings, and youth programs. The main wall and bouldering cave are open during drop-in access times .
Facility Features
- Bouldering Cave - climbing without a rope and harness in a low height environment. After a quick orientation, the Bouldering Cave can be accessed during drop-in times.
- Auto Belays - always wanted to just come in and try climbing, but didn’t have a partner? Now you can, with a quick orientation on how to get started.
Waivers / Requirements

Adult Climbing Waiver
- If it is your first time to The Ascent Climbing Centre, please fill out the Adult Climbing Waiver and bring it with you.
- All users of the Auto Belays and Bouldering Cave require orientations specific to these area, adult supervisors also require the orientation
- All belayers must have successfully passed a belay test

Child/Youth Climbing Waiver
- Patrons under 18 years old must have a valid waiver signed by a parent or legal guardian. Please print and complete the Minor Participant Consent form.
- Proof of legal guardianship may be required.
- All users of the Auto Belays and Bouldering Cave require orientations specific to these area, adult supervisors also require the orientation
- All belayers must have successfully passed a belay test

Climbing Wall Age Restrictions
- If a youth is a current participant of our youth programs, exceptions to these age restrictions may apply
- All users of the Auto Belays and Bouldering Cave require orientations specific to these area, adult supervisors also require the orientation
- All belayers must have successfully passed a belay test
Introduction to Climbing: For those who are interested in learning proper use of climbing equipment and the basics of climbing and belaying. After completion of this 3 hour course, you and a partner will be able to come climb and use the ropes on a regular basis! Certification is complete after a short competency test the next time you climb. Bouldering Cave: Bouldering is climbing without a rope and harness in a low height environment. You can come in a climb in our bouldering cave with a quick orientation.
Lead Climbing Course: Learn the 'sharp end' of the rope. In this course climbers will learn how to Lead Climb. To register you must go to the climbing wall and show proficient use of an ATC (approval from climbing wall staff BEFORE registering) and confidently climb at a minimum 5.9 level on rope 5 (no rest) & rope 7 (minimal rests). The climbing wall staff will then put a note in your file acknowledging this (Ages 16+).
Rappelling Course: This 4 hour course will teach you the basics of rappelling and rope management with all the basic rappelling devices (Ages 14+).
ROCKSTARS Youth Climbing: Is your child climbing all over everything and looking for a challenge and some fun? This program will teach your child the basics of climbing, belaying and bouldering. For all those 8 - 16 years of age.
Adventure Youth: This climbing program will teach youth the basics of climbing, belaying and bouldering. We practice these skills indoors and then at the end of the session we hope to take the group outdoors and climb on the real thing. This course aims to teach our climbers as much as they can learn from our sport.
Youth Climbing Summer Camps: For kids ages 8 - 14 years of age. These exciting camps introduce our campers to the basics of climbing and belaying. During the week we will also include other activities & games both indoor and outdoor, survivor challengers and swimming.
Competitive Youth Climbing Team: Our climbers train specifically to compete in local and national competitions. Invite only but inquire if you are interested. Contact for further information.
Facility Access
- Parking is available, see map
- See Youth Policy
- Membership Fees
- If climbing during open times individuals must come with someone who is Belay Certified