Visentin, Peter
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- (403) 329-2782
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Violinist Peter Visentin received his Master of Music degree in Performance from the University of Toronto in 1986. He has studied with several well-known teachers and concert artists such as Lorand Fenyves, David Zafer, David Cerone, Ruggiero Ricci and the Orford String Quartet.
A player of both modern and baroque violins, Peter has performed in numerous concerts including solo and chamber recitals. As well he has worked with several professional orchestras and chamber orchestras in Canada, most recently performing the violin solo for Mozart's Sinfonia Concertante with the Lethbridge Symphony Orchestra. On baroque violin, he has worked with some of the world's finest period performance specialists in Toronto (Tafelmusik), Winnipeg, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Montreal, Boston, Rochester, New York, Stanford, Paris, Venice and more. As a recitalist, he has performed in North America, Europe, Australia and China.
Peter has a broad range of research interests that support his music performance and teaching. For example, Peter studied to become a violin bow maker in order to examine the effect of different models of bow on musical outcomes in baroque and classical period music. In a different line of inquiry, since 2001, Peter has been the lead investigator in a project that studies the biomechanics of violin performance, their relationship to the development of repetitive stress injuries, and injury prevention education strategies. This work has been accepted for publication and presented at conferences in the fields of Music and Medicine, Biomechanics, Music Education, and Music. It has drawn attention from newspaper and television media, including the Discovery Channel.
Peter Visentin is Professor of Music at the University of Lethbridge, where he has worked since 1987. An active performer and teacher, Peter has recently played and given classes in Xi'an, Jinan and Yantei (China); at the University of Western Australia (Perth); at Memorial University (Newfoundland); and was an invited speaker at the combined conference of the Canadian Federation of Music Teacher's Associations (Canada) and Music Teacher's National Association (USA) in Toronto (2007). He has given more than 30 papers at international conferences, published articles in Sciences, Social Sciences, and Arts and Humanities journals, and has a forthcoming book with NOVA science publishers (2010).
A player of both modern and baroque violins, Peter has performed in numerous concerts including solo and chamber recitals. As well he has worked with several professional orchestras and chamber orchestras in Canada, most recently performing the violin solo for Mozart's Sinfonia Concertante with the Lethbridge Symphony Orchestra. On baroque violin, he has worked with some of the world's finest period performance specialists in Toronto (Tafelmusik), Winnipeg, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Montreal, Boston, Rochester, New York, Stanford, Paris, Venice and more. As a recitalist, he has performed in North America, Europe, Australia and China.
Peter has a broad range of research interests that support his music performance and teaching. For example, Peter studied to become a violin bow maker in order to examine the effect of different models of bow on musical outcomes in baroque and classical period music. In a different line of inquiry, since 2001, Peter has been the lead investigator in a project that studies the biomechanics of violin performance, their relationship to the development of repetitive stress injuries, and injury prevention education strategies. This work has been accepted for publication and presented at conferences in the fields of Music and Medicine, Biomechanics, Music Education, and Music. It has drawn attention from newspaper and television media, including the Discovery Channel.
Peter Visentin is Professor of Music at the University of Lethbridge, where he has worked since 1987. An active performer and teacher, Peter has recently played and given classes in Xi'an, Jinan and Yantei (China); at the University of Western Australia (Perth); at Memorial University (Newfoundland); and was an invited speaker at the combined conference of the Canadian Federation of Music Teacher's Associations (Canada) and Music Teacher's National Association (USA) in Toronto (2007). He has given more than 30 papers at international conferences, published articles in Sciences, Social Sciences, and Arts and Humanities journals, and has a forthcoming book with NOVA science publishers (2010).
