Frequently Asked Questions
Campus Mobility Services is located in Turcotte Hall, Level 1 TH101
The mailing address is:
4401 University Drive
Lethbridge, AB. T1K3M4
Ph: 403-329-2602
The Campus Mobility Services office in TH101 is open Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Permit Type / Lot Name |
Stall Type |
Permit Prefix |
Permit Identifier Letter (s) |
Enforcement Times |
Days of |
General Parking |
Lot E |
Non-Plug |
E |
0800-1700 |
Mon-Fri |
Lot F |
Non-Plug |
F |
0800-1700 |
Mon-Fri |
Lot N includes pay and park |
Non-Plug |
N |
0800-1700 |
Mon-Fri |
Residence Parking |
Lot RR |
Plug-in / Non-Plug |
R |
24 Hours |
Mon-Sun |
Lot N |
Non-Plug |
N |
0800-1700 |
Mon-Fri |
Special Parking |
Lot C includes pay and park |
Special |
C |
0700-1900 |
Mon-Fri |
Lot H permit stalls |
Special |
H |
24 Hours |
Mon-Sun |
Lot K |
Special |
K |
0800-1900 |
Mon-Fri |
Other Parking/Permits/Parking Types |
Lot D |
Pay and Park |
NA |
NA |
0700-2300 |
Mon-Sun |
Lot G includes pay and park |
Non-Plug |
NA |
NA |
0800-1700 |
Mon-Fri |
Lot H pay and park |
Pay and Park |
NA |
NA |
0700-2400 |
Mon-Sun |
Lot J (Reserved Stalls) |
NA |
NA |
24 Hours |
Mon-Sun |
Lot S pay and park |
Pay and Park |
NA |
NA |
0700-1900 |
Mon-Fri |
NOTE: Wheelchair accessible stalls are enforced 24/7 however a U of L permit is only required for posted times. Provincial placard at all times. |
Reserved and Service Vehicle stalls are enforced at all times |
The student parking Permit Lottery occurs annually in July, information on the lottery dates and regulations will be posted on the U of L Notice Board as well as the Campus Mobility Services Facebook page.Services at 403-329-2602 or
There are a limited number of parking permits available on campus. If there are no permits available you can join our wait list, Campus Mobility Services will contact you when a permit becomes available. Add you name to the wait list by going to
Housing Students apply for a parking permit during the Housing Check-in, once Check-in closes Housing students are asked to email to arrange for a parking permit.
Employees and Staff requiring a parking permit are to email
For any questions or concerns please contact Campus Mobility Services.
The cost of a parking permit is varied by lot and time frame the permit is valid. Current rates can be found at
Permit sharing is available for general students. (Excludes: Housing students, Employees and Staff Members) You can share a single parking permit with one student; however, only one vehicle can be on campus at a time.
***If you wish to share a permit, email the Campus Mobility office at to receive the Permit Share Form to complete.
Permit Sharing without authorization falls under the category of misuse of campus property/permit, misuse of campus property constitutes a non-academic offense.
NOTE: Only one car linked to a permit is allowed on to park at a time. Any other vehicles associated with the permit must pay for the day by using the parking dispensers or by using the HonkMobile, if both vehicles are found on campus both will receive a citation.
Employees eligible for payroll deduction are those categorized as full time continuing salaried. Hourly staff are not eligible for payroll deduction. If employed as a Graduate Assistantship please come to Campus Mobility Service with your Offer of Appointment.
Please contact Campus Mobility Services if you have any questions.
If you require accessible parking on campus you must be in possession Provincial Disability placard.
If using the Provincial placard on campus it must be registered with Campus Mobility Services and displayed with a valid U of L permit. To register your Handicap Placard, supply a copy of the placard and the pink Provincial registration certificate to Campus Mobility Services.
An individual that holds a Disability placard and is in need of a University of Lethbridge parking permit will be charge the cost of a Lot N permit. Campus Mobility Services charges the Lot N price as it is the lowest permit cost available on campus. Although the individual will hold a Lot N permit they will be able to utilize any of the accessibility stalls around campus.
Please be advised all accessibility stalls are on a first come first serve basis, there is no guarantee that a stall in your preferred lot will be available. For any accessibility concerns please call Campus Mobility Services at 403-329-2602.
Only one of your vehicles is entitled to park with the permit at any one time, Any other vehicles must pay for the day at the dispenser or through HonkMobile.
To cancel you permit all you need to do is email, with your ID number and state that you would like to cancel your permit. You will receive a prorated refunded for the time not used. The permit will be refunded for the months following, up to the expiry date of the permit as per scheduled cut-off dates.
Using parking permits improperly is a violation that carries consequences. Consequences include the confiscation/ revoking of the parking permit, repayment of the full permit cost, and misuse of campus property constitutes a non-academic offense, non-disciplinary expectations letter against an employee record. If the misuse of a parking permit is discovered, the vehicle responsible will be towed off campus at the owner's cost.
