Co-op Admissions Course Handbook

Job Application Essentials

Utilizing ChatGPT to Develop Your Toolkit 

  • Expanding Knowledge Base: ChatGPT's vast knowledge base allows you to explore various industries, job roles, and potential skills that you highlight in your job application documents. 
  • Learning Aide: ChatGPT can offer feedback to you based on your specific experiences and job preferences.  Some students may have limited access to career counselling or resume workshops. 
  • Refinement of Accomplishment Statements: ChatGPT can assist you in formulating effective accomplishment statements by evaluating your existing bullet points. 
  • Preparing for Interviews: In addition to job application documents, ChatGPT can also help you prepare for interviews. It can provide sample interview questions and tips.

Alternative Resources and Tools instead of ChatGPT 

Considerations When Using ChatGPT 

Artificial Intelligence has gained a lot of momentum. People are now using it for career development and to engage in management steps such as resume writing. While this can be an incredibly useful tool, it is important to check that you are using these platforms ethically and critically when it comes to career development. In order to do this, use the following abbreviation and checklist to determine:


  • Have I cross-researched other sources of information? 
  • Is it consistent with other sources and guidance?
  • Use referencing skills learned in your education and academic writing to assess.


  • Is this an accurate reflection of who I am as a person and my goals?
  • If I use the content, do my documents accurately showcase who I am in person?


  • Is the information provided relevant to the prompts I am asking it? 
  • Are my prompts and information presented generic or refined? 


  • Is this a truthful representation of myself if I choose to use it when developing career goals? 
  • Will an employer or outsider notice a gap in skill (such as writing) on what is presented in writing versus in person? 


  • Have I fully reviewed the content I have used? 
  • Is it curated to the career goal(s) I am interested in?
  • Does it align with who I am as a person, academic, or professional?
  • Have I actively assessed my information and thought deeply about how to integrate it with my content or goals? 



  • Review your documents - Do not let the platform do all the work for you. 
  • The platform is not a subject matter expert. It is only as effective as the prompts you use. 
  • Do not lie - Employers will hold you accountable for the information in your documents.
  • Potential for bias within the software – It pulls from a predominantly Eurocentric, ableist database.  
  • Utilize the Career Bridge office- They can assist you with using it critically, ethically, and efficiently for career development.


  • Familiarity with/understanding of a concept, theory, or process
  • Examples: Concepts related to marketing and communication; understanding Bohr’s Model of Chemical Bonds


  • Ability to perform some dimension of a task, technical skills & transferrable skills
  • Examples: Writing, public speaking, planning and prioritization, lab procedures (pipetting)


  • Inherent qualities, traits, characteristics, or perspectives
  • Examples: Open minded, self-motivated, ability to connect with others


Competency Formula 

  • Problem = Knowledge + Skills + Attributes


Problem: Increase community outreach




In-depth understanding of community dynamics, social trends, and effective communication strategies.

Strong interpersonal and communication skills, adept at fostering relationships, and proficient in utilizing various engagement platforms.

Genuine passion for community building, coupled with adaptability and creativity to tailor engagement approaches to diverse audiences.


Community Outreach: Spearheaded and executed a community outreach program resulting in a 30% increase in active participation within six months.


ChatGPT Cover Letter and Resume Sample Prompts 

Skill Summary 

  • You are a resume expert.  What are some skills I have as [student: add program major or specific job role] that are applicable to the job posting below and can be emphasized on my resume [student: add job posting].

Related Experiences/ Additional Experience

  • You are a resume expert.  Based on the following accomplishment statement formula (verb + task + result) that is built to help create more effective bullet points under experience, review the following statement and make recommendations for improvement in the position [student: add a job title]: [student: add bullet points].

Certifications and Training 

  • From this sample job posting posted below can you identify required or relevant certifications and training? [student: add job posting].
  • What are some popular certifications, training, and workshops that co-op employers in the [student: add industry is your position in] industry find an asset on an applicant's resume?

Projects and Course Work 

  • You are a resume expert.  Based on the following accomplishment statement formula (verb + task + result) that is built to help create more effective bullet points under projects and course work, review the following statement and make recommendations for improvement in the project [student add: course project/paper/group assignment]: [student: add bullet points].

Leadership and Interests 

  • You are a resume expert.  Based on the following accomplishment statement formula (verb + task + result) that is built to help create more effective bullet points under (leadership) or (interests), review the following statement and make recommendations for improvement in the hobby [student: add hobby]: [student: add bullet points].