Current Research
Title |
Location |
Principal Investigator | Co-Researchers | Grant Agency |
Grant Amount |
Grant Time Period |
Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada | Visentin, University of Lethbridge | Gongbing Shan, University of Lethbridge | ||||
Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada | Visentin, University of Lethbridge | Gongbing Shan, University of Lethbridge | MACI, WESTGRID, Alberta Foundation for the Arts | Various between, total grants @ $400,000 | 2001-08 |
Crowe S, Visentin P, Shan, GB. (2015) Biomechanics of Bi-directional Bicycle Pedaling. Shaker Verlag, Achen. ISBN 978-3-8440-2895-9
Shan GB, Visentin P. (2013) Applications in Arts Biomechanics. Nova Science, New York. ISBN 978-1-62808-015-5
Shan G, Visentin P. (2010) Arts Biomechanics - An Infant Science: Its Challenges and Future. Nova Science, New York. ISBN 978-1-60876-809-7
Gongbing Shan, Peter Visentin, Manfred Nussek, Claudia Spahn. Investigating Aspects of Movement in Violin Performance in Handbook of Human Motion
Springer, 2017 pp.1-18 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-30808-1_108-1
Gongbing Shan & Peter Visentin in Biomechanics: Principles, Trends and Applications. Nova Science, New York. Pub. Date: 2010. 1st Quarter. ISBN: 978-1-60741-394-3.
Gongbing Shan & Peter Visentin IN eLECTROMYOGRAPHY 2, EMG application in Studies of Arts Performances, Intech Publishers (2011)
Shan GB, Wan B, Visentin P, Zhang X. (2017) Concussion Prevention in Youth Sports: What Have We Overlooked? (submitted to the British Journal of Sports Medicine)
Hopper L, Chan C, Wijsman S, Ackland T, Visentin P, Alderson J. (2017). Torso and Bowing Arm Three-Dimensional Joint Kinematics of Elite Cellists: Clinical and Pedagogical Implications for Practice. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 32(2):86-94.
Zhao Zhang, Shiming Li, Bingjun Wan, Peter Visentin, Qinxian Jiang, Mary Dyck, Hua Li, Gongbing Shan. (2016). The influence of X-factor (trunk rotation) and experience on the quality of the badminton forehand smash. Journal of Human Kinetics 53/2016, 9-22 DOI: 10.1515/hukin-2016-0006
Visentin P, Li S, Tardif G, Shan GB. Unraveling mysteries of personal performance style; biomechanics of left-hand position changes (shifting) in violin performance. PeerJ. 2015 Oct 1;3:e1299. doi: 10.7717/peerj.1299. eCollection 2015.
Visentin P, Shan G, Zhang X, Hao W, Yu D. (2015) Bicycle kick in soccer - is its virtuosity systematically entrainable? Science Bulletin. 60(8):819-21.
Shan GB, Visentin P, Tardif G, Robinson A, Evans J, Crowe S. (2013). Quantifying Compensation Strategies between Gross and Fine Motor Control in Violin Performance. Arts BioMechanics. 1(2):143-163.
Visentin P, Shan GB. (2012) Applications of EMG Pertaining to Music Performance - A Review. Arts BioMechanics. 1(1):15-32.
Visentin P, Shan G. (2011) A Conducting Case Study: Shoulder Loading as a Consequence of Compensatory Conducting Technique. Medical Problems of Performing Artists 26(3): 175-176.
Visentin P, Shan G. (2010) A Prisoner's dilemma with Asymmetrical payoffs: Revealing the challenges faced by performing arts health and wellness practitioners. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 25(1):39-43.
Shan, G.B., Visentin, P., & Harnett, T. (2010) A Novel Use of 3D Motion Capture: Creating Conceptual Links between Technology and Representation of Human Gesture in the Visual Arts. Leonardo Journal. MIT Press. 43(1):17, 34-42
Visentin, P., Staples, T., Wasiak, E. & Shan, G.B. (2010). A Pilot Study Examining the Efficacy of Line-of-Sight Gestural Compensation While Conducting Music. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 110:647-653.
Shan, G.B. & Visentin, P. (2009) Compensatory Strategies and Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders in Music Conductors. International Ergonomics Association: Paper published in proceedings.
Visentin P, Shan GB, & Wasiak E. (2008) Informing music teaching and learning using movement analysis technology. International Journal for Music Education 26(1):73-87.
