The ULethbridge Film Series returns with a diverse slate of thought-provoking films for the 2024/25 academic year.
Results from March 12th to April 2nd, 2025 for Faculty of Arts and Science
Submit your abstract for the History & Religion Student Conference
Brought to you by the Department of History & Religion
Computational Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Physics talk!
Crossing Boundaries Graduate Symposium is a celebration of graduate student research in the fine arts, humanities and social sciences at the University of Lethbridge. Keynote Presentation by Dr. Yoke-Sum Wong.
Date: March 14 Time: 1 - 2:30 p.m. Place: Anderson Hall A175
Come for some fun games, pi reciting and pie eating!!!
Dr. Allison Whitney, candidate for the Director for the Centre for Feminist Research, presents her vision talk: Building a Collaborative Community: A Vision for the Centre for Feminist Research.
DAVE MORRIS University of Lethbridge
Topic: Colour-permuting automorphisms of complete Cayley graphs
Monday, March 17 | 12:15 - 1:15 p.m. Markin Hall M1060
Dr. Tara MacDonald, candidate for the Director for the Centre for Feminist Research, presents her vision talk: Collaboration, Community, Celebration: A Vision for the CFR.
The F.E.L. Priestley Lecture Series proudly welcomes Ralph Benmergui to the University of Lethbridge to present, Nothing Sacred: From I and It to I and Thou. Understanding Climate Change as a Spiritual Crisis.
Fun afternoon of math activities, games, problems and puzzles.
What is the Future of Queer History? by Dr. Justin Bengry
Dr. John von Heyking presents "Loneliness, Scientific Authority, and Platonic Couches" as part of Owen G. Holmes Lectures.
A talk by U of Alberta's Bridget Stirling