Master of Science in Management
Program components
Thesis pathway: Coursework and thesis
Business Analytics project pathway: Coursework and applied project
Registration options
Thesis pathway: full-time or part-time
Business Analytics project pathway: full-time or part-time
The program is offered by the AACSB-accredited Dhillon School of Business, and it is designed for students with an undergraduate degree, or significant professional experience, in Management, Commerce, Business or a related discipline. Previous work experience is not required for admission.
The program offers students the flexibility to choose between two pathways:
- Thesis option (research project and coursework, co-op is optional), and
- Project option (experiential learning project and coursework, co-op is optional).
In both pathways, students will learn analytical skills to make data-driven decisions and draw meaningful conclusions. Both pathways sharpened the student critical thinking skills by critically evaluating organizational problems and practices, and proposing novel solutions and ideas.
Thesis pathway
Under the mentorship of experienced faculty members, students pursuing the thesis pathway delve into an independent research project focused on their specific areas of interest within disciplines such as Marketing, Policy & Strategy, Human Resources and Industrial Relations, Finance, Accounting, or International Business. Their research project allows students to enhance their analytical capabilities, hone their critical thinking skills, and contribute to the academic community. By pushing the boundaries of knowledge in management and business, students uncover innovative insights that hold practical implications for businesses, non-profit organizations and policy makers.
The thesis-based pathway offers students a comprehensive education in their chosen major (Marketing, Policy & Strategy, Human Resources and Industrial Relations, Finance, Accounting, or International Business). Graduates of this pathway are well-prepared to excel in high-quality doctoral programs or pursue careers that require strong research and analytical skills such as research analyst, strategy consultants, market research managers, policy analyst, data analyst, and business development managers.
The thesis pathway could be completed within 20 months on a full-time basis..
Project pathway: Business Analytics concentration (BANA)
The Dhillon School of Business offers Business Analytics (BANA) as the experiential project-based pathway within the MSc in management program.
Business analytics professionals made use of statistical analysis, data mining, predictive modeling, and other analytical methods to uncover patterns, relationships, and trends within the data. By applying different analytical techniques business analytics professional help organizations make informed decisions, and drive business performance. Business analytics is one of the most-sought careers worldwide, and demand is projected to grow rapidly.
BANA students undertake an applied, experiential project that involves applying analytics principles, tools, and methods to a real-world business or non-profit initiative or problem. The project emphasizes the practical application of data science techniques within the student's chosen major, with a particular focus on interpreting and effectively utilizing analytics findings. While data programming is not the primary focus, the project will emphasize the analytical application of data science techniques and the meaningful interpretation of the results.
The BANA pathway can be completed in 16 months on a full-time basis.
Applicants to the MSc (Mgt) program do not need to secure a supervisor prior to application. However, you can view faculty research expertise here
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Admission information
Applicants will meet the following minimum requirements to be considered for admission:
- Hold a baccalaureate degree (i.e.undergraduate degree) in a related discipline
- Have a minimum grade point average of 3.00 (based on the uLethbridge 4.00 scale) on the last 20 graded university-level term courses OR calculated on the most recent master's degree if the applicant is applying for another master's degree
- A minimum GMAT Focus Edition score of 565 is required. All bands must be in the 50th percentile or higher. Applicants upload GMAT score reports directly to the online application by the application deadline. Although the GMAT Focus Edition is preferred, previous GMAT results valid within their five-year window will be accepted at a minimum score of 600 with 4.0 in the Analytical Writing section.
- Applicants who hold a University of Lethbridge Bachelor of Management, Bachelor of Arts (Economics), or combined degree with a ULethbridge Bachelor of Management and a minimum GPA of 3.70/4.0 on their last 10 graded university-level term courses will receive a GMAT waiver and be exempted from this requirement.
- A minimum GMAT score of 600 and 4.0 on the Analytical Writing portion is required. All bands must be in the 50th percentile or higher, OR, a minimum total score of 565 on the GMAT Focus Edition, all bands must be in the 50th percentile or higher. Scores under the 50th percentile will be considered on a case-by-case basis
- Applicants who hold a University of Lethbridge Bachelor of Management, Bachelor of Arts (Economics), or combined degree with Bachelor of Management with a minimum GPA of 3.70 or equivalent on their last 10 graded university-level term courses will receive a GMAT waiver and be exempted from this requirement.
See here for information regarding international graduate-level admission requirements.

Step 1: Prepare Supporting Documents
Please see below for Supporting Documents for the Master of Science (Management) program. If additional documents are required, the Dhillon School of Buisness graduate programs Office will contact you.
