Oosterbroek, Tracy

Associate Professor, EDI Scholar 2024

Health Sci - Nursing Program

(403) 317-5067
(403) 329-2668

Office Hours

By appointment: 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM

About Me

PhD - University of Alberta - 2017
MSc(N) - University of Lethbridge - 2009
BN - University of Lethbridge - 1995
RN - Lethbridge College 1990


Employment History
2024-present: Associate Professor
2024: EDI Scholar
2020-2023: Assistant Dean
2017-present: Assistant Professor
2013-2016: University of Lethbridge FOHS: Co-Chair Nursing Programs (year 3 & 4)
2010-2016: University of Lethbridge FOHS: Nursing Practice Courses Coordinator
2002-present: University of Lethbridge - Nursing Instructor
1992-2002: Lethbridge College: Sessional hourly nursing clinical and theory instructor
1990-2002: Lethbridge Regional Hospital: RN (Intensive Care Unit, med/surg, pediatrics)

Current Committee Membership
NEPAB: Chair/Board Member
UNIVERSITY OF LETHBRIDGE: GFC Academic Quality Assurance Committee
UNIVERSITY OF LETHBRIDGE: Faculty of Health Sciences Curriculum Committee
UNIVERSITY OF LETHBRIDGE: Nursing Instructor Search Committee

Past Committee Membership
ANEA: Vice President/former interim Chair
University of Alberta: Nursing Graduate Student Association: member
University of Alberta: Faculty of Nursing Council: eLearning graduate student representative
AHS: Provincial Nursing Professional Practice Council: member


Pijl, E., Oosterbroek, T., Motz, T., Mason, E., Hamilton, K., (2021). Peer-Assisted Injection as a Harm Reduction Measure in a Supervised Consumption Service: A Qualitative Study of Client Experiences. Harm Reduction Journal, 18(5).

Oosterbroek, T., Yonge, O., & Myrick, F. (2020). Participatory action research and photovoice: Applicability, relevance, and process in nursing research. Nursing Education Perspectives, July/Aug.

Oosterbroek, T., Yonge, O., & Myrick, F. (2019). Community Spirit, Cultural Connections, and Authentic Learning in Rural Preceptorship. Journal of Nursing Education, 58(3), 144-151.

Oosterbroek, T., Yonge, O., & Myrick, F. (2019). "Everybody knows your name": Experiences of belonging in rural undergraduate nursing preceptorship. Online Journal of Rural Nursing and Health Care, 19(1), 63-88.

Yonge, O., Foley, V., Jackman, D., Luhanga, F., Myrick, F., & Oosterbroek, T. (2019). We Have to Drive Everywhere: Rural-based Nurses and their Preceptored Students. Rural and Remote Health, 19(3).

Yonge, O., Foley, V., Jackman, D., Luhanga, F., Myrick, F., & Oosterbroek, T. (2018). "Challenges and opportunities in rural nursing preceptorship: What multimedia participant action reveals." Quality Advancement in Nursing Education, 4(1).

Oosterbroek, T., Yonge, O., Myrick, F. (2017). Rural preceptorship in Canada: An integrative review. Online Journal of Rural Nursing and Health Care, 17(1).

Sedgwick, M.G., Oosterbroek, T., & Ponomar, V. (2014). "It all depends": Undergraduate minority nursing students' experience of belonging during clinical experiences. Nursing Education Perspectives, 35(2), 89-93.

In Press:
Pijl, E., Oosterbroek, T., Motz, T., Mason, E., Hamilton, K. Mode of Usage Preferences: Inhalation vs Injection. For submission, Summer, 2021-

Oosterbroek, T. (2017). Challenges and Opportunities of Rural Nursing Preceptorship:
A Photovoice Perspective. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation.

Oosterbroek, T. (2009). Caring Practices in Problem Based Learning. Unpublished Master's Thesis.

Research Interests

My current research projects focus on factors relevant to nursing education with a special interest in rurality, and trauma informed care including trauma informed interventions and harm reduction from a lens that supports and encourages equity, diversity, ad inclusion (EDI).

Creative Works

Professional Presentations

2018: International Behavioural Trials Network Conference. Addressing cancer risk among Indigenous adults through trauma-informed interventions: A randomized controlled trial. (Currie CL, Copeland JL, Oosterbroek T, Davies C.)

2016: Margaret Scott Wright Day:From Wapiti to Whiteouts: Travel challenges for rural nurses and students. (Yonge, O., Myrick, F., Foley, V., Jackman, D., Luhanga, F., & Oosterbroek, T.)

2015: Olive Yonge Teaching and Learning Scholarship Research Day: Critical questions about tinternational placements in nursing education

2013: IIQM 19th QHR: Comparing the assisted living and traditional long-term care models: The perceptions of facility managers and assisted living champions. (Loewen, P., Carnaghan, C., Oosterbroek, T)

2012: Caring Connections: 33rd International Association for Human Caring Conference: Experiences of caring: Student and faculty perspectives (master's thesis presentation)

2012: WNRCASN: Belonging as a factor that influences clinical learning (poster). Second degree students' sense of belonging (oral: co-author)

In The Media

Getting to know your new Supporting Our Students Co-Chairs

uLethbridge nursing faculty volunteer for front lines
8 May 2020

"Bursary is a way to pay forward":
University of Lethbridge News,02/12/2009

"Thirst for Knowledge Continues for Master's Recipient:
The Lethbridge Herald, 18/10/2009