University of Lethbridge Post-Diploma Degree Programs

Arts and Science
Post-Diploma Program Major
Bachelor of Arts Agricultural Studies
Bachelor of Science Agricultural Studies
Bachelor of Science Computer Science
Bachelor of Science Environmental Science
Bachelor of Science Geography, with a Concentration in Geographical Information Science
Dhillon School of Business
Post-Diploma Program Major
Bachelor of Management (seven eligible majors)
Bachelor of Management (25-course) General Management
Pre-Post-Diploma B.Mgt./B.Ed. (program suspended) General Management
Fine Arts
Post-Diploma Program Major
Bachelor of Fine Arts Art (After Three-Year Diploma)
Bachelor of Fine Arts Art (After Two-Year Diploma)
Bachelor of Fine Arts Dramatic Arts (After Three-Year Diploma)
Bachelor of Fine Arts Dramatic Arts (After Two-Year Diploma)
Bachelor of Fine Arts Dramatic Arts (After Two-Year Diploma) with a major in Technical/Design
Bachelor of Fine Arts Multidisciplinary
Bachelor of Music Music (After Three-Year Diploma)
Bachelor of Music Music (After Two-Year Diploma)
Pre-Post-Diploma B.F.A. - Art/B.Ed. Art
Pre-Post-Diploma B.F.A. - Dramatic Arts/B.Ed. Dramatic Arts
Pre-Post-Diploma B.Mus./B.Ed. Music
Health Sciences
Post-Diploma Program Major
Bachelor of Health Sciences Aboriginal Health
Bachelor of Health Sciences Addictions Counselling
Bachelor of Health Sciences Public Health
Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation Therapeutic Recreation