What is it?
- A virus carried by deer mice.
- The virus is in their urine and droppings.
How do people get Hantavirus?
- People may be infected- by contact with mouse droppings when cleaning out garages, sheds and cabins where mice lived over the winter.
- Sweeping or vacuuming droppings, releases the virus into the air and it is breathed in.
- It is not spread from person to person.
Do other animals carry Hantavirus?
- The only known carrier is the deer mouse (reddish-brown or grey with white fur on the belly and feet.)
- Other rodents may carry the virus so all rodents should be treated as carriers.
- Hantavirus has not caused illness in pets or spread from pets to people.
What signs and symptoms can you have?
- Early symptoms are flu-like: fever, body aches, chills and headache.
- They occur 1-2 weeks after being infected.
- Breathing problems leading to hospitalization occur 2-15 days after early symptoms.
Who is at risk for Hantavirus?
- Only a small percent of the people who come in ontact with the virus get ill.
- Most cases have occurred in people with close contact to mice or mice droppings.
- Most cases occur in rural areas.
How do you prevent Hantavirus?
Keep mice / rodents away by:
- Storing food and pet food in metal or plastic containers.
- Sealing holes(anything over 6mm or ΒΌ in) with steel wool or cement to prevent entry.
- Hauling away trash, old vehicles, old tires where mice / rodents can nest
- Storing garbage in containers with tight fitting lids.
- When entering a building where mice / rodents may live wear a mask so as not to breathe in the dust in the building.
- If using traps or poisons to control mice beware of the danger to children and pets.
- Wild mice should not be kept as pets.
When cleaning mice/rodent infested areas:
- Air out the area for 30 minutes first.
- Wear rubber or plastic gloves.
- Also wear a mask so dust is not inhaled.
- When cleaning heavily contaminated areas a HEPA mask may be purchased at safety supply stores.
- Soak dead rodents, nests, droppings and contaminated items in a 1 to 10 bleach / water solution.
- Pick up debris and place in double plastic bags.
- Do not sweep or vacuum.
- When clean-up is done seal bags, and place with regular garbage for routine pickup. After bags have been removed mop floors with soap, water and then a bleach / water solution.
- Dirt floors can be sprayed with a 5 to 10 bleach / water solution.
- For heavily infested areas contact a pest control service or a public health inspector for detailed information.
After clean up:
Wash hands well.
- Wash gloves in a 1 to 10 bleach / water solution or dispose of.
- Used traps should be rinsed with a 1 to 50 bleach solution before being reused.