Shan GB, Visentin P, et al. (2007) A Frequency-Based Characterization of Spiccato Bowing in Violin Performance. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 105 (3pt2): 1027-1051.
Shan GB, Visentin P. (2005) The Utility of EMG in evaluating small muscles (published as a letter to the editor). , Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 20(2):111-113.
Visentin P, Shan GB, Schultz A. (2004) Multi-dimensional Signal Analysis as a means of better understanding factors associated with repetitive use in violin performance. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 19(3):129-140.
Visentin P, Shan GB. (2004) An innovative approach to understand overuse injuries: biomechanical modeling as a platform to integrate information obtained from various analytical tools. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 19(2):90-97.
Shan GB, Visentin P. (2003) A quantitative three-dimensional analysis of arm kinematics in violin performance. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 18(1):3-10.
Visentin P, Shan GB. (2003) The kinetic characteristics of the bow arm during violin performance; an examination of internal loads as a function of tempo. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 18(3):91-97.
Visentin P, (1992) Performing Baroque Dance in the Newsletter of the Alberta String Association.
Visentin P: A Conducting Case Study: Shoulder Loading as a Consequence of Compensatory Conducting Techniques, Twenty-Ninth Annual Symposium Medical Problems of Musicians & Dancers, Performing Arts Medical Association, Snowmass, Colorado. July 21-24, 201.
Visentin, P: Artists' Psychophysiology and Ergonomics from Studio to Stage Demonstrations. Glenn Gould School of the Royal Conservatory and the Performing arts Medical Association conference: Performance Awareness from Studio to Stage.
Visentin P. Visentin P, Shan GB, Wasiak, E: Unintended Outcomes of Gestural Compensation in Music Conducting. 29th World Conference of the International Society for Music Education, International Society for Music Education International Society for Music Education. Beijing, August 2010
Visentin P. (Invited Presentation). An overview of our research and direction. Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology (CIRMMT) Research Axis 2. June 1, 2010, Montreal, PQ.
Visentin, P. (Invited presentation): Scientific Measurement of Body Reaction during Music Performance, 2010 International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research in Music Pedagogy, Ottawa, ON
Visentin, P. (Invited Presentation) Multidisciplinary Research and Performance Pedagogy; Biomechanics as One Means to Demystify the Learning of Motor Skills and Improve Outcomes in Music, 2010 International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research in Music Pedagogy, Ottawa, ON
Visentin, P. & Shan, G.B. Quantitative Evaluation of Causal Factors Related to the Development of Overuse Syndrome in Violin Performance. 17th Congress of the International Ergonomics Society, Beijing, 2009.
Shan GB, Visentin P. Compensatory Strategies and Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders in Music Conductors. 17th Congress of the International Ergonomics Society, Beijing, 2009.
Visentin P: Gestural Cues and Muscular Loading During Music Conducting, Twenty-Seventh Annual Symposium on Medical Problems of Musicians & Dancers, Performing Arts Medical Association June 22 -June 25, 2009.
Visentin P, Wasiak E, Shan GB. Movement analysis technology as a means to inform the teaching and learning of motor skills in violin performance, 28th World Conference of the International Society for Music Education, International Society for Music Education. Bologna, July 2008
Visentin P. (Invited Panelist): Medical Problems of Elite College Musicians. Canadian Federation of Music Teacher's Associations (Canada) and Music Teacher's National Association (USA) Conference. Toronto May 2007.
Visentin P. (Paper and Invited Panelist): Prevention Education through Music Instruction. Canadian Federation of Music Teacher's Associations (Canada) and Music Teacher's National Association (USA) Conference. Toronto May 2007.
Visentin P, (Invited Presentation): Movement Analysis Technology as a Means to Inform Music Teaching and Learning: A Challenge to Traditional Practice. University of Western Australia, Perth (August 2006)
Visentin P, (Invited Presentation): Movement Analysis Technology as a Means to Inform Music Teaching and Learning: A Challenge to Traditional Practice. Memorial University, Newfoundland, May 2006
Visentin P, Movement Analysis Technology as a Means to Inform Music Teaching and Learning: A Challenge to Traditional Practice. Interface 2006,
Visentin P, (Invited panelist), Case studies. Performing Arts Medical Association. Aspen CO, June 2006.