General Prompts

  • I am trying to create a curated resume for the job posting below. Can help me assess what are the requirements for the role and what would be some examples of important skills and experiences for them to highlight in a resume? [student: attach job posting]. 
  • Based on the sample job posting provided below, assess my professional experiences and provide a rationale about whether or not I am a competitive candidate for this job. [student: add resume and sample job posting].
  • Point out where specific details and metrics could help enhance my achievements in these bullet points [student: add bullet points]. 
  • You are a resume expert.  Provide a list of professional action verbs to help describe my experiences concisely and effectively based on the following bullet points: [student: add bullet points].
  • Compare my resume to the job posting below and highlight specific skills and experiences that align with the requirements with an emphasis on their relevance [student: attach job posting and resume].

Format and Design 

Resume Checklist

Personal Contact Information 

  • Your Name 
  • Your City/Province 
  • Your Phone Number 
  • Your University of Lethbridge E-mail Address 
  • Social Media/Portfolio URL’s/MyExperience Transcript link 


Skills Summary/ Highlights of Skills

  • 3-5 skills that you bring to the position 
  • Example(s) of how you demonstrated those skills (bullet point) 
  • Use quantitative data to support your examples if available 



  • Full degree & major  
  • School Name and City, Province (Ex. University of Lethbridge| Lethbridge, AB) 
  • Dates (start to present) 
  • State that you are a Co-operative Education Student  
  • GPA (if above 3.0) 
  • List up to 5 relevant course titles  
  • Awards (title and year)  


Experience (Paid or Volunteer) 

  • Position Title 
  • Organization Name and City, Province/Country  
  • Dates (month/year to month/year) 
  • 3 bulleted accomplishment statements (Verb + Task + Result)  
  • Back up your achievements with figures, percentages, and data where possible. 
  • List your experience/employment history in reverse chronological order. 


Certifications and Training (optional)

  • Qualification title (Ex. First Aid/CPR, WHMIS, Driver’s License) 
  • City, Province/Country 
  • Dates (month/year) 


Projects and Coursework (optional)

  • Project & Course titles 
  • Institution (Ex. University of Lethbridge) 
  • City, Province/Country 
  • Dates (month/year) 
  • 1 bulleted accomplishment statement (Verb + Task + Result)  
  • Additional Information (Ex. Publication Link) 


Leadership & Extracurricular Activities (optional) 

  • Title  
  • City, Province/Country 
  • Dates (month/year) 
  • Brief (one sentence) description of role, responsibilities, and achievements. 
  • Highlight teamwork, communication, and skills developed (if relevant). 
Format and Design

Cover Letter Checklist

Conventions To Consider

  • Targeted to a specific position/job posting
  • Business letter formatting (left justified)
  • One page long (approx. 4-5 paragraphs)
  • Font size between 10.5-12 


Personal Contact Information  

  • Your name 
  • Your City, Province 
  •  Your phone number 
  • Your University of Lethbridge Email 
  • Date


Employers Contact Information  

  • Employer's Name (or hiring manager if unknown) 
  • Employer's Job Title 
  • Company Name
  • Company Address 
  • Salutation (Ex. Dear (Employer's Name) [or] Hiring Manager
  • Job Title and Employer Competition Number (if applicable). Do not quote internal job posting number. 



  • State the position title and organization name (in full) that you are applying for 
  • Express that you are a Co-operative Education student, mentioning your program and year 
  • Include 1 piece of information about the organization that you relate to and why you align with it
  • Optional: List 3 strengths you bring to the role 

Body Paragraph(s)

  • Identify 2-3 technical and/or transferable skills relevant to the job posting 
  • Provide 1-2 concrete examples of how you have exemplified those skills in previous experiences (paid, volunteer, academic projects, or interest)
  • Connect your experiences to the employer’s specific goals, activities, or outcomes outlined in the job posting



  • Summarize your suitability for the position in 1-2 sentences 
  • Encourage them to contact you for further discussion and questions 
  • End with “Sincerely,” followed by your name

Format and Design

References Checklist

Your references should be on a separate third page. Ensure your contact information on the reference page matches your other application documents. 


