Mobility Program

The Mobility Program is intended to encourage investigators who are within five years of their first appointment after completing their research training or graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to visit another laboratory for a short period of time, between one to six months. The visit will be to learn or provide instruction on new methods and techniques required to research prion and prion-like protein misfolding diseases or to learn new methods of socio-economic approaches that impact prion diseases.

Agency Name
Alberta Prion Research Institute (Alberta Innovates)
Contact Name
Grant Amount
Grants of up to $15,000 Canadian for a maximum period of six months to cover costs of travel (at lowest economy fare) and subsistence. Grant funding will be provided to the Alberta institution. Travel costs are available up to $3,000 and subsistence costs may be up to $2,000 per month and cannot exceed $12,000 over the period of the award.
Grant Location
Grant Type
Grant Area
Natural Science
Social Science
Grant Eligibility