Past Events

Open Access Policies
Rebecca Dowson, Scholarly Communication librarian from SFU, will join a panel of U of L researchers discuss Open Access policies in general and in particular, the experience SFU had in adopting their own version of a rights-retention policy similar to what is being proposed for the U of L. Bring your questions, concerns, and own experiences with open access and any uncertainties you have about the implications of adopting such a policy here.
Paywall: The Business of Scholarship
Spring & Fall 2018
Research Data Management: The Basics
Date: April 24, 2018, 3-4pm; August 30, 2018, 2-3 p.m.
What do you do with your research data? Whether it’s qualitative or quantitative, having a sound plan to manage your research data is important, and it will strengthen your grant applications. Learn the basics about research data management, including an overview of the U of L Data Management Plan Assistant, and other resources that can help guide you through the process. The last 20 minutes or so will be a workshop, so bring a laptop with you for some hands-on experience! Presentation slides and handout.
Presented by Sandra Cowan and Emma Black, U of L Librarians
Measuring Impact: The Basics
Date: April 18, 2018, 3-4pm; August 29, 2-3 p.m.
Impact is the new buzzword in research – but how do you show that your research is making an impact? What tools can you use? Where do you start? This session will provide an overview of tools you can use to measure impact, ways to raise your profile in order to increase your impact, and how to target the right audience to achieve the impact you desire. Citation counts, altmetrics, ResearchGate, GoogleScholar… just a few of the tools that can play into the impact and reach your research can achieve. Come to this session to find out more, and feel free to bring your own questions as well. Presentation slides and handout.
Presented by Rhys Stevens & Nicole Eva, U of L Librarians.
Open Access Week 2017
Find out more about Open Access, Open Education, Open Data, and Open ULeth Scholarship during Open Access Week, October 23-27, 2017. Free and open to all, at the U of L Library!
OPUS: Open ULeth Scholarship, our Open Access Digital Repository
Monday October 23, 12:00-1:00pm
Introducing OPUS – learn about the University of Lethbridge’s open access digital repository, what it is, how to use it, and why it will benefit you as a researcher. With Nicole Eva and Rhys Stevens (Librarians).
How to Start an Open Access Journal
Monday October 23, 3:00-4:15pm
Open access journals are the future of scholarship. Join us for a discussion about how to start up and run an open access journal. With professors Bryn Hughes (Music) founder of the journal Engaging Students: Essays in Music Pedagogy and Dan O’Donnell (English) founder of the U of L Journal Incubator.
Shoptalk: Open Educational Resources
Tuesday October 24, 9:00-10:00am
Teaching Centre L1126
Discussion of WHY Open Education matters and WHAT different shapes Open Educational Practices take in post-secondary contexts today, on both global and local levels. With Joerdis Weilandt (Teaching Centre).
Open Access Monographs (Webinar)
Tuesday October 24, 2:00-3:15pm
Panel discussion about current initiatives and models for publishing Open Access books, including University of Ottawa Press and Open Humanities Press. Webinar hosted by Sandra Cowan and Emma Black (Librarians).
Shoptalk: Open Educational Resources
Wednesday October 25, 12:00-1:00pm
Teaching Centre L1126
Discussion of WHY Open Education matters and WHAT different shapes Open Educational Practices take in post-secondary contexts today, on both global and local levels. With Joerdis Weilandt (Teaching Centre).
OPUS and Oranges: Open ULeth Scholarship
Wednesday October 25, 11am-1pm
UHall/Centre for the Arts Atrium
Visit the Open Access booth in the Atrium, learn about Open ULeth Scholarship (OPUS) and other open access scholarly resources.
Open Data: An Introduction
Thursday Oct 26, 12:15-1:15pm
What is Open Data and why is it important to your research? Where can you put research data, and where can you find it? With Emma Black and Sandra Cowan (Librarians).
Open in Order to Raise the Visibility of my Research
Friday October 27, 12:00-1:00pm
Making your next article Open Access - what’s in it for you? Come and find out some personal benefits of choosing an Open Access publisher. With U of L Copyright Advisor Rumi Graham.
Link to full list of Open Access Week events on the Noticeboard:
Research Data Management:
In conjunction with Research Week, we are hosting two events on Thursday, March 16, 2017:
12:15-1:30 p.m.: Interdisciplinary Panel Discussion on RDM
Whatever discipline you research in, managing your research data well is a challenge, but it’s also just good research practice. Furthermore, granting agencies are beginning to mandate research data management plans. Bring your ideas and questions to this multidisciplinary panel discussion about RDM.
James Doiron, Research Data Management Services Coordinator, U of A
Don Gill, Fine Arts
Dan O’Donnell, English/Digital Humanities
Clifford Donovan, MSc Neuroscience
Room L950 (downstairs in the library); bring your lunch and join the discussion!
Our second event that day will be a special guest presentation by James Doiron, Research Data Management Services Coordinator at the U of A:
From the Bird's Eye to the Bushes: Navigating Research Data Management in Canada
Thu, Mar 16, 2017 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm, alcove on L10 behind the Information Desk; refreshments will be provided.
Special guest speaker James Doiron, Research Data Management Services Coordinator for the University of Alberta Libraries, will talk about the current dynamic state of Research Data Management in Canada, walk us through some thorny research data management situations, and introduce us to resources that are available to the U of L community.
James Doiron is the Research Data Management Services Coordinator, University of Alberta Libraries. With an educational background in the Social Sciences (Psychology/Criminology), he has over 14 years of experimental research experience, primarily with large multi-disciplinary and geographically dispersed research teams, and across a wide range of research areas including autism spectrum disorders, long-term care, and youth crime/violence. James has extensive experience managing both quantitative and qualitative research data throughout their lifecycle, and in his various roles has provided essential research support to a wide range of research projects across institutions and disciplines, including data management advisement to support both immediate and long-term project goals, as well as archival and curation of research data. James actively sits on a number of local, national and international advisory and working groups, including the Statistics Canada Data Liberation Initiative (DLI) External Advisory Committee, the Portage Data Management Planning (DMP) and Research Data Management (RDM) Training Expert Groups, and the Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) Research Data Management Interest Group.
These events are part of Research Week, coordinated by the Office of Research and Innovation Services, and are hosted by the U of L Library and the Centre for the Study of Scholarly Communications.
For more Research Week Events, please see the Noticeboard:
Knowledge Translation & Mobilization
Thursday, February 16, 2017 ● 12-1:30pm ● Room L950
There are many avenues to move your research findings out into the world, from the traditional to the creative and cutting edge – how do you do it? Bring your questions, bring your lunch, hope to see you there!
Penny D’Agnone, ORIS
Hector MacIntyre, ORIS
Joe Rasmussen, Biology/Environmental Sci
David Slomp, Education
Scholarly Activity Impact: Metrics & Altmetrics
Thursday, November 24, 2016 ● 12-1:30pm ● Room L950
How do you tell the story of your research and creative work? How can you show the impact of your work? And what on earth does “Altmetrics” mean anyway?
Open Access in Action
Presented by Gerald Beasley, U of A University Librarian. October 27 @ 3 p.m., Library level 10
Video of the presentation is available at