Patitsas, Steve

Associate Professor

Physics and Astronomy

(403) 329-2358

Physics and Astronomy

(403) 329-2358
(403) 329-2358


born Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

B.Sc. Physics, Laurentian University

M.Sc. Physics, University of British Columbia

Ph.D. Physics, University of British Columbia

Research Scientist, National Research Council


Patitsas, SN. 2011. Stability Analysis for Axially-Symmetric Magnetic Field Levitation of a Superconducting Sphere. Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications. 471:12-18.physc2011patitsasmaglevscspherestab.pdf
Liu, W, Horn SA, Maraghechi P, Patitsas SN. 2009. Spectroscopic scanning tunneling microscopy of Cl-Si(111)7x7: Determination of Cl-Si sigma* resonance lineshape.. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B. 27:895.jvstb2009liuhornmaraghechipatitsasclsi111.pdf
Horn, SA, Patitsas SN. 2008. STM Study of Charge Transfer and the Role of Rest-Atoms in the Binding of Benzene to Si(111)7x7. Surface Science. 602:630.surfsci2008patitsasstmbenzsi111.pdf
Maraghechi, P, Horn SA, Patitsas SN. 2007. Site selective atomic chlorine adsorption on the Si(111)7x7 surface. Surface Science Letters. 601:L1-L5.surfscilett2007patitsasstmtcesi111.pdf
Lopinski, GP, Eves BJ, Hul'ko O, Mark C, Patitsas SN, Boukherroub R, Ward TR. 2005. Enhanced conductance of chlorine-terminated Si(111) surfaces: Formation of a two-dimensional hole gas via chemical modification. Physical Review B. 71:125308.prb2005patitsasclsi.pdf
Patitsas, SN, Lopinski GP, Hul'ko O, Moffatt DJ, Wolkow RA. 2000. Current-Induced Organic Molecule-Silicon Bond Breaking: Consequences for Molecular Devices. Surface Science Letters. 457:L425-L431.patitsassurfscilett2000stmbenzenedesnice.pdf
Alavi, S, Rouseau R, Patitsas SN, Lopinski GP, Wolkow RA, Siedeman T. 2000. Inducing Desorption of Organic Molecules with a Scanning Tunneling Microscope: Theory and Experiments. Physical Review Letters. 85:5372-5375.patitsasprl2000benzenetheory.pdf
He, J, Patitsas SN, Preston KF, Wolkow RA, Wayner DDM. 1998. Covalent Bonding of Thiophenes to Si(111) by a Halogenation/Thienylation Route. Chemical Physics Letters. 286:508-514.patitsaschemphyslett1998better.pdf
S.Eisebitt, Patitsas SN, Lüning J, Rubensson J-E, van Buuren T, Tiedje T, Eberhardt W. 1997. Soft X-Ray Fluorescence of Porous Silicon: Electronic Structure of Si Nanostructures. Europhysics Letters. 37:133-138.
S.Eisebitt, Lüning J, Rubensson J-E, van Buuren T, Patitsas SN, Tiedje T, Berger M, Arens-Fischer R, Frohnhoff S, Eberhardt W. 1996. Quantum Confinement Effects in the Soft X-Ray Flourescence Spectra of Porous Silicon Nanostructures. Solid State Communications. 97(7):549-552.
S.Eisebitt, Lüning J, Rubensson J-E, van Buuren T, Patitsas SN, Tiedje T, Berger M, Arens-Fischer R, Fronhoff S, Eberhardt W. 1996. Soft X-Ray Emission of Porous Silicon Nanostructures. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena. 79:135-138.
van Buuren, T, Tiedje T, Patitsas SN, Weydanz W. 1994. Effect of thermal annealing on the conduction- and valence-band quantum shifts in porous silicon. Physical Review B. 50(4):2719-2722.
Pinnington, T, Patitsas SN, Lavoie C, Sanderson A, Tiedje T. 1993. Cross-sectional imaging of doped layers in epitaxial gallium arsenide films by scanning tunneling microscopy. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, B. 11(3):908-911.
Patitsas, SN, Barrie R. 1991. Electron transmission in one-dimensional crystals with interfaces. Canadian Journal of Physics. 69(5):627-634.
Patitsas, SN, Patitsas AJ. 1990. Vibrations in a fluid layer between an elastic or rigid sphere and a concentric rigid or elastic shell. Journal of Fluids and Structures. 4:203-217.

Research Interests

My research group is mainly focused on Ultra High Vacuum (UHV) Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM). With this microscope, we study adsorbates bonded to surfaces as well as the controlled manipulation of atoms and molecules on surfaces.

In the past my reserach activities have included STM studies of semiconductor heterostructures as well as soft X-Ray absorption and fluorescence from novel semiconductor materials.

Recently I have been actively involved in using cantilevers such as used in Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) to test Newtonian dynamics at very low levels of acceleration i.e. near 1e-10 m/s^2.