Step 2: Submit Online Application by Deadline
Submit your complete application by midnight (MST/MDT) on the deadline date.
Step 3: Arrange for Official Documents
Note: Applicants who have attended or are currently attending an institution participating in ApplyAlberta do not need to arrange for official transcripts to be sent to uLethbridge from the issuing institution. A list of participating institutions is available at
Step 4: Admission Decision Process
Faculty members from each area (major) review your application and make a recommendation on admission to the Dhillon School of Business Graduate Programs Committee. All applicants will be notified of their official admission status by Admissions no later than ten weeks after the appropriate application deadline.
Note: Students who are graduates of non-Canadian universities must provide notarized English translations of all documents not in the English language.
For more details please see the Graduate Studies Calendar and Course Catalogue.
Supporting documents
Unofficial Transcripts
You will need to upload and submit your unofficial transcripts, including proof of graduation for your completed degree(s) and transcripts of all post-baccalaureate work, if any, via the online application system.
Official Transcripts
You will also need to arrange for your official transcripts to be sent to the Registrar’s Office. Your official transcripts are required to be received prior to course registration.
Applicants who have attended or are currently attending institutions NOT participating in ApplyAlberta must arrange to have official transcripts sent directly from the issuing institution to the Admissions Office. A list of participating institutions is available at
Official transcripts must be mailed directly from the issuing institution in a sealed envelope to:
Registrar’s Office
University of Lethbridge
4401 University Drive West
Lethbridge, AB T1K 3M4
Your transcripts are required to display your up-to-date coursework, including grades/marks received for completed coursework.
Applicants to the Master of Science (Management) program are required to submit three (3) reference letters. Referees can be academic or professional.
The School of Graduate Studies is not able to:
- Accept Letters of Reference submitted via email or regular mail
- Re-use a Letter of Reference submitted in support of a previous application
- Edit/change your referees or send them reminders to submit their Letter of Reference
- Accept Letters of reference from a friend or family member
Your CV is a comprehensive document with a formal structure and academic focus. It should include your background, work experience, awards, scholarships, publications, and other achievements. If you are a current or former University of Lethbridge student, contact Career and Employment Services for additional information on the content and structure of a CV.
Your Letter of Intent for the Master of Science (Management) program must contain:
- Your goals or objectives for seeking a graduate degree in the chosen discipline including potential research interests in the chosen discipline (major)
- The maximum length is 500 words.
You should address your letter to the Dhillon School of Business Graduate Programs Committee.
Things to Note:
Your Letter of Intent is your opportunity to show us your passion for your proposed research. Explain how dedicated and invested you are to your proposed graduate program, and provide specific examples of key accomplishments. Be concise and include only important information – reviewers have many graduate applications to review; your Letter of Intent should generally be no more than one page in length, or up to 500 words.
English is the primary language of instruction and communication at the University of Lethbridge. Prior to registration, all applicants to the School of Graduate Studies must demonstrate English Language Proficiency (ELP) sufficient to meet the demands of classroom instruction, written assignments, research, and participation in tutorials and discussions, regardless of their citizenship or country of origin. Please see the English Language Proficiency (ELP) requirements for graduate students for detailed information.
Note: Though applicants are not required to secure a supervisor to apply to the MSc (Mgt) program, they are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the research streams available in their selected MSc (Mgt) major. Be sure to mention your research interests in your Letter of Intent.
- A minimum GMAT Focus Edition score of 565 is required. All bands must be in the 50th percentile or higher. Applicants upload GMAT score reports directly to the online application by the application deadline. Although the GMAT Focus Edition is preferred, previous GMAT results valid within their five-year window will be accepted at a minimum score of 600 with 4.0 in the Analytical Writing section.
- Applicants who hold a University of Lethbridge Bachelor of Management, Bachelor of Arts (Economics), or combined degree with a ULethbridge Bachelor of Management and a minimum GPA of 3.70/4.0 on their last 10 graded university-level term courses will receive a GMAT waiver and be exempted from this requirement.
"The University of Lethbridge has really great resources for all your academic, personal and professional needs. Furthermore, ULethbridge staff are very friendly and proactively helpful. So, do not feel shy to reach out. Furthermore, there are many on-campus opportunities which will help you grow professionally. Make use of them extensively."
