Computer Science (Post-Diploma)
Credentials available
- Bachelor of Science
- Lethbridge
- Calgary
Program description
Computer Science: solve complex problems in industry, technology, the environment, society and beyond
Student clubs & activities | You can participate in the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM), an international scientific and educational society dedicated to advancing computing as a scientific endeavour and a profession. The department also participates in the annual ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest for the Rocky Mountain Region — an excellent opportunity for you to show off your programming skills.
Minors | Adding a minor to your degree is a great way to explore academic interests beyond your major. A minor is a set of courses comprising a secondary focus of interest. It is generally not related to your major. A minor may be required or optional. Pursue a second passion by adding a minor to your degree.
Honours thesis | If your GPA is high enough in your fourth year, you can opt to complete an undergraduate thesis course. This is an excellent opportunity for you to earn an “Honours Thesis” designation on your degree.
Experience learning | Our students have a number of experiential learning opportunities available to them including co-operative education, international exchanges, independent and applied studies as well as volunteer opportunities. uLethbridge is the only university in Alberta to offer co-operative education to all majors in the arts & sciences, at both the undergrad and grad level. Transfer students can actually head out on their first work term before ever stepping foot on campus! For example, many transfer students have completed a summer work term before starting classes in September.
Skills acquired | In addition to developing exceptional written and oral communication skills in this program, you’ll also develop strong critical and analytical thinking skills, advanced information acquisition and management skills, as well as precise attention to detail. All of these abilities are highly sought after in the business world and can be applied to practically any scenario.
Possible careers
- Games Programming
- Digital Forensics
- Technical Support Representative
- Computer Graphics Technician
- Senior Applications Planner
- Automated Systems Designer
- Artificial Intelligence Developer
- Computational Linguistics
- Robotics
- Multimedia
- Mobile App Design
- Computer Music
- Software Development
- Systems Analysis
- Database Management
- Curriculum Developer
- Communications Control Technician
- Systems Programmer
- Statistician
- Technical Information Specialist
- Telecommunications
- Web Services Development
- Information Systems Management
- Embedded Systems Design
- Quality Control Engineering
- Computer-Aided Manufacturing
- IT Training & Education
- Environmental Engineering
- Health & Bioinformatics
Professional disciplines & graduate studies | The University of Lethbridge’s School of Graduate Studies offers programs, at the master and doctoral levels, in more than 60 disciplines — so why not consider pursuing grad school right here in Lethbridge! Whether you choose to do your advanced studies at uLethbridge or another institution, know that your undergraduate degree has set you on the path to post-graduate success.

Computer science at ULethbridge is a great place to network, make friends and expand your knowledge. It is a fantastic choice for advancement in the world's need for technology. Get into co-op! Study hard and don't be discouraged by failure — it's a stepping stone to success.
- Prosper, Computer Science (Co-op)
Sample classes
Course selections for the program will vary, but may include:
- Practical Software Development
- Computer Architecture
- Data Structures & Algorithms
- Programming Languages
- Artificial Intelligence
- Data Communications & Networking
- Software Engineering
Additional information
- Diploma (check approved college diplomas)