Visentin P, (Invited presentation) at Western Grid Summit, Banff Alberta (2005).
Visentin P, Two invited presentations of research in Xi'An and Yantei China (May 2005)
Visentin P, Shan G: Quantitative Biomechanical Modeling & Motor-Learning Models; two means to inform violin pedagogy, Paper presented at Canadian University Music Society Conference (2005)
Visentin P, Informing Violin pedagogy through quantitative evaluations of Best-practices, Arts and Humanities conference, Honolulu, Jan 2005 (presentation cancelled)
Visentin P, Shan G: Bridging the gap between theory, science and the performer's perceptual experience an aid to injury prevention in violin practice. Performing Arts Medical Association. Aspen CO, June 2005.
Shan G, Visentin P: Left-arm kinematic characteristics of the violinist during octave shifts. Performing Arts Medical Association. Aspen CO, June 2004.
Visentin P, Shan G: EMG and kinematic examination of control patterns in violinists' the left arms during shifting. Performing Arts Medical Association. Aspen CO, June 2004
Visentin P, Shan G: Motor learning models and quantitative biomechanical analysis as a means to inform violin pedagogy. Canadian University Music Society. Lethbridge AB, May 2004.
Visentin P, Shan GB: Invited Presentation: Indian Dance, Part 2. The Beauty of Collaboration: Methods, Manners and Aesthetics. Banff Centre, AB 2003.
Crowe S, Visentin P, Shan, GB. (2015) Biomechanics of Bi-directional Bicycle Pedaling. Shaker Verlag, Achen. ISBN 978-3-8440-2895-9
Shan GB, Visentin P. (2013) Applications in Arts Biomechanics. Nova Science, New York. ISBN 978-1-62808-015-5
Shan G, Visentin P. (2010) Arts Biomechanics - An Infant Science: Its Challenges and Future. Nova Science, New York. ISBN 978-1-60876-809-7
Gongbing Shan, Peter Visentin, Manfred Nussek, Claudia Spahn. Investigating Aspects of Movement in Violin Performance in Handbook of Human Motion
Springer, 2017 pp.1-18 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-30808-1_108-1
Gongbing Shan & Peter Visentin in Biomechanics: Principles, Trends and Applications. Nova Science, New York. Pub. Date: 2010. 1st Quarter. ISBN: 978-1-60741-394-3.
Gongbing Shan & Peter Visentin IN eLECTROMYOGRAPHY 2, EMG application in Studies of Arts Performances, Intech Publishers (2011)
Shan GB, Wan B, Visentin P, Zhang X. (2017) Concussion Prevention in Youth Sports: What Have We Overlooked? (submitted to the British Journal of Sports Medicine)
Hopper L, Chan C, Wijsman S, Ackland T, Visentin P, Alderson J. (2017). Torso and Bowing Arm Three-Dimensional Joint Kinematics of Elite Cellists: Clinical and Pedagogical Implications for Practice. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 32(2):86-94.
Zhao Zhang, Shiming Li, Bingjun Wan, Peter Visentin, Qinxian Jiang, Mary Dyck, Hua Li, Gongbing Shan. (2016). The influence of X-factor (trunk rotation) and experience on the quality of the badminton forehand smash. Journal of Human Kinetics 53/2016, 9-22 DOI: 10.1515/hukin-2016-0006
Visentin P, Li S, Tardif G, Shan GB. Unraveling mysteries of personal performance style; biomechanics of left-hand position changes (shifting) in violin performance. PeerJ. 2015 Oct 1;3:e1299. doi: 10.7717/peerj.1299. eCollection 2015.
Visentin P, Shan G, Zhang X, Hao W, Yu D. (2015) Bicycle kick in soccer - is its virtuosity systematically entrainable? Science Bulletin. 60(8):819-21.