Abrar Bin Darda, (MSc (Mgt) '22)Read more about Abrar's MSc (Mgt) experience
"A handful of people helped make my time at ULethbridge such a terrific experience. My thesis supervisors, Anastasia Stuart-Edwards and Mahfooz Ansari provided valuable expertise at every step and maintained a continuity of high-quality supervision. I am grateful to have worked with supervisors who were dedicated to supporting my work and always encouraged me to think deeply and challenge myself. My committee member and professor, Debra Basil, offered many helpful comments and suggestions on my thesis and taught me skills in research methods that prepared me for independent research. Tracey Rice at the City of Lethbridge provided valuable assistance with participant recruitment, and her input added a great deal to my thesis project. I feel lucky to have had the opportunity to collaborate with her."
Jasper Sonmor, (MSc (Mgt) '22)Read more about Jasper's MSc (Mgt) experience
"One person who was important influence in my ULethbridge experience was my thesis supervisor, Jocelyn Wiltshire. I met Jocelyn while I was taking prerequisite courses in my first semester, and I immediately took interest in her research area, Organizational Behaviour. Not only was she one of the best instructors I ever had, as a thesis supervisor, she provided me with more than enough support and encouragement to help me excel in my research."
Seun Ajijala (MSc (Mgt) '20)
Additional information
The program is divided into four modules delivered over a two-year period. The first module (Fall term) offers a two-day orientation for students entering the program. Orientation activities include building and campus tours, information technology set-up, meetings with instructors and potential supervisors, and workshops/meetings to assist with getting started in the MSc (Mgt) program.
During the second module (Fall term), students begin the process of integrating research methodologies and theories relevant to various management fields. In the third module (Spring term), students specialize in their area of interest and begin to develop their research proposals in more depth. In the fourth and final module, students present their Master’s Thesis proposals and then conduct and defend their Master’s Thesis work in an oral examination.
Students may complete their degrees in either a full-time or part-time basis at our main campus in Lethbridge and our campus in Calgary. Note: some BANA courses are available on the Lethbridge Campus only.
Management 5100 - Orientation, Research and Skill Development (0.0 credit hours)
Management 5150 - Research Methods in Management (3.0 credit hours)
Management 5170 - Data Management and Statistical Techniques I (1.5 credit hours)
Management 5200 - Major Seminar I (series) (3.0 credit hours)
Business Analytics 5000 - Overview of Business Analytics (1.5 credit hours)
Management 5140 - Academic Literature Review (1.5 credit hours)
Management 5160 - Qualitative Methods and Analysis (3.0 credit hours) OR
Economics 5960 - Econometric Theory and Applications (3.0 credit hours) if required by supervising area OR
Management 5230 - Major Seminar III (3.0 credit hours) if required by supervising area
Management 5175 - Data Management and Statistical Techniques II (1.5 credit hours)
Management 5225 - Major Seminar II (series) (3.0 credit hours)
Management 5300 - Thesis Proposal Development (3.0 credit hours)
Culminating activity: Management 6100 - Master's Thesis (15.0 credit hours)
Business Analytics 5001 - Introduction to Business Analytics Methods (1.5 credit hours)
Business Analytics 5007 - Communicating Analytics Findings (1.5 credit hours)
Business Analytics 5009 - Introduction to Consulting (1.5 credit hours)
Business Analytics 5010/Data Science 5010 - Introduction to Data Science and Analytics in Python I (3.0 credit hours)
Business Analytics 5020/Data Science 5020 - Data Visualization (1.5 credit hours)
Business Analytics 5050/Data Science 5050 - Data Wrangling (1.5 credit hours)
Business Analytics 5110/Data Science 5110 - Introduction to Data Science and Analytics in Python II (3.0 credit hours)
Business Analytics 5140/Data Science 5140 - Data Management (1.5 credit hours)
An additional 6.0 credit hours are required from the following courses:
Business Analytics 5002 - Predictive Business Analytics I (1.5 credit hours)
Business Analytics 5003 - Predictive Business Analytics II (1.5 credit hours)
Business Analytics 5004 - Business Decision Analytics (1.5 credit hours)
Business Analytics 5005 - Time Series Models and Forecasting for Business (1.5 credit hours)
Business Analytics 5006 - Text Analytics for Business (1.5 credit hours)
Business Analytics 5008 - Big Data Analytics (1.5 credit hours)
Culminating activity: Business Analytics 6100 - Business Analytics Experiential Project (6.0 credit hours)
All MSc (Mgt) students are provided with:
- A secure work-space;
- Access to technically advanced audiovisual equipment, and network printers;
- Access to up-to-date software (e.g., Microsoft Office), and databases needed for study and research work;
- Email account, and
- Internet connection on campus.
Students must have their own laptop for in-class use.
I have a bachelor’s degree but it is not in business or management. What are my options?
