The Department of Philosophy Colloquium Series presents:
"Opposing Children: Adversarial Argumentation in Caregiver-Child Contexts"
The Department of Philosophy Colloquium Series presents:
"Opposing Children: Adversarial Argumentation in Caregiver-Child Contexts"
The Department of Philosophy Colloquium Series presents:
The Department of Philosophy is hosting its 2025 Philosophy Undergraduate Conference, featuring talks by University of Lethbridge undergraduates Leya Emond, Gop Majac, Cameron Bluekens, Autumn Rea, Justin Cleland,...
The Department of Philosophy Colloquium Series presents:
"Argumentation in Discourse and its Philosophical AnalysisExamples of Polarization and History-Coding"
The F.E.L. Priestley Lecture Series proudly welcomes Ralph Benmergui to the University of Lethbridge to present, Nothing Sacred: From I and It to I and Thou. Understanding Climate Change as a Spiritual Crisis.
The Department of Philosophy Colloquium Series presents:
"Reproductive Rights and Disability Advocacy"