Shan GB, Visentin P, Tardif G, Robinson A, Evans J, Crowe S. (2013). Quantifying Compensation Strategies between Gross and Fine Motor Control in Violin Performance. Arts BioMechanics. 1(2):143-163.
Visentin P, Shan GB. (2012) Applications of EMG Pertaining to Music Performance - A Review. Arts BioMechanics. 1(1):15-32.
Visentin P, Shan G. (2011) A Conducting Case Study: Shoulder Loading as a Consequence of Compensatory Conducting Technique. Medical Problems of Performing Artists 26(3): 175-176.
Visentin P, Shan G. (2010) A Prisoner's dilemma with Asymmetrical payoffs: Revealing the challenges faced by performing arts health and wellness practitioners. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 25(1):39-43.
Shan, G.B., Visentin, P., & Harnett, T. (2010) A Novel Use of 3D Motion Capture: Creating Conceptual Links between Technology and Representation of Human Gesture in the Visual Arts. Leonardo Journal. MIT Press. 43(1):17, 34-42
Visentin, P., Staples, T., Wasiak, E. & Shan, G.B. (2010). A Pilot Study Examining the Efficacy of Line-of-Sight Gestural Compensation While Conducting Music. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 110:647-653.
Shan, G.B. & Visentin, P. (2009) Compensatory Strategies and Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders in Music Conductors. International Ergonomics Association: Paper published in proceedings.
Visentin P, Shan GB, & Wasiak E. (2008) Informing music teaching and learning using movement analysis technology. International Journal for Music Education 26(1):73-87.
Shan GB, Visentin P, et al. (2007) A Frequency-Based Characterization of Spiccato Bowing in Violin Performance. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 105 (3pt2): 1027-1051.
Shan GB, Visentin P. (2005) The Utility of EMG in evaluating small muscles (published as a letter to the editor). , Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 20(2):111-113.
Visentin P, Shan GB, Schultz A. (2004) Multi-dimensional Signal Analysis as a means of better understanding factors associated with repetitive use in violin performance. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 19(3):129-140.
Visentin P, Shan GB. (2004) An innovative approach to understand overuse injuries: biomechanical modeling as a platform to integrate information obtained from various analytical tools. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 19(2):90-97.
Shan GB, Visentin P. (2003) A quantitative three-dimensional analysis of arm kinematics in violin performance. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 18(1):3-10.
Visentin P, Shan GB. (2003) The kinetic characteristics of the bow arm during violin performance; an examination of internal loads as a function of tempo. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 18(3):91-97.
Visentin P, (1992) Performing Baroque Dance in the Newsletter of the Alberta String Association.
Visentin P: A Conducting Case Study: Shoulder Loading as a Consequence of Compensatory Conducting Techniques, Twenty-Ninth Annual Symposium Medical Problems of Musicians & Dancers, Performing Arts Medical Association, Snowmass, Colorado. July 21-24, 201.
Visentin, P: Artists' Psychophysiology and Ergonomics from Studio to Stage Demonstrations. Glenn Gould School of the Royal Conservatory and the Performing arts Medical Association conference: Performance Awareness from Studio to Stage.
Visentin P. Visentin P, Shan GB, Wasiak, E: Unintended Outcomes of Gestural Compensation in Music Conducting. 29th World Conference of the International Society for Music Education, International Society for Music Education International Society for Music Education. Beijing, August 2010
Visentin P. (Invited Presentation). An overview of our research and direction. Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology (CIRMMT) Research Axis 2. June 1, 2010, Montreal, PQ.
Visentin, P. (Invited presentation): Scientific Measurement of Body Reaction during Music Performance, 2010 International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research in Music Pedagogy, Ottawa, ON
Visentin, P. (Invited Presentation) Multidisciplinary Research and Performance Pedagogy; Biomechanics as One Means to Demystify the Learning of Motor Skills and Improve Outcomes in Music, 2010 International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research in Music Pedagogy, Ottawa, ON
Visentin, P. & Shan, G.B. Quantitative Evaluation of Causal Factors Related to the Development of Overuse Syndrome in Violin Performance. 17th Congress of the International Ergonomics Society, Beijing, 2009.
