Institutional Governance & Organization

Campus Leadership

The University of Lethbridge will be Canada’s destination for all who seek a comprehensive, liberal education-based university that promotes a diverse and inclusive environment and inspires research-informed teaching and learning, creative discovery, scholarship, professional endeavour, experiential opportunities, and community engagement.

The President provides leadership as to the University's academic and administrative vision, optimizes its development, ensures its objectives are achieved, and assures its quality and future. 

Office of the President

The Provost provides leadership, oversight, and direction across a broad spectrum of University operations including: institutional planning and reporting; academic program development, implementation, maintenance, and quality assurance; student services; and budgeting and reporting, in collaboration with the Vice-President (Finance and Administration).

Office of the Vice-President (Academic)

Broadly supports the work of the Office of the Provost, including the oversight of academic quality assurance and new program development, Institutional Analysis, International Student Services, the Teaching Centre, and the Calgary Campus.

Office of the Vice-President (Academic)

Oversees the university's Ancillary Services, Facilities, Financial Services, Human Resources, General Counsel, and Sport & Recreation Services offices. Also serves as a liaison officer for Universities Academic Pension Plan, as well as a variety of provincial and federal funding agencies.

Office of the Vice-President (Finance & Administration)

Supports the university's research community and endeavours by overseeing Animal Care Services, the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs, Research Ethics, Research & Innovation Services, and the University-Industry Liaison Office.

Office of the Vice-President (Research)

Oversees Donor and Alumni Relations to cultivate engagement, involvement, and a sustainable culture of philanthropy among our University communities.

Institutional Governance

The University of Lethbridge governs itself with a bi-cameral governance structure, as set out in the Alberta Post-Secondary Learning Act. The Board of Governors has authority for business governance and the General Faculties Council (GFC) has authority for academic governance. The Senate is also defined within the Post-Secondary Learning Act, and it is the duty of a Senate to inquire into any matter that might benefit the university and enhance its position in the community.


University Secretariat

The University Secretariat (Governance) Office supports the bi-cameral governance bodies the Board of Governors and General Faculties Council and Statutory Deans' Council (advisory to both) by ensuring the organizational processes are efficient and effective and the institution (students, faculty and staff) and community (through supporting the work of the Senate) are well-informed and prepared to support the Strategic Plan of the University of Lethbridge.

Visit the Governance page to learn more

The Board of Governors (Board) of the University of Lethbridge is a body established by the Post-secondary Learning Act (Act) of Alberta. The Board shares governance responsibilities with General Faculties Council, the senior academic governing body. The Board decides any question that arises regarding the powers and duties of any officer, employee, or body of the University, where not specifically identified in the Act. The final decision on the question rests with the Board.


Board of Governors

The primary role of General Faculties Council is to be responsible for the academic affairs of the University, subject to the authority of the Board of Governors, in accordance with Section 26 of the Post-Secondary Learning Act.

General Faculties Council

As indicated within the Post-Secondary Learning Act 27 (1), each university must have a deans’ council. The deans’ council is an advisory body to the president of the university, the board and the general faculties council and has the powers, duties and functions that are delegated to it.

It is the duty of a Senate to inquire into any matter that might benefit the University and enhance its position in the community.

ULethbridge Senate