Join us for the opening ceremony of Black History Month on February 4, 2025, at 11 a.m. online and in-person for Coffee with the Artist Erika DeFreitas at 3 p.m. in the Hess Gallery (W600).
Results from February 4th to 25th, 2025 for Campus Community & Special Event
Are you curious about the Library’s Special Collection? Would you like to view some of the rare things that are usually kept behind locked doors?
Join us for the 28th Annual International Dinner featuring keynote speaker Desmond (Dez) Kamara (BA ’10), ULethbridge alumni and author of "Looking Back."
Active U: Yoga in the Gallery
Dr. Margaret Price argues for a turn toward collective accountability in order to make academe more accessible for all marginalized persons
Are you ready for a fun-filled afternoon of engaging math puzzles and problem-solving? We're excited to invite students from Kindergarten through Grade 12 to join us for a special Math Kangaroo practice session!
Struggling with citations? We got you covered!
Who said, “Romance is dead?”
There are no red flags to be found at ULethbridge Library’s Bring Your Own Book Club.
Join the BYOB Club and feel the love as we discuss romance novels!
The Indigenous Writers Series presents the screening of Bretten Hannam’s Wildhood!
Are you trivia champs like the multi-award-winning ULethbridge Library?!
If you love random bits of information and want to put them to use, then Trivia Night is for you!