The MSc (Mgt) program is designed for students with an undergraduate degree in Management, Commerce, or Business, although students with other backgrounds may be considered if they have completed sufficient relevant coursework. Applicants from outside business/commerce/management will be assessed on a case-by-case basis at the time of application.
Do I need to identify a supervisor before I apply?
Students on the MSc (Mgt) thesis-based pathway identify a supervisor by the end of the fall semester in the first year of their program. The supervisor and the graduate student will then determine the composition of the supervisory committee.
Students on the MSc (Mgt) project-based pathway, leading to a business analytics concentration, do not need supervisors to complete their degree requirements.
Can I complete the Master of Science in Management program on the Calgary campus?
MSc (Mgt) students can be admitted to either Lethbridge or Calgary campus and complete their degree requirements on either campus. MSc (Mgt) courses are currently scheduled to be delivered through a blended learning format to accommodate students on both campuses. Please note, however, certain courses may be offered on Lethbridge campus only (e.g., ECON 5960 is offered by the Faculty of Arts and Science, or some courses are paired with MGT 5230 and MGT 5225).
I have not taken math or statistics courses for a while. Can I do something to prepare myself for the program?
While there is no formal requirement for a particular quantitative background, it is assumed that most students have taken statistics and a math course in their undergraduate program. Students will find it helpful to do some review work for basic statistics and math if they last took math courses some time ago, or do not feel especially comfortable with quantitative concepts. There are a variety of online sources available for individual review.
Are there financial opportunities available to fund my program?
Students admitted to the MSc (Mgt) degree are strongly encouraged to explore funding opportunities on the University’s website: Funding Tips | University of Lethbridge ( In addition, applicants to the MSc (Mgt) thesis-based pathway are considered for the University of Lethbridge Graduate Research Award (ULGRA) at the point of admission.
What courses are required?
The MSc (Mgt) program consists of 36.0 credit hours of coursework and culminating activity. Students in the MSc (Mgt) program must choose one of the following two pathways; course offering and course sequencing will differ by pathway:
- Thesis-based pathway (coursework and research thesis), and
- Project-based pathway (coursework and applied experiential project, leading to business analytics concentration, i.e. the BANA concentration).
See Additional Information on for list of program components and required courses.
What is the difference between a thesis and a project?
The MSc (Mgt) thesis-based pathway is for students who wish to conduct academic research. A thesis begins with the posing of a research question and requires an in-depth review of the academic literature, application of clearly described methodology for answering the research question, ethics approval if applicable, data collection and analysis, description of the results of the work, a synthesis of the research findings with current literature, and implication of the research for both theory and practice. Students should be aware that a thesis requires a large investment in time and energy.
The MSc (Mgt) project-based pathway is for students who wish to apply empirical research skills to address applied questions in industry settings. Students enrolled in the MSc (Mgt) project-based pathway will be required to complete coursework as well as an applied, experiential project. The focus of the experiential project should be on the application of data analytics in the student’s major and the proper interpretation and use of analytics findings, rather than on programming. Completion of this project-based pathway leads to a business analytics concentration (i.e. the BANA concentration) in the student’s identified major.
What co-operative education opportunities exist?
The Co-operative Education/Internship opportunity is available to students in the MSc (Mgt) program. Normally, students are required to successfully complete two work terms of four months each (or, one work term of eight months) to earn the Co-op designation for the MSc (Mgt) degree. Further information and details concerning admission and requirements may be obtained from the University of Lethbridge Career Bridge office: Email:; Website: .
How long does it take to complete the Master of Science in Management program at the University of Lethbridge?
The applied, experiential project pathway (i.e., BANA concentration) may be completed in 16 months on a full-time basis for students who do not complete the optional Co-operative Education/Internship opportunity.
For full-time MSc (Mgt) students on the thesis pathway, the maximum time limit for degree completion shall be 20 months continuous registration in the program for students who do not complete the optional Co-operative Education/Internship opportunity. For part-time MSc (Mgt) students, the maximum time limit for degree completion shall be 40 months continuous registration in the program for students who do not complete the optional Co-operative Education/Internship opportunity. If needed, a graduate student may apply for an extension up to one academic year.
Where can I look to find in-depth details on the program?
Information about the program details is available via several sources:
- Thesis pathway required courses under the Additional Information section on;
- Project pathway required courses under Additional Information section on;
- Graduate Studies Calendar and Courses Catalogue (Graduate Studies Calendar (2022/2023) (; and
Additional information about the MSc Mgt degree is available in the School of Graduate Studies Policies and Procedures manual (School of Graduate Studies Policies and Procedures (