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The F.E.L. Priestley Lecture Series proudly welcomes Ralph Benmergui to the University of Lethbridge to present, Nothing Sacred: From I and It to I and Thou. Understanding Climate Change as a Spiritual Crisis.
Thursday, March 20, 2025
7-9 p.m.
PE275, Centre for Sport and Wellness
Free. Everyone welcome.
No RSVP required.
If every Judeo-Christian holiday is rooted in our connection to the natural world, then how did the word Pagan become a pejorative? Author, podcaster and ordained Spiritual Director Ralph Benmergui believes that the climate crisis is a spiritual crisis. We have dispensed with awe and humility and given God the pink slip. We have dominion. We are God, and we're not very good at it. Hundreds of years in the making and featuring fire, floods and famine, we find ourselves starring in a dystopian movie, standing helpless while Mother Earth is crying, and we don't even offer her a handkerchief to wipe away the tears. It's time for Plan B. Time for the journey from I and It to I and Thou.
Ralph Benmergui is an award-winning television and radio broadcaster and five-time Gemini Award nominee. After spending over twenty years at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), he moved to Jazz.FM 91, where he hosted Benmergui in the Morning. He has hosted, written and co-produced critically acclaimed documentaries and currently hosts two popular podcasts. His eclectic career has spanned the realms of comedy, music, government communications, and Higher Education. He is also an ordained Spiritual Director. His biography, I Thought He was Dead – A Spiritual Memoir, was published in 2021.
Elizabeth Galway |