Talking About Teaching

These in-person events are hosted by the Teaching Centre multiple times per year. Join us for a small panel discussion, a guest speaker or a round-table discussion.
All faculty and graduate students are welcome to attend.
Do you have ideas that you would like to explore via a Talking About Teaching?
Contact The Teaching Centre and Agility to discuss your ideas.
Past topics have included:
- ChatGPT, AI and the Changing Classroom
- Are We Teaching Our Students Dangerous Ideas
- Provoking Student Thinking
- Back in Class!
- Ungrading and Labour-Based Grading
My Last Talking about Teaching: How Team-Based Learning Changed my Teaching and Research
Dr. Jan Newberry
Friday, March 21 | 1 to 3 PM
Location: M1090
In 2105, I redesigned my Anthropology 1000 course using team-based learning. Since that time, I have adopted and modified this approach across all the courses I teach. My approach to collaboration in research was changed too. Team-based learning helped in decolonizing my ethnographic research, even as I developed new projects in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). In this my last talk about my experiences as a teacher and researcher at the UofL, I will describe not just what worked and what didn’t, but also how team-based learning made me better at being both.