References (minimum 2-3)

  • Name
  • Job Title
  • Company Name
  • City, Province/Country
  • Phone Number
  • E-mail Address
  • Optional – Relationship to you (If they are in a new role, clarify your professional relationship Ex. Supervisor at Walmart)

Note: Ideal references should include individuals who have provided supervisory roles during work (paid or volunteer) experiences or in academic settings.  Avoid including friends or family members.

Admission, Continuation, and Withdrawal

GPA Requirements: Entry is based on cumulative GPA.  Review the requirements below to find out the minimum requirement for your program.

Degree Type

GPA Requirement

BA, BFA & BSc Health Sciences

Minimum 2.5 


Minimum 2.3


Minimum 2.7

MA, MSc & MSc Health Sciences

Minimum 3.0 

MSc (Mgt)

Minimum 3.7 

NOTE: If you do not meet the cumulative GPA, you can still qualify by contacting the Co-op Office if you have met the GPA requirement in the last 2 consecutive semesters.  If you are transferring from another post-secondary institution, your transfer GPA will be considered for admission to the program.  If you do not meet the GPA requirements for admission, utilize the following resources to get support in improving your GPA:

Additional Programs/Support Services

There are no fees to access Career Bridge resources. However, a co-op work term is registered as a course and appears on your transcript, and is therefore assessed a course fee.

More information

It is advantageous for students to have completed at least ten courses toward their degree before their first Co-op work term. This ensures they have the necessary background to meet employer needs and excel in the workplace. Planning and preparation for a Co-op work term can take up to six months, so early application is key. First-year students are not only encouraged but welcomed to apply.


Sample Co-op Sequencing

Bachelor's Degree

  • Sample 1: Three 4-month work terms
  • Sample 2: One 8-month and one 4-month work term
  • Sample 3: One 8-month and one 16-month work term


Post Diploma Bachelor's Degree

  • Sample 1: Three 4-month work terms
  • Sample 2: One 12-month work term
  • Sample 3: One 8-month and one 4-month work term

There are additional steps and requirements for International students participating in Co-op.  

More Information

To successfully enter the Co-op program, make sure your application documents meet the following requirements:

Resume Information

Cover Letter Information

Reference Information


Check the Co-op Job Board regularly



Co-op Job Board

  • All detailed job postings can be found on the Co-op Job Board within (click on “Co-op” then “Co-op Job Board” on the left menu).
  • When you are admitted to the Co-op Program you will be granted access to this secure area. 
  • Students should submit their resume and cover letter by the deadline indicated on the posting, and should carefully follow the application instructions. If you have questions about your documents or want them reviewed, please contact the Co-op Office well in advance of the deadline.
  • Some positions require a second step, such as uploading your Cover Letter and Resume to an employer’s online portal. Watch your email closely after applying for a job.
  • If applying for Co-op positions located outside of Lethbridge students should carefully check their leases concerning notice of termination at their Lethbridge premises. 

The University of Lethbridge does not guarantee employment positions and applying for a position does not guarantee the student a position, as the positions posted are very competitive. Successful placement depends upon labour market conditions, mutual cooperation, and effort from the student, University, and employer. Our office, however, is committed to preparing you as much as possible with information and skills that will assist in the competition for work terms.



  • Interviews may be held on-campus, at the place of employment, by phone, or online. In some circumstances, you may be contacted directly by the employer—if so, please contact the Co-op Office immediately with the interview details you and the employer have arranged.
  • Accepting an interview indicates your commitment to seriously consider the position if offered.
  • Students who are applying to more than one Co-op position and who are subsequently offered more than one interview (or position) should contact the Co-op Office.
  • Students selected for interviews will receive instructions from the Co-op Office.
  • Interviews may be conducted on-campus, off-campus, by phone, or online.
  • Accepting an interview indicates your commitment to consider the position seriously.
  • Utilize the interview prep supports
  • You have two business days to make your decision unless otherwise stated.
  • Forward a copy of the offer letter to the Co-op office.
  • Fulfill all employment requirements promptly.
  • Once you accept an offer, honor the agreement as a contractual commitment.
  • Discuss any concerns about working conditions or salary with the Co-op office.
  • Ensure clarity on employment conditions before signing any contracts.
  • Do not decline an offer without consulting with the Co-op OFfice.
  • Be transparent and professional in all communications with employers.
  • Students may return to the same employer for subsequent work terms.  This could be either by extending a contract time or returning after an absence with the employer.  Either would count as another work term.  
  • Discuss opportunities for returning to a job with the Co-op Office.
  • Self-initiated Co-op work terms must be approved by the Co-op office.
  • Positions should be robust, related to your field of interest, full-time, paid, and with the support of an employer partner.
  • This opportunity will allow you to maintain full-time student status during the work term.
  • Work closely with the Co-op Office for guidance and approval.

