Peer Sessions

Peer Sessions in the Fall 2018


Digital Fluency

The conversation revolved around the current UofL Library Technological Fluency Initiative -the Project Sandbox, the public face of the initiative, was explored as an example to help our students become more fluent in their use of digital technology for their learning in academic and professional settings. 

2 people and a computer

Redesign an Online Course

In this session Dr. Mark Zieber took the participants through his redesign of an online course in Moodle. 

In the video Mark talks us through:
• course restore
• visibility of content
• groups
• assignments
• course content and links
• gradebook

Personal Websites for Teaching

Personal Websites for Teaching

In this session 3 profs (Education, Japanese) and a manager (English Language Institute) talk about the hows and whys for personal websites for teaching by illstrating their elaborations with elements in their own websites.


Blended Learning

This session was a great opportunity to see the great variety in blended teaching approaches represented by six UofL professors, who not only introduced the ways how they blend their courses, but also gave us some of the tools to do so (which you might want to check out here.)

this pictures shows a circle to represent the soundness in design

Sound Online Course Design

This session highlighted the elements that constitute sound online course design.The workshop was designed to provide participants with experiences from both – the student and the instructor perspectives.