Shan GB, Visentin P. Compensatory Strategies and Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders in Music Conductors. 17th Congress of the International Ergonomics Society, Beijing, 2009.
Visentin P: Gestural Cues and Muscular Loading During Music Conducting, Twenty-Seventh Annual Symposium on Medical Problems of Musicians & Dancers, Performing Arts Medical Association June 22 -June 25, 2009.
Visentin P, Wasiak E, Shan GB. Movement analysis technology as a means to inform the teaching and learning of motor skills in violin performance, 28th World Conference of the International Society for Music Education, International Society for Music Education. Bologna, July 2008
Visentin P. (Invited Panelist): Medical Problems of Elite College Musicians. Canadian Federation of Music Teacher's Associations (Canada) and Music Teacher's National Association (USA) Conference. Toronto May 2007.
Visentin P. (Paper and Invited Panelist): Prevention Education through Music Instruction. Canadian Federation of Music Teacher's Associations (Canada) and Music Teacher's National Association (USA) Conference. Toronto May 2007.
Visentin P, (Invited Presentation): Movement Analysis Technology as a Means to Inform Music Teaching and Learning: A Challenge to Traditional Practice. University of Western Australia, Perth (August 2006)
Visentin P, (Invited Presentation): Movement Analysis Technology as a Means to Inform Music Teaching and Learning: A Challenge to Traditional Practice. Memorial University, Newfoundland, May 2006
Visentin P, Movement Analysis Technology as a Means to Inform Music Teaching and Learning: A Challenge to Traditional Practice. Interface 2006,
Visentin P, (Invited panelist), Case studies. Performing Arts Medical Association. Aspen CO, June 2006.
Visentin P, (Invited presentation) at Western Grid Summit, Banff Alberta (2005).
Visentin P, Two invited presentations of research in Xi'An and Yantei China (May 2005)
Visentin P, Shan G: Quantitative Biomechanical Modeling & Motor-Learning Models; two means to inform violin pedagogy, Paper presented at Canadian University Music Society Conference (2005)
Visentin P, Informing Violin pedagogy through quantitative evaluations of Best-practices, Arts and Humanities conference, Honolulu, Jan 2005 (presentation cancelled)
Visentin P, Shan G: Bridging the gap between theory, science and the performer's perceptual experience an aid to injury prevention in violin practice. Performing Arts Medical Association. Aspen CO, June 2005.
Shan G, Visentin P: Left-arm kinematic characteristics of the violinist during octave shifts. Performing Arts Medical Association. Aspen CO, June 2004.
Visentin P, Shan G: EMG and kinematic examination of control patterns in violinists' the left arms during shifting. Performing Arts Medical Association. Aspen CO, June 2004
Visentin P, Shan G: Motor learning models and quantitative biomechanical analysis as a means to inform violin pedagogy. Canadian University Music Society. Lethbridge AB, May 2004.
Visentin P, Shan GB: Invited Presentation: Indian Dance, Part 2. The Beauty of Collaboration: Methods, Manners and Aesthetics. Banff Centre, AB 2003.
M.Mus. (Performance) - University of Toronto; B.Mus. (Performance) - University of Toronto
Research Interests
Violin performance, Early Music performance, Motion Capture research on the Biomechanics of Violin performance.
Creative Works
More than 450 performances: chamber, symphonic, and solo. Modern and Period Instruments. North America, Europe, China, Australia.
Art Walk, Lethbridge (2011).
Research Areas
Violin performance
Early Music performance
Motion Capture research
Biomechanics of Music performance
Repetitive Stress injury research
Previous Research Areas
Repetitive Stress Injury research
Biomechanics of Music performance
Motion Capture research
Early Music performance
Violin Performance
Biomechanics of Music performance
Motion Capture research
Early Music performance
Violin Performance
Historical Performance Practice
Music History
Repetitive Stress Injury research
Biomechanics of Music performance
Motion Capture research
Early Music performance
Violin performance