More Information 

  • Work term fees are due at the end of each term and are recorded on your transcript.
  • Ensure compliance with work term requirements and registration procedures.

Work Term Expectations

Before embarking on your co-op work term, it's essential to understand the expectations and requirements to ensure a successful experience.

  • Co-op student successfully obtains a work term. 
  • Co-op student must pay their Co-op course tuition. 
  • Co-op student must complete the objectives of the work term as agreed by the student, the employer, and the Co-op office. 
  • Co-op student must submit all assignments and participate in a monitor visit. 
  • Alternating between co-op work terms and classroom semesters may necessitate adjustments to your academic plan. It's essential to connect with your Academic Advisor to ensure that you're on track with your program requirements and to discuss any changes in your course sequence.
  • Your Academic Advisor can help you develop a new plan that aligns with your co-op work terms and academic goals.

Academic Advising

  • All full-time students, including those on a co-op work term, are automatically enrolled in the ULSU Health & Dental Plan. While you have the option to opt out under certain conditions, it's important to review the plan details and deadlines for opting out. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the coverage provided by the plan and how to access health and dental services while on your work term.
  • Opt-Out Responsibilities: You must opt out of Health Benefits or the UPass before the ULSU's opt-out deadlines if you do not wish to use these services.
  • Scholarships and Awards: If you have questions or concerns about scholarships or awards, contact the Scholarships & Student Finance Office for assistance.
  • Ensure that you send a copy of your Contract/Letter of Offer and Job Description to our office. These documents will be kept on file for future reference if needed.
  • The Co-op office will handle the registration process for your co-op work term, including dropping any courses you may be registered in for that semester. Make sure not to drop any classes or cancel your registration until we have completed the registration for your co-op work term.
  • It's essential to communicate any issues or delays promptly. If you encounter any problems or are unable to report to your co-op work term as planned, notify the Co-op Office immediately.
  • While your primary focus during a co-op work term is gaining practical work experience, you may have the opportunity to take one academic course with approval from both your WIL Instructor and your employer.
  • This option allows you to balance academic studies with your work responsibilities.
  • It's essential to consult with your WIL Instructor to discuss the feasibility of taking a course during your work term and to obtain the necessary approvals.
  • Depending on the location of your co-op work term, you may need to arrange for housing or accommodation.
  • While some employers may provide on-site accommodation or relocation allowances, others may offer assistance in finding suitable housing options.
  • It's essential to explore your housing options well in advance of your work term and to consider factors such as lease agreements and proximity to your workplace.
  • If you need assistance in finding housing or transportation, reach out to the Co-op Office for guidance. Ensure you carefully review any lease agreements and understand the terms regarding termination.
  • During your co-op work term, you are representing the University of Lethbridge. Maintain a professional demeanor, adhere to company policies, and refrain from using company resources for personal use.
  • If you encounter any safety concerns, report them to your Co-op Coordinator immediately.

Workplace safety

  • Discuss any planned vacations with your employer and Co-op Coordinator in advance.
  • Ensure that any time off does not interfere with your work responsibilities or learning objectives.
  • In the event of strikes, layoffs, resignations, or termination, communicate with the Co-op Office promptly. We will investigate and provide support as needed.
  • Students must remain registered for the entire duration of the work term(s) applied for, and withdrawal from the work term without proper cause may result in a failing grade.
  • Maintain confidentiality regarding company information and avoid conflicts of interest. If you have any concerns or questions about confidentiality or conflicts of interest, reach out to the Co-op Office for guidance.
  • Remember, your co-op work term is a valuable opportunity to gain professional experience and develop essential skills. Make the most of it by adhering to these expectations and seeking support when needed.
  • International students participating in co-op work terms must ensure that their Co-op Work Permit and Study Permit are up to date for the duration of their work term. These permits allow international students to work legally in Canada and maintain their status as full-time students. It's important to verify the expiration dates of these permits and take steps to renew them if necessary before starting your work term.
  • If your co-op work term is located abroad, you will be required to complete additional paperwork related to travel registration. These measures help ensure your safety and well-being while working in a foreign country.
  • Contact the Co-op office for specific details and instructions on how to complete these requirements.