Program Planning Guides (2025 / 2026)
2025 / 2026
Program Planning Guides
Where can I find information on courses and course offerings?
Information on approved courses offered at ULethbridge can be found in the Course Catalogue. Students may obtain information about the content of a specific course by inquiring at the academic unit - department, Faculty, or School - which offers that course.
Information about which courses will be offered - when, where, and by which instructor - is available on the Bridge.
What supports are available to students?
You are the focus of everything we do at ULethbridge. From finding the program that's right for you to applying for graduation, we have many services to help guide you on your academic journey.
Planning Planning Guides are not a graduation check or guarantee of course offerings. You should have a program check done in your final year of studies. Students are responsible for ensuring they have met program requirements. Program Planning Guides should be used in conjunction with the University of Lethbridge Academic Calendar, which is the final authority on program requirements and academic regulations.
For programs not listed, please contact an Academic Advisor.
Faculty of Arts and Science (Non-Combined Degrees)
The Faculty of Arts and Science offers instruction in a broad range of subjects, from the humanities and social sciences to the natural and mathematical sciences. The Faculty of Arts and Science commits itself to the development of well-educated persons through the pillars of liberal education, including breadth and connections across disciplines, critical thinking skills, and engaged citizenship at all levels. We emphasize the skills developed by a liberal education, and a balance of breadth of general intellectual background with depth of knowledge in a particular area.
Agricultural Studies
General Major in the Humanities
General Major in the Social Sciences
Indigenous Studies
Political Science
Religious Studies
Urban and Regional Studies
Women and Gender Studies
Agricultural Studies
See also Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) for programs offered by the Faculty of Fine Arts.
Agricultural Biotechnology
Agricultural Studies
Applied Statistics
Archaeology and Geography
Biological Sciences
Computer Science
Computer Science and GIS
Environmental Science
General Major in the Sciences
Remote Sensing
Agricultural Studies
Computer Science
Environmental Science
Geography with GIS Concentration
Dhillon School of Business (Non-Combined Degrees)
The Dhillon School of Business incorporates the University of Lethbridge philosophy of providing a liberal education into its programs. The program encourages personal growth through the enhancement of knowledge about the individual and society and our political and economic environments, and through development of interpersonal abilities, habits of precise reasoning and confidence in professional skills.
Post-Bachelor Certificate Programs
Accounting Fundamentals
Advanced Accounting
Combined Certificates
Combined Post-Bachelor Certificates in Accounting
The Faculty of Fine Arts incorporates the Departments of Art, Drama, Music, and New Media which include the Art Gallery, Music Conservatory and the University Theatres. The Faculty emphasizes the acquisition of knowledge and the development of analytical skills and imagination necessary to both create and respond with aesthetic intelligence to the fine arts in a global community. Small class sizes, an integrative approach which allows for cross-disciplinary fertilization and an intrinsic emphasis on the development of valuable job skills are distinguishing features. The Faculty provides opportunities for students to demonstrate their creative ability and skills through exhibitions and performances, acknowledging that audience exposure and the resulting feedback and criticism is essential to learning in all of the Fine Arts disciplines.
Faculty of Health Sciences (Non-Combined Degrees)
The Faculty of Health Sciences bases its statement of philosophy upon that of the University. Since our founding in 1980, the Faculty of Health Sciences has been dedicated to providing superb evidence informed health education that embraces complementary approaches, is creative in its application and unique in its perspective. Our student-centred approach to health education attracts students who want an educational experience unlike that offered by other health sciences schools.
Addictions and Mental Health Counselling
Indigenous Health
Public Health
Public Health
After an Approved Degree
Bachelor of Health Sciences After an Approved Degree (Public Health Example)
Faculty of Education (Incl. Combined Degrees with Education)
The Faculty of Education incorporates in its programs the overall philosophy that underscores the University’s commitment to liberal education. Its programs reflect emphasis on individualization, flexibility, innovation, and experimentation. Students benefit from one of the most unique teacher training programs in the country. With 27 weeks of practical classroom experience, students receive more than twice the amount required for teacher certification in Alberta. Students will also be qualified to teach in both secondary and elementary classrooms, creating vast opportunities throughout their careers as educators.
Art Education
Drama Education
Dramatic Arts
English Language Arts Education
General Major in the Humanities
Indigenous Education
General Major in the Social Sciences
Indigenous Studies
Modern Languages Education
Music Education
Physical Education
General Major in the Social Sciences
Social Studies Education
General Major in the Social Sciences
Political Science
Mathematics Education
General Major in the Sciences
Physical Education
Science Education
Biological Sciences
General Major in the Sciences
Bachelor of Fine Arts - Art and Bachelor of Education (Art / Art Education)
Bachelor of Fine Arts - Dramatic Arts and Bachelor of Education (Dramatic Arts / Drama Education)
Bachelor of Fine Arts - New Media and Bachelor of Education (New Media / Art Education)
Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Education (Music / Music Education)
Post-Diploma Fine Arts Programs and Bachelor of Education
Combined Degrees Programs (Non-Education)
Combined Degrees programs at the University of Lethbridge are generally 50 courses (five years) in length and provide students with the opportunity to meet the requirements for two degrees offered by two different Faculties or Schools. Note that some Combined Degrees programs require more than 50 courses. Students must be admitted to both Faculties and/or Schools responsible for a particular Combined Degrees program before they may be registered formally in the program. Some programs have enrolment limits and there is no guarantee of admission to Combined Degrees programs. The student is granted neither degree until all program requirements for both degrees are satisfied.
Bachelor of Fine Arts - New Media and Bachelor of Science (New Media / Computer Science)
Bachelor of Health Sciences and Bachelor of Arts (Addictions and Mental Health Counselling / Psychology)
Combined with B.B.A.
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Business Administration or Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Business Administration
Bachelor of Fine Arts - New Media and Bachelor of Business Administration (New Media / General Management)
Bachelor of Health Sciences and Bachelor of Business Administration
Students wanting to complete a different major in the B.B.A. Combined Degrees program should see an Academic Advisor in the Dhillon School of Business.