Unauthorized sharing and selling of a permit holds the consequences of a non-academic disciplinary action against a student, non-disciplinary expectations letter against an employee record as well as possible monetary charges.
Purchasing a permit through unauthorized means holds the consequences of a citation for an invalid permit, the possibility of the vehicle being towed off campus, a non-academic disciplinary letter against your student record, non-disciplinary expectations letter against an employee record, as well as the cost of either $11.00 / day for the days the permit was used up to the full cost of the permit.
You can have up to four vehicles listed on your parking permit - please go to just click Add vehicles under the permit section.
Only one of your vehicles is entitled to park with the permit at any one time, any other vehicles must pay for the day at the dispenser or through HonkMobile.
NOTE: If any vehicles are found without a permit, or daily payment all vehicles found that are linked to one permit will receive citations.
Although the parking lots may appear empty enforcement may still be in effect if it is a regular working day. Parking regulations are applicable all year round. The daily operations and public access to the University of Lethbridge continues to be required for a wide variety of reasons outside of just the Academic calendar.
Parking is completely self-funding and therefore receives no funding from tuition fees, or Government. Things like parking lot construction and maintenance, sidewalks, paths, roadways, electricity for lighting, snow removal, financial services, employee salaries, just to name a few, must be paid for by revenues generated by parking fees.
If you believe a citation issued to you was unjustified, please go to and submit an appeal. You may attach any significant information, please note that if you submit pictures and they are not attaching to the appeal, please email them to along with your citation number. Citations must be appealed within 30 days of the issued date.
If you have submitted an appeal through, do not pay for your citation until you have received an appeal decision, no refunds will be given.
All appeals must be submitted through the online forum, we do not have an in person appeal system.
Individuals who accumulate 10 or more parking citations will be added to the Repeat Violator List, which may result in your vehicle being towed off campus.
You can verify this information by going to your parking account at . Please select Permits and your permit information will be displayed.
This is not recommended. You will be held responsible for any citation associated with all license plates listed on your account.
Yes you can edit, delete, add a new license plate or add a temporary license plate to your parking permit by going to . Please select Permits and you will have the option to update your license plate information.
Please Note: Only one of your vehicles is entitled to park with the permit at any one time, Any other vehicles must pay for the day at the parking dispenser or through HonkMobile.
No, you have one parking permit, meaning only one of your vehicles is entitled to park with the permit at any one time, Any other vehicles must pay for the day at the dispenser or through HonkMobile.
*Refer to the parking enforcement times and hours of operation post.
*Please be aware all Reserved stalls, Accessibility stalls, and Residence stalls are enforced 24/7.
There are two different options for you.
You may contact the U of L Safewalk program at 403-380-1888 and two designated Safewalkers (female and male) will meet you at your locations and walk with you to your vehicle, classroom or residence on campus.
At any time you may contact Security at 403-329-2345 and request an escort anywhere on campus.
All parking rates are set by the University of Lethbridge Board of Governors.
If the parking dispenser is out of service, please contact Campus Mobility Services at 403-329-2602. Please have this information ready:
- Where the dispenser is located
- An explanation of the problem
The dispensers will be checked and any necessary repairs will be done as soon as possible.
Please use alternative payment method of HonkMobile.
Campus Mobility Services offer two permit options for Motorcycles on campus:
Option 1: Motorcycle users requiring to park only within the Motorcycle designated areas are required to purchase a campus Motorcycle Parking Permit. Designated areas are provided in Lots C, O, N and P only.
Option 2: Motorcycle users who hold a valid University Parking Permit, may park their motorcycle within their designated permit area, and within the Motorcycle designated areas on campus. The motorcycle license plate must be registered with Campus Mobility Services. Motorcycles not registered with Campus Mobility Services will be ticketed and/or towed.
Motorcycles parked in Pay and Park areas are subject to the posted parking fees.
Motorized scooters are subject to the same regulations as motorcycles.
Bicycle parking is strategically located across the campus. Bicycles must be parking in supplied bike stands. Bicycles attached to trees or outside of designated stands maybe removed and placed in storage. To retrieve your bicycle after it has been removed, contact Security Services and provide identification and proof of ownership.
There is no charge to use the outdoor bicycle racks.
Bicycle lockers may be rented from Sport & Rec. Services.
If you are legally parked and have consumed alcohol, you may leave your vehicle where it is overnight.
The best option would be to contact Campus Mobility Services (403-329-2602) or the Security Services Office (403-329-2549) after hours with your license plate number and location of your vehicle. This step may prevent your vehicle from being ticketed or towed.
Vehicles left for this reason must be removed by 8am the next morning.
All citations are to be paid to the City of Lethbridge, the University of Lethbridge does not accept payment.
Pay online:
Pay in person: At the Parking operations office. 705 5th Ave S.
Pay in person: At City Hall Cashiers