Townshend, Ivan


Geography and Environment Department

(403) 329-2226
(403) 329-2016

About Me

I was born in Durban, South Africa, and emigrated to Canada in 1977. I worked for about eight years as an electrical engineering technologist with a number of firms in Edmonton and Calgary, before attending the University of Calgary from 1986 to 1996, completing a B.A. in Urban Studies, an M.A. in Resources and Environment, and a Ph.D. in Urban Geography. Part of the PhD degree was spent in residence at the University of Wales, Swansea. I have taught at the University of Lethbridge since 1996. I'm a proud dad of four awesome kids :-).

When not at work, I enjoy riding motorcycles.

Coordinator: Urban and Regional Studies Program, University of Lethbridge
Research Affiliate: Prentice Institute for Global Population and Economy.
Team member: Rural Wildfire Study Group
Team member: Neighbourhood Change Research Partnership.

Research Interests

Urban social structure
Demographic change and cities
Neighbourhood change and typologies
Residential segregation
Geography of well being
Geography of ageing, the Third Age
Rural community
Disasters and social resilience in rural communities